Musical instrument maracas

Maracas are one of the most ancient noise musical instruments. It first appeared among the Indians who inhabited the Antilles, but today it is popular all over the world. This is a kind of rattle noisemaker, which, when shaken, makes a rustling sound.

What it is?
Maracas are considered a true symbol of Latin music. This instrument looks like a normal rattle. Its history goes back several centuries, during which their design has remained practically unchanged.

The design of maracas includes three main blocks.
- Frame - can have an oval or rounded configuration, most often it is brightly colored. It is made from wood, leather, flexible rods, pumpkin, gorlyanuts and coconut. Nowadays, more technologically advanced materials are used to create maracas: acrylic, glass fiber, as well as plastic and steel.
- Filler - located inside the case. These can be dried beans, small pebbles, beads, pellets, and other small components.
- Lever - made of plastic or wood. Most often it is unscrewed. It is important that the performer can, if necessary, increase the amount of filler and, conversely, pour out the excess. In this way, you can change the sound of the melody.

History of appearance
Maracas have a long history. It is known that people used percussion and noise instruments as early as the Stone Age. It is possible that among them were ancient prototypes of modern maracas and other rattles. It is not possible to say for certain exactly where this instrument was created.The researchers put forward two theories. According to one of them, the instrument was invented by the Arawak people who inhabited the region of Cuba, Bahamas, Jamaica, and also Puerto Rico. According to another version, the motherland of maracas was the African continent, from where they were brought to Cuba during the period of colonial conquests.
Most scientists are inclined towards the first option. There are chronicle sources confirming that the instrument was used in Mexico as early as the 15th century. Thus, he led a parallel existence with his African counterpart.

There is a version that the first maracas were created by nature, and not at all invented by man. The fruits of the iguero (as the aborigines of Cuba called the gourd tree) under the influence of the scorching sun dried up so much that the seeds of the plant began to separate from the soft tissues. They swayed in the wind, the seeds beat against the walls of the walnut and made a kind of noise. The Indians liked this sound, and they deliberately began to make such unusual rattles, using any round fruits for this. To do this, they drilled a small hole in the body, cleaned out all the pulp, carefully dried the nuts and poured large seeds or tiny pebbles inside. At the same time, the amount of filler in different instruments varied - this provided the maracas with a unique sound. At the final stage, a handle was attached to an unusual rattle, for this they used dried tree branches.

Today, the fruits of iguero are used to create an instrument only in his homeland. In other countries, coconuts, wicker rods and pumpkin have become widespread. On an industrial scale, maracas are made from plastic.
Initially, rattles were used for rituals. Nowadays, they are firmly included in the list of basic musical instruments and are in demand in a variety of stylistic directions. In ensembles performing melodies in the Latin style, you can find a variety of instruments. However, the main singer certainly plays a couple of maracas.

Maracas are widespread not only in Latin America, but also in all European countries. They are popular with people of all ages - both kids and adult music lovers. This is the best evidence that such a simple instrument has an amazing sound that can cheer you up and bring a lot of positive emotions.

How do they sound?
The sound of maracas can be defined as rustling and rustling. It is used as a background melody when performing all kinds of musical compositions. The sound is formed at the moment of shaking, when the granular filler beats against the dense walls of the hollow body.
Most often, maracas are used in pairs, while the sounds of these instruments are slightly different from each other. Usually the performer holds the rattles in two hands, although the professionals play with one hand on a pair of "noisemakers" at once.
At first glance, it may seem that playing the marakas is not at all difficult. But this is not at all the case. A musician needs to have an exceptional sense of rhythm and master special techniques - doubles, staccato, as well as swing and rudiments - to perfection. In addition, professionals distinguish different styles of playing maracas - Caribbean, Cuban, Mexican and others.

Maracas are extremely popular all over the world. This is one of the most requested tools. Not a single Latin American style can do without the sound of these spherical "noisemakers" - mambo, cha-cha-cha, salsa, samba, merengue, as well as horopo and bossa nova. They enrich not only Latin American motives with their unique melody, they are widely used by jazz and pop performers, as well as pop groups.

Maracas found a place even in symphonic works.It is known that such eminent musicians as Sergei Prokofiev, as well as Leonard Bernstein and Edgar Vares, introduced their melody into their creations. It is also necessary to outline the important role of maracas in early aesthetic education and the formation of the musical culture of young children.
By the way, maracas can be used not just as a background instrument providing specific melodic accompaniment, but also as an entertaining toy for a child.

Mothers have long noticed that the sound made by processed iguero nuts can captivate and calm even very active and restless kids.
What can be made of?
Now that we have figured out what maracas are, we can conduct a bold experiment and try to build them yourself. Here are several ways to create maracas with your own hands.

From bottles
To create maracas, you will need a plastic bottle and any fillings - beads, peas, or coins. Even a small child can make such a tool.
First you need to decorate the bottle with any interesting decor. For example, you can paint the surface with gouache or acrylic paints mixed with PVA glue in a 1 to 1 ratio; alternatively, you can take permanent markers. After that, all that remains is to fill the bottle with filler and secure the cap tightly.

During the manufacturing process, be sure to experiment with the amount of filler. So, a unique sound is given by the combination of coins and peas with small bells. Try using a combination of them in different proportions to get a pleasant listening experience. To thunder such maracas, you just need to take them by the neck and shake them - this activity will definitely captivate the little musician.

Of the kinders
At home, you can make maracas from a kinder. To do this, you need to open a plastic egg and pour rice, beads or cereals inside. After that, it remains only to fix the plastic spoons on the sides with electrical tape. You can glue it with an ordinary straight line so that the egg is visually divided into two halves, or you can glue the entire tool along with spoons.

The most important thing is to keep the improvised handles even and firmly.
After that, using markers or paints, you can decorate the surface of the maracas. Rattles sprinkled with beads or glitter look very impressive. In order to consolidate a new skill, let your baby make another maraca on his own. The instruments are ready - now you can safely arrange a home concert.

From coconut
The closest to the classic instrument are maracas made from coconut. The technique of their manufacture is almost the same as the version with kinder eggs, the only difference is in the finish.
For work, you will need the coconut itself, as well as beads, seed beads, peas, dried corn or some other filler. To give the instrument an aesthetic decor, you need to prepare:
- hacksaw;
- emery;
- acrylic enamel;
- rope;
- beads, glitter;
- wood glue.

To create a tool step by step, you need to follow these steps:
- using a saw, carefully separate the top of the coconut (in the place where the holes are located);
- the pulp is scraped out and the hard surface is treated with emery;
- a filler is poured into the nut, a braid or rope is pulled into the holes on the lid;
- both parts of the maracas are connected with superglue;
- the surface of the rattle is treated with sandpaper.

That's all - all that remains is to decorate the instrument with any decorative elements.
If you want to attach a handle to your maracas, you need to cut a small hole in the lid. Its diameter should correspond to the parameters of the section of the wooden stick. Attach the structure with glue.

Don't forget to pair your instrument. Let the craft dry and you can feel free to start fun dancing games.
How to play?
For an ordinary person far from the world of professional music, it may seem surprising that playing maracas is quite difficult. From the outside it seems that you just need to energetically shake the instrument in your hands to the beat of the music. But in practice, you need to know and understand exactly how the filler hits the walls of the case - without this, you will not be able to pause the sound in time.
Several different musical rhythms stand out, which involve special movements of the right and left hand. For example, to set the basic rhythm, you need to shake the maraca twice right-up, down, and then left. Shaking correctly should be accompanied by a kickback at the wrist, similar to a whip blow.

Specialists in playing maracas know that the key to the melodic sound of an instrument will be the subtlety and sensitivity of the performer, and this must be learned.
Interesting Facts
Few people know, but the use of the word "maracas", which is accepted in Russian to refer to this Latin American musical instrument, is not entirely correct. The correct forms are maraka (singular) and maraki (plural). This word was borrowed from the dialect of the Tupi Guarani Indian tribe who lived in South America. This confusion is associated with the peculiarities of the Spanish pronunciation - there the word form maracas is considered plural from the name maraca.

And in conclusion, here are some interesting facts about maracas.
- Marakas were originally used by shamans to perform rituals. The Indians believed that this tool has supernatural power and helps to obtain protection from the forces of nature, which they fervently worshiped.
- The first maraki in Russia appeared at the beginning of the last century. They were brought from France by Sergei Prokofiev. In 1935 he introduced them into his 1935 classic Romeo and Juliet.
- Famous American composer Leonard Bernstein used maracas instead of drumsticks in his famous symphony "Jeremiah". Thus, he managed to achieve a truly unique effect.
- Latin Percussion (USA) is recognized as one of the coolest maracas manufacturing companies today. It was opened in New York back in 1963.
- In Latin America maracas have become the most popular and best-selling souvenir for tourists.

For information on how to make maracas with your own hands, see the next video.