How to set up a balalaika?

The correct tuning of such a musical instrument as the balalaika is not so difficult. However, many still do not know how to do this. We will talk a little below about the configuration features, the existing methods, and also about the problems that may arise.
Customization features
In order to properly tune the balalaika, you need to know how it works, as well as the main components of it. There are only three of them:
- the first part is frame, resembling a triangle in shape, the front part of which is called the deck, where a special resonator window is located, and the back one consists of separate wooden segments;
- the second part of the balalaika is vulturewhere the frets are located;
- third - head, on which a special tuning mechanism is fixed, which helps with the tuning of this musical instrument.

It is also worth mentioning the landing of a person who will play a musical instrument. It should contribute to the freedom of movement of the player, as well as the stability of the balalaika. It depends on the landing how quickly the playing person adapts to the instrument, as well as the playing process itself.
The ways
There are a lot of ways to tune a musical instrument such as a balalaika. However, the most common of them are only two options - academic and folk.
This method is also sometimes called rustic. This option is distinguished by its special convenience, and the balalaika is tuned by triad. Note that the very first note in it can be absolutely anything.

After tuning the first string by ear, move on to the rest. This process is not very complex.You need to hold down the second string in the third fret, then start to pull it up, then weaken it again, thereby achieving unison with the first string. The next string should be held down at the fourth fret and tuned in accordance with the second. If it is more convenient for you, then you can resort to using a tuner.
This tuning appeared at the end of the 19th century thanks to such a famous musician as Vasily Andreev. It was through his efforts that the balalaika acquired the status of a concert instrument.
So, if you decide to resort to the academic method of tuning, then the first two (that is, the upper) strings must be built in unison on the third note "E". The last, third string must be tuned one fourth higher, that is, according to the penultimate note "A". That's all, your tool is set up and ready to use.
Besides, if the above methods are difficult for you, then you can resort to using the microphone of your smartphone or computer. This is not difficult to do.

Find or download an online tuner. Then the matter is small - starting with the first, play an open string, while constantly checking the accuracy of your tuning by notes or frequencies. Tune all three strings in turn, then check their tuning, but in the opposite order.
Possible problems
It is unlikely that you may have errors in tuning such a musical instrument as the balalaika. This is not difficult to do. However, a common problem is that the instrument is very poor in tuning. This may be due to various factors. But still, you shouldn't worry, they are all solvable.
- First, make sure the strings on the instrument are tight. Otherwise, just pull them up - this is one of the most common reasons why a balalaika can hold poorly in pitch. In this case, assistance from a specialist is not necessary.
- If everything is fine with the strings, then try to re-tune the instrument by not loosening the strings, but pulling them up.
- If everything is in order with this, then pay attention to the serviceability of the tuning pegs and the evenness of the frets.... If the tuning heads are faulty, they should be replaced with new ones. In the case of uneven frets, we recommend that you seek help from the appropriate master.
- It is also worth resorting to outside help in cases where if the neck of your instrument is curved or its soundboard has become unnecessarily curved or concave.

After repairing your instrument, it should again keep tuning for a sufficient amount of time.
For information on how to set up a balalaika, see the video below.