What is a ukulele and how to choose an instrument?

Many people will be very interested in learning what a ukulele is, how to choose an instrument in general, and what small guitar should be chosen for beginner musicians. Noteworthy are the various covers for the stringed plucked musical instrument, the location of the ukulele strings and the choice of strap for it. It is also worth learning how to play this instrument, who was a famous performer, how the main melodies sound.

The name ukulele is perceived as something enchanting and sublime, filled with romance. However, if we turn to the dictionary description, the situation changes dramatically. Literally translated from Hawaiian, this word means "jumping flea", which is much less romantic. The small ukulele belongs to the category of stringed plucked musical instruments equipped with 4 strings. The term "guitar" is not accidental at all - it was chosen for the characteristic look of the most familiar ukulele body.
But sometimes in its appearance the instrument is associated with “pineapple”. The choice between such a structure and a classic form depends primarily on your own taste. Partial or full string pairing is sometimes practiced. They can sound both in unison and in an octave. However, it cannot be said that the structure of the ukulele reproduces the structure of guitars or other stringed instruments.
The body of the Hawaiian unique is made strictly from wood.

It has a pronounced internal cavity. The socket hole is located directly under the strings. The ukulele neck is elongated.It is also made of wood. The upper plane of this part of the tool is necessarily flattened; it is usually called an overlay.
Frets are usually referred to as sections of the lining. Metal sills are placed between them. Everything is thought out in such a way that at each fret a specific string will emit a specific note. The section where the tuning pegs are set according to the scheme is called the head. Most often, the ukulele instrument is made with four strings, but there are also six-string versions.

In the photo you can see how the finished instrument looks like. The arrangement of the strings in order (in thickness) usually goes in the sequence:
- salt;
- before;
- mi;
- la.

In some cases, the structure is used:
- re;
- salt;
- mi;
- si.

The widespread idea of the birthplace of the mini-guitar is deliberately wrong. Experts have long found out that she is not of Pacific, but rather of Portuguese origin. There is no information about the exact “route” that this instrument had to take. When it appeared, it is also impossible to say for sure, but it is believed that it happened in the mid-1880s. It is assumed that the ukulele is a logical development of the five-string Portuguese "braginha", which spread along with labor migrants.

Who personally was "the same" inventor remains unknown. There are only different mentions of individual names, which do little to clarify the essence of the matter. The ukulele did not immediately find its way to the hearts of Hawaiians. Everything changed after the instrument was included in the royal orchestra - then all the holidays were accompanied, and even more so today they are accompanied, with a characteristic sound. The common name "jumping flea" is usually associated with specific finger movements: in order to play, you have to make random jumps.
Probably, the ukulele would have remained an attribute of exotic islands, if not for the performance of the "Royal Hawaiian Quartet" in 1915 in San Francisco. From that moment on, the instrument began its triumphant march across countries and continents. It was quickly appreciated by both filmmakers and musicians. Already in 1916, the fascination with the unusual novelty became so great that the authors of satirical films drew attention to it.
In the 1950s, plastic ukuleles came to the fore, but they have long been abandoned.

Sound features
The characteristic feature of the instrument is not only its expressive appearance. The timbre is also characterized by cheerfulness and positive notes. The range is limited to only a couple of octaves. Musicians can take advantage of a wide range of sound-making techniques borrowed from the practice of guitarists. The default is 12 frets; theoretically there are 17 of them, and sometimes more, but it is very difficult to use all this wealth.

Species overview
The length of this type of four-string guitar averages 550mm. It is important that all dimensions in the descriptions are approximate and may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. You can wear a soprano almost without restrictions, even on foot. The shortened neck does not allow you to make a scale that would give a good and clear sound at 13-17 frets; basically just play chords. The small distance between the strings and frets creates inconvenience for people with large hands; on the other hand, clamping chords is simplified, and it becomes possible, when stretching the fingers, to reach 8-9 frets at once.

This instrument is readily used by both very experienced and novice musicians. The average product size is 584 mm. Compared to soprano, the sound is livelier and warmer. You can take the concert version even for people with the largest fingers. True, the purchase price will obviously be higher than in the soprano version.

This subtype differs in both standard and "understated" tuning. The final decision is made by the developers of a particular version. The tenor concept appeared only in the 1920s, but immediately gained widespread popularity. Musicologists note the pronounced massiveness of the bass and the impressive sound. The total length of the tenor ukulele reaches 660 mm.

This is the "youngest" ukulele format, only introduced in the 1940s. With a total length of 740 mm, its scale is considered to be 430 mm. Musicians appreciate this instrument for its pleasant velvety sound. Sometimes baritone ukuleles can have more than 18 frets.
The sound is always deep and rich - of course, if a decent specimen is chosen.

Popular models
Whichever type of ukulele you have to choose, it is hardly worth giving preference to the cheapest samples. It is with them that a large number of problems are associated, and often the inability to play as it should be. Even for initial training, it makes no sense to choose models cheaper than 3000 rubles. And it's even better if you raise the bar by an additional 500-1000 rubles at least. Quite affordable and solid entry-level modifications are offered by many manufacturers from the PRC, but they must be bought in general online stores, and not directly from manufacturers.

It is also hardly worth buying the most expensive brands. In most cases, their price is related to the overpayment for the name, and not to the convenience of the game or additional features. Baton Rouge ukuleles are very actively sold. This German brand moved production to China. Maple wood is the main construction material.
These products are considered an excellent choice for aspiring musicians. In the responses of experienced people, there are references to ringing and clanging impurities. But these are largely subjective assessments. Affordable price testifies in favor of such products. They are also suitable for people who choose a tool for personal needs.

Flight is also included in the list of good manufacturing companies. The brand entered the market in the 1980s. Flight models are created in close collaboration with experienced musicians and educators. They are not always suitable for a professional game. However, in terms of reliability, such a tool stands out favorably in the world market.

A relatively young (only 13 years old) company from the USA, Kala has already managed to enter the top of the best ukulele manufacturers. Its range includes both low-budget and exclusive versions. The most affordable options are made of plastic. It is not necessary to count on expressive sound, however, these instruments will be fine for beginners. There are also modifications with an elite visual design.

Also noteworthy is the tool from:
- Mahalo;
- Lanikai;
- Luna;
- Kamaka.

For soprano lovers, it makes sense to choose Veston kus 25 maya. The basic characteristics of this instrument are quite sufficient even for sophisticated connoisseurs. The sound will not leave indifferent even the most skeptical people. Soft nylon strings are good for long, tiring playing.
The product weighs a little, but there are no replaceable strings in its set.

The SAGITAR ST601 is an excellent option for a strict design ukulele. You are not ashamed to take such a model with you to a concert or other gala performance. Experts note the purity and grace of the sound. The body of this ukulele is relatively sturdy. But for young artists, it is hardly suitable.

The Enya euc-20 has also been optimized for live use. Part of the instrument was made of elite sapele wood. Its use guarantees high resistance to moisture and other adverse factors. This ukulele model therefore lasts quite a long time. True, for novice musicians playing it may be too tough.

It is quite appropriate to complete the rating on Xiaomi Mi Populele 2 LED USB Smart Ukulele Black. A non-standard musical instrument "is at the peak of progress." The phone application is controlled via the Bluetooth module. Illumination is provided. However, not everyone will like the plastic case, and the price for this kind of ukulele will not be so small.

Optional accessories
Of course, you need a case to store and carry your ukulele. A special strap and clip will allow you to hold the instrument in the most comfortable way when playing. Holders and stands will also not be superfluous. But the list of necessary equipment that all ukuleleists should use does not end there.

Additionally, you may need a capo. It makes it much easier to play in different keys. It is better if they master this technique from the very beginning. Experts advise to choose not elastic, but a lever capo. And also worth buying:
- pickup;
- humidifier;
- tuner.

What tool should a beginner choose?
Even for a beginner, choosing the right ukulele is easier than it seems. First of all, you need to figure out what size tool is needed. In most cases, inexperienced ukulelers play the compact soprano. As you gain experience, you can already make a more informed choice - whether to continue using the soprano, or prefer a product with increased volume. As for manufacturers, all large firms can offer good models. - and none is immune from failure, so you need to choose a copy, not a brand.

It is great if the kit comes with a wide range of accessories. This moment is especially significant when choosing a gift. It implies that the gifted does not have to search for tediously suitable supplements. The wood of the body can be of any kind, depending on the taste of the musicians, and the sound must be checked additionally.
It is also worth assessing the condition of all parts of the instrument.

How to play?
Naturally, the first step will be to study the theoretical foundations of playing and fingering the ukulele. Both are somewhat unusual even for sophisticated guitarists or violinists, so you will have to master the instrument practically from scratch. The ukulele can be tuned to a typical guitar tuning. In this mode, the notes E, B, G, and D are played sequentially. As with other strings, a compulsory stage of learning is the consistent mastering of chords, and then scales.

Playing with a pinch and fingers, that is, busting and fighting, must be combined. Any good ukulele player should be ready to switch between them instantly. Great trick - busting with 3 fingers, like on a classical guitar. Replaying the fight, you need to strike the strings with moderately strong, calm strokes. Fight and chords must be tried and practiced in all sorts of combinations to make the sound more pleasant.

- immediately after practicing chords and fighting, you can move on to more complex techniques;
- tune the instrument separately before each game;
- tighten the strings more often as they wear out;
- adjust the tuners according to the unique patterns recorded in the memory of the tuners;
- hold the ukulele in the same sitting and standing position;
- when certain techniques have been worked out, you can improve their mastery by changing the pace;
- fix rhythm problems with a metronome;
- master songs by tablature, and not by ear;
- exercise for at least 20 minutes daily;
- avoid playing with a simple pick that wears out the strings.

How do I change strings?
There are no big differences from the same manipulation on a classical instrument. Start by removing old strings by unscrewing the tuning pegs. It is imperative to clean the fretboard, which often collects dirt and dust. If this is not done, the friction of the new strings against the dirt particles will quickly destroy them. Further:
- put a pencil over the holes of the tailpiece;
- lead the strings there one by one;
- immediately stretch them 120-150 mm;
- push the tip into the ring that appears (the knot is not tightened);
- wrap the tip around the loop and tighten 3 turns at least;
- thread a string on the headstock;
- stretch it with a spike to the required amount;
cut off the excess with wire cutters or scissors for metal.

Notable performers
The ukulula is played well or is being played:
- Dwayne Johnson;
- Amanda Palmer;
- Eddie Vedder;
- Elvis Presley;
- Elvis Costello;
- Deschanel Zooey;
- Roy Smeck;
- George Formby;
- Kimo Hussey;
- Chalmers Dawn;
- Rocky Leon;
- Lyle Ritz;
- Jimi Hendrix;
- Neil Armstrong.

Interesting Facts
Initially, the insides of sheep were used to make ukulele strings. But then it turned out that it was much more practical to use nylon.
In England there is an orchestra performing all works only on the ukulele. However, much more people simultaneously playing such an instrument gathered on July 28, 2012 in Yokohama. Then the concert was attended by 2,134 musicians.
But in everyday life in Japan, the ukulele has many adherents. This instrument was masterly used by the entire Hawaiian aristocracy of the late 19th century. Its longest specimen reached 399 cm. Curiously, the incredible elongation had very little effect on the sound. Known ukuleles are round and even triangular.

There are a lot of references to the ukulele in literary sources. Even Ilf and Petrov did not ignore her with their benevolent attention.
The ukulele is easy to learn. This is especially easy for those who have already learned to play a simple guitar. And one more interesting fact - since the ukulele is actively developing, like playing on it, everyone has a chance to immortalize their name!

Review overview
In general, consumers speak positively about the ukulele and assure that it really is worth buying. It's not just the unusualness of the instrument itself. With it, you can play a variety of melodies. The cost is noticeably less than many other sound production products. And also in favor of Hawaiian guitars, according to experts, they say:
- their compactness;
- impressive popularity;
- an abundance of educational and recommendation materials;
- the possibility then easier to master various other musical instruments;
- general intellectual development;
- the opportunity to have fun and serene time.