What is a contrabass and how does it sound?

Musical instruments are presented in a wide range. One of the largest strings is the double bass, which has a wide range of applications. Such an instrument is used in symphony orchestras, in jazz and contemporary music. It should be noted that the instrument was created three centuries ago and is still relevant to this day, because it gives a rich and deep sound, with which any composition will become unique. Musicians note the wide technical and stylistic possibilities that this instrument gives. In the article we will give a description of the contrabass, its varieties, give recommendations for tuning, and also tell about the history of its creation.

What it is?
Instruments that belong to the violin group have their own differences, however, the contrabass was never considered standard in its form. Crafted from seasoned woods, this bowed string instrument is designed to resemble a conventional fretboard guitar. In addition to the standard soundboard and sides with neck and arms, it has resonator holes and stands. A distinctive feature of this product is that only thick strings are used in it. They are often made of steel, synthetic materials or catgut, but always braided with copper or silver. The contrabass looks impressive.
To play it, you need a bow, which is presented in different sizes depending on the type.
The German structure is characterized by a certain thickness and short parameters, while the French one is thin and long, therefore it is maneuverable.

Modern performers use different types of bows, however, there are some differences in the technique of application. The French product must be held on top, while the thumb must be under the cane, in contrast to the German one, which is held on the side, and the finger on the base.
As for the dimensions of the double bass, they are different. The height of the largest is 1.8 m, and the smallest is like a cello. It is worth noting that this parameter changes due to the spire, which is used as a support. In the 30s of the twentieth century, electronic double basses were first created, the weight of which was much less, which simplified transportation. However, during this time, the production of a musical instrument has been improved, so today we are presented with an optimal scale unit.

Origin story
It is interesting to get acquainted with the history of the creation of this musical instrument, which began in the Renaissance. It should be noted that the first to appear was the contrabass viola, which became its forerunner. Four centuries ago, animal guts were used to make strings, but pulling them was not easy, so craftsmen invented a device that had gears and tuners. Copper wire wrapping is an innovation. This made the strings thinner, so it was easier for the musicians to grip them, and the bow moved more easily.
Initially, the shape of the contrabass was rather bulky, so it became necessary to make changes to the parameters without losing the low sound. Today, the size of a modern instrument is ¾ of its predecessor. However, the problem of insufficient sound power was not solved, so the craftsmen created a new unit that looked like a violin group.
The creator of the first contrabass instrument was M. Todini, who removed the frets, reduced the number of strings to 4. After that, various craftsmen from Brescia and Cremona made changes to the structure of the structure.

The double bass model has gone through many changes... Initially, it resembled a cello, but over time, the outlines of the body became mixed, as a result, the size of the instrument was finally determined. Modern manufacturers do not change the rules of the master-founders. German creators made units that were called "beer bass", as they often played the instrument during rural holidays in different establishments. The product was set up differently in each country. For example, Italian and English musicians did it in quarters, while French musicians did it in fifths.
The end of the 18th century is significant in that this musical invention began to be actively used by musical troupes throughout Europe. It was then that they began to perform solo on the double bass.

One of the musicians was Beethoven's friend Dragonetti, whose playing technique was called a revolutionary discovery. The conductor and composer of Italy D. Bottezini was also considered a virtuoso. It was he who discovered new performance techniques and raised the level of playing.
Perhaps the contrabass is one of the few instruments that has undergone a serious evolution. In the last century, 4- and 5th-string products began to be made, and they quickly supplanted previous instruments due to their comfortable design. An interesting fact is that a five-string double bass is required to perform Wagner's works, but instruments with 4 strings are suitable for jazz, their shape is similar to a cello.
Solo works are played on pear-shaped units.

Despite the fact that the width of the contrabass differs significantly from the parameters of other stringed instruments, many people mistakenly believe that its sound should be rough and loud. To debunk these rumors, it should be noted that the timbre of the product is very beautiful, it has a specific and unique coloring. When describing the sound, you can use such epithets as rich, soft, thick, velvety, in some works it can resemble a voice. Of the entire group of strings that are used in a symphony orchestra, the double bass produces the lowest sound - it creates a certain foundation for the entire piece.
The range of a musical instrument extends to 4 octaves, no more, however, a real virtuoso can extract even high sounds from him, it all depends on the skill.

It should be noted that music for double bass is recorded in both bass and treble clef, but the former is more practical to read. According to the notes, the musician should play an octave lower, this is his uniqueness.
It should be noted that it is rather difficult to use such a tool due to its size. The musician's hands should be large, and the fingers should be well stretched. Often there is a great distance between the positions, so fast passages with jumps are not available to everyone. However, real virtuosos are able to squeeze everything out of this instrument, performing the famous "Flight of the Bumblebee" or the works of N. Paganini, which are distinguished by a fast tempo.

Species overview
Any musical instrument is divided into several varieties, the contrabass is no exception. A bowed-plucked instrument that combines the characteristics of an acoustic double bass and electronic means is called an electric contrabass. It has a classic sound, but it uses innovative modern technologies, thanks to which it can be used even in recording studios. A pickup is installed on the instrument, which transfers the vibration of the strings and body.
A distinctive feature of this unit is its size, which is several times smaller than the classic one. Thanks to electronic gadgets, you can get sound effects, bringing something new to the performance. As for the scale of the electric contrabass, it is different depending on the models. Some products have 42 inches, which is equal to 106 centimeters, which are similar to acoustic instruments, while others have parameters as small as 76 centimeters, reminiscent of a cello or bass guitar.

The master double bass is a unique instrument, on the creation of which real professionals work... In this case, the personal requirements and wishes of the musician can be taken into account. The specialist carefully selects the material for the deck and neck, as well as fittings and all components to create a unique unit. This type of instrument is much more expensive than standard, so it is chosen by virtuosos and world-renowned musicians.
And also on the market you can find a semi-acoustic double bass, which is equipped with electronics, while being similar to a classical instrument.

Application and repertoire
Double bass is included to the group of obligatory instruments for chamber and symphony orchestras, without it, the work cannot be complete. The reason for the creation was the need to double the bass parts, which are performed by cellos. Thanks to the contrabass, a harmonious and clear foundation is created, the sound becomes richer and more rhythmic. Initially, there was only one such instrument in orchestras, but today world groups use up to 8 bowed strings.
Needless to say, the double bass began to be actively used in military orchestras, it is relevant in any genre, be it blues, country, jazz, rock and roll or even tango, not to mention popular music. Concerts of many cult groups are not complete without an orchestra, in which a double bass is always present.

The instrument is in great demand in groups with a jazz direction, they usually have a small composition, so the musician is provided with a solo to demonstrate a harmonious bass.
Today, many styles have appeared in the world of music - soul, funk, fusion, for its performance a special technique is required, which only double bass players can provide.
The first performer D. Dragonetti, who presented the world with a solo part at the end of the 18th century, was able to reveal the possibilities of this instrument with virtuoso skill. After him, such composers as A. Mishek, P. Bottezini, V. Volkov, E. Meyer and many others began to do this. Today you can find a rich repertoire for this musical instrument, which was used in their works by N. Kapustin, V. Bruns, K. Dittersdorf, I. Haydn.

For each musical instrument, manufacturers release a rich set of various components and accessories that fulfill their task... For example, you can find a double bass case or case for safe storage and successful transport. Inside there may be a separate pocket for notes and accessories, such as strings. And also an integral part of any string and plucked instrument is a holder and a wooden stand, which no musician can do without. Thanks to these accessories, playing the double bass is as comfortable and pleasant as possible, and some provide a long service life of the product.

How to play?
Before you start playing any stringed instrument, you need to tune it.
In order for the contrabass to sound the way you want it to and blend in harmoniously with the other instruments in the orchestra, tuning is necessary. Many people use a dedicated tuner - this is a simple, but at the same time powerful device, with the help of which you can listen to the real sound of the strings separately and polish it correctly. The chromatic device has several different timbres and is equipped with buttons that characterize the strings of the instrument. With such a device, you can simplify tuning without letting go of the double bass.
Many musicians have perfect hearing, so they can tune without auxiliary instruments, but this is not available to everyone.

Hand position
The location of the fingers and hands plays an important role, so if you are getting started with the instrument, the first thing to do is to learn about it. So, the index finger of the left hand in this case will be the first, respectively, the middle - the second, and so on. Only three fingers are used to play, because we are talking about the fourth tuning.
Position is fingering where the fingers line up at a specific pitch.... Each string has its own number of positions, usually 7, but there may be more. With pressure, the length of the vibrating part of the string becomes shorter, so the frequency rises, which results in a high sound.

The orchestral fretboard uses 1-4 positions (the first, second and fourth fingers), in the wider ones, the third finger is also involved, the extreme ones cover the minor third. Strings that are not clamped are called open strings, so they are denoted by zero in the fingering.
You can learn to play the double bass on your own, but this will take much more time and effort.
Therefore, it is better to contact a qualified specialist with rich experience, sign up for lessons and undergo high-quality training, which will lead to excellent results.

As for the position of the right hand, she holds the bow. This can be done in two ways, which were mentioned above. The German system involves holding the device from the side, since the shoe is wider, the thumb must be placed on the cane. But the French method has a difference in the placement of the bow on top, resembling the grip of a cello, respectively, the thumb is located under the cane.
You can lead the bow in different ways, it all depends on the genre of the piece, here it is important to take into account the character, timbre of sound, strength and phrasing.Often, while playing, musicians touch the strings with their fingers, this is called pizzicato, which is important for solo parts.

Game techniques
The classical type double bass has a large body, therefore the position of the bow can hardly be called convenient. It follows that it takes effort to play. Some musicians use special stands, someone sits on a chair and puts the instrument in front, someone likes to play standing more - each musician has his own zest in his performance.
During tango music, it is necessary to alternate bowing and pizzicato reception, but for jazz, blues pieces, an exceptionally virtuoso string pluck is suitable.
As for the strokes that are used in playing the double bass, there are quite a few of them, these include legato, staccato, ricochet, spiccato, portamento and all kinds of techniques familiar to any musician.

Interesting Facts
And some more interesting and informative information about this string-and-plucked musical instrument and how it surprised many. Most double bass players can play an electronic type bass guitar, which is also equipped with four strings, without any problems. This musical instrument has gained immense popularity among groups in the middle of the last century.
The famous performer B. Jones was smart during his performance in 1911 when his bow broke. This did not bother the musician, and he continued to perform his part with his fingers, it was then that the unique sound of pizzicato was first discovered.

At the beginning of 1600, a Polish musician performed in one of the German cities, whose double bass was 4 meters high, so it was called octobass. "Goliath" is one of the oldest instruments that has survived to our time, and today you can see it in the Museum in London. Its height is more than 2.5 meters, and its width is slightly more than a meter. Its shape resembles viola da gamba, but the sides are slightly larger.
Some octobasses cannot be played alone, so it takes two for one person to hold down the strings and the other to use the bow.

At one of the exhibitions in Paris, a three-stringed octobass was demonstrated, which was made by a French master in 1855. This exhibit can be seen in the conservatory museum. This is, indeed, a gigantic specimen 4 meters high, control is carried out using a lever-pedal system. Of course, there is no need to talk about the practicality of the tool, so it is a prime example of the original unit. But this is not the only huge double bass in the world, in fact record parameters reach 5.55 m in height and 2.13 m in width.

It is logical that due to the large size of even an ordinary double bass, only adults can learn to play, but today there are instruments that are suitable for seven-year-old musicians. During Prohibition in the States, aluminum was used to make double basses, such instruments were used by military bands.
The largest event, in which about 90 double bass players took part, was a concert organized in Seoul 9 years ago. The musicians performed a symphony, in which the parts for cellists and violinists were prescribed, but they were played on the double bass.

For bands that often go on tour, manufacturers offer devices in a compact size, equipped with a removable neck. At the same time, the sound quality of the product does not change in any way, and for transportation it is quite convenient.
The cost of the most expensive double bass reaches almost 25 thousand dollars, since it is made of seasoned wood.
Now you know much more about double basses, their characteristics, history of creation and varieties. It is an amazing musical instrument with a unique sound that excites the spirit. Together with other members of the symphony orchestra, performers can bring amazing music to the world.