Differences between double bass and cello

If we consider stringed bowed instruments, then these include the double bass, cello, viola and violin. They have differences and common characteristics. In this article, we will consider the difference between a double bass and a cello, let's pay attention to the main differences.

Sound difference
Among the stringed instruments, the violin is the most popular, but other representatives deserve special attention. The most beautiful and pleasant sounding is the cello, since it has a wide tonal range. She is quite famous among avant-garde and classical musicians.
The double bass is considered the largest in size and produces the lowest sound among bowed string instruments.

The contrabass has a rather low timbre. Its sound is characterized by richness and density. Quite often it is played in an ensemble or orchestra. Solo numbers, however, are not intended for double bass. It is used to create the basic sound, which is very important in an orchestra.

If we talk about the cello, then its timbre is higher than that of the double bass. But it cannot compare to the sound of a violin. The cello sounds great in the orchestra, ensemble, and also solo. Its sound is distinguished by melodiousness and juiciness. If we consider the lower registers, then the sound becomes muffled. It is ideal for playing sad pieces, as it perfectly conveys a sad mood. Some musicians note that this instrument has a human voice.

If we talk about the range of sound, it should be noted that the cello has from to a large octave to a fourth octave. For this reason, notes for her are recorded in the treble, bass and alto clefs. The upper register is a little muted, but the overall sound is quite "juicy".

The cello has the following registers:
- upper - chest, open and light;
- medium - thick and melodious;
- the lower one is dense, thick and full.
Important! Quite often, the sound of a cello is compared to a human voice.

And here the range of sounding of the contrabass includes from the E of the controctave to the G of the 1st octave. The low sound is quite simple and easy to recognize among the sounds of other bowed instruments. Playing solo for double bass is almost unrealistic, but some musicians have learned to play the first part superbly.

What is the difference in appearance?
Both the cello and the double bass are stringed instruments, but they have significant differences in appearance. If we evaluate this criterion, then the main thing is that the double bass is larger than the cello. It reaches a height of two meters, has a long neck. It usually has 4 strings, although 3 or 5 strings are possible, but these are more rare.

It is necessary to take a closer look at the shape of the case, since there are also differences here. The contrabass has a more sloping upper bend when compared to the cello. You need to take a closer look at what the stand looks like - the element that lifts the strings above the top deck. For a cello, it is thinner and smaller, because it is designed to hold thin strings. A powerful stand is needed for a double bass, because it has thick and rather long strings.

Due to its large size, the contrabass is mainly played in a standing position. In addition, you should hold the bow in a special way so that it is convenient to play, while the palm is turned outward. Since the cello is smaller, it can be played in a seated position. The bow is held so that the palm is turned towards the instrument.

The cello has a standard 4/4 size. With such parameters, a musical instrument is used for playing in string, chamber and symphony orchestras. Cellos of other sizes can be used, though. It should be approached individually to the choice of dimensions. For people of short stature and children, the following options are possible: 1/16, 1/10, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 7/8. The smaller cellos sound the same as the standard. They were created specifically for convenience during the game.
Usually this musical instrument is tuned in fifths.

Cellos of large sizes, which exceed the standard dimensions, are very rarely on sale. These options are designed for tall people with long arms. But, of course, they are quite difficult to find. Usually they are made to order.

The average weight of a cello is only 3-4 kg. Of course, the contrabass has more weight, because it has larger dimensions. The largest version is 2.13 m wide and 5.55 m high. Usually, the double bass is not learned from primary school age, because because of its size it is a rather problematic activity. Although small double basses have already appeared, so that children of 6-7 years old can already learn to play them. The average height is 1.8 meters, and the smallest version is slightly larger than the cello. If necessary, the height of the tool can be changed using the spire on which the support takes place.

Other differences
Although double bass and cello have a lot in common, and to people who understand little about music, they seem almost identical, they have quite a lot of differences. The main ones have been listed above, but they do not end there. The technique of playing stringed instruments should also be noted. Usually a bow is used to create sound. So, for playing the cello he is used exclusively. In this case, the double bass is more flexible, because on it you can create sounds not only with a bow, but also with the help of your fingers.

As is known, the contrabass is used mainly in symphony orchestras, while the group is responsible for the bass foundation. Sometimes the double bass is found in chamber ensembles. It fits perfectly into the jazz style. If we consider rockabilly, then quite often a double bass comes to replace a bass guitar, while striking the strings with a thumb. If you want to distinguish between a double bass and a cello based on external features, then the main thing is that the first is above the average person, and the second is below.

For playing the double bass, a variety of techniques and strokes can be used, which are also used for playing the violin. Of course, the large size of the contrabass introduces certain limitations. For example, it is quite difficult to play scales or races on it, but the pizzicato sounds perfect. The slap technique is suitable for playing in the rockabilly or psychobilly style. In this case, use a bow or fingers.

Cello playing, namely the technique and application of strokes, is very similar to that of the violin. Since the dimensions of the cello are larger than those of the violin, it is more difficult to play it. Among the most popular techniques are pizzicato and harmonic. The cello is usually played in a seated position with a bow.

If you want to learn how to play the cello or double bass, you need to take into account first of all personal preferences, as well as the styles of music that appeal to you more. You can ask a teacher for help, listen to how each musical instrument sounds. Of course, it will be more convenient for a child to learn to play the cello due to its smaller dimensions than the double bass. But each instrument is unusual, so the contrabass may become closer to someone. The principle of playing bowed musical instruments is approximately the same.
A good teacher will be able to show the features and nuances of the game on each of them.

The cello and double bass are not as popular as the violin among bowed musical instruments. But each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. It is important to understand the difference in appearance and sound, then it will be easy to determine what is in front of you. Just a few criteria will allow you to accurately recognize the cello and double bass.