Saratov accordion: history and description

The accordion has long been considered the most Russian instrument. She brought joy and enthusiasm to the ordinary and sometimes difficult way of ordinary working people. Merry ditties and chanting motives were the best rest for the soul. And now Saratov residents are striving to save the life of their favorite instrument. A monument was erected in the city, a museum was opened and the production of accordions with bells was resumed.

Like many original instruments, the Saratov accordion does not have an exact date for the beginning of its history. But documents about the first mention of it have been preserved. In the newspaper of 1866 there was a note about a ship that sailed past the city of Volsk. The passengers on board the ship asked to swim closer to the shore to enjoy the incredible sound of this instrument.

Around the end of the 50s-60s of the 19th century, the Karelin brothers changed the appearance of the accordion produced by Tula craftsmen. Official production began by N.G. Karelin in 1889. The master initially made all the instruments to order: for soldiers, artists, innkeepers and innkeepers.
First of all, attention was paid to the quality of the instrument. The base is made according to the type of the Russian "seven-valve". The voice plates are copper and the tongues are steel. The valves were added, there were not 7, but 10, later - 12. The harmony became square and when the key was clamped it made one sound, and when it was unclenched - another.
By the 80s of the XIX century, the production of the instrument increased, and now new masters of the Saratov province appeared. The body of the accordion was made of linden. Decorations could be made of various types of wood or with metal inserts. Furs were made of cardboard, satin and silk. Not a single holiday or wedding could do without a perky instrument.The accordion was loved by all the peoples inhabiting Russia. Even in the farthest corners: in the Far East, Siberia and the south of our homeland, funny songs and ditties sounded to the accompaniment of a Saratov accordion.

For several decades, the instrument has become known even abroad. There are records of the production of bells and accordions in the USA.
During the Soviet era, the official production was closed. Representatives of the proletariat called the accordion a tool for hooligans and bandits. But thanks to N.V. Lunacharsky, the instrument returned its former glory and honor. Since 1929, the production of accordion has become not handicraft, but industrial.
The first concert performance abroad to the accompaniment of an accordion and bells took place in 1959 in the capital of the Czech Republic. In the 60s-80s of the XX century, the instrument was actively exported for sale abroad. The accordion was exhibited in shop windows in Poland, Germany and other European countries.

Thanks to true amateurs and admirers, the instrument is still alive and pleases with its sonorous rolling tunes. In 2014, the accordion represented the region at the XII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. In 2015 she received the title of the main souvenir of the Saratov region.
In the late 90s of the XX century, due to financial problems, the production of the tool was stopped for as much as 5 years. The technology and manufacturing secrets were endangered.

In 2010, an optional group was introduced at the Polytechnic University on the production and technique of making an accordion. And already in 2011, college students managed to make the first harmonica. In 2013, under the leadership of Lipatov, director of the Liser factory, the production of accordions resumed.
Now the issue of mass production of the Saratov accordion for souvenir and gift products is being actively discussed - a kind of symbol of the open Russian soul and the Saratov region.

At the Saratov College named after Gagarin in 2013, the first non-state museum of the Saratov accordion was opened. The exposition reveals the history of the creation of the instrument. The museum displays a unique collection of photographs of the first masters and famous citizens of Russia who played or danced to the melodies of the famous accordion.

Among the exhibits are books about the history of the instrument, vinyl records with recordings of melodies and, of course, Saratov accordions with bells. In the museum you can listen to rare concerts and touch rare specimens. The visit is available to everyone.

Not far from the Pioner cinema in the very center of Saratov, a monument dedicated to the beloved folk accordion was unveiled. The monument was erected in 2009. Its author is the famous Saratov sculptor Vladimir Palmin.

The monument represents an accordion player sitting on a bench. At specially set hours, melodies recorded by a local folk group are played here, and thus the memory and traditions of the Russian people on the Saratov land are preserved.

Playing the harmonica
If you hear the incredible sound of the Saratov harmonica at least once, it is already impossible to forget it. The sonorous rolling timbre attracts attention, forcing the legs to start dancing.
Bells have always been a distinctive feature of the instrument, which rang when the top left buttons were pressed. There is a special valve on the left for silent air release. The accordion sounds in different keys in the major scale. Tune the accordion on tap.
In order to master the basics of playing the accordion, you will have to try to find printed publications and tutorials. Unfortunately, there are very few of them now, and not all stores have them.

The collection "The Saratov accordion sounds" is considered one of the few books with notes for playing the accordion. Published by the Kompozitor Publishing House under the guidance of Alevtina Mikhailova, Associate Professor of the Folk Music Department.
A collection of musical texts by the author Nakhov "A self-instruction manual for playing the Saratov harmonica". Good for learning, but not available everywhere.

Rare editions and limited production of the instrument do not prevent true amateurs and true accordionists from choosing folk motives and keeping in people's memory the legendary Saratov accordion with bells.