
Deductive thinking: features and development

Deductive thinking: features and development
  1. What it is?
  2. Who needs?
  3. How to develop?
  4. Exercises

Do not think that deductive thinking is needed only in order to work as an investigator. It must be remembered that different situations happen in our life, and if you do not want to be trapped, develop appropriate methods of thinking. They come in handy everywhere. With these features, you will never allow yourself to be deceived by scammers or you can find the answer to any question that interests you.

What it is?

In simple terms, deduction is a logical conclusion, and the term itself, translated from Latin, means deduction. Deductive method of thinking is true, since it is based on the truth itself, and this type of brain activity also involves the transition from the general to the particular.

Deduction uses a method of inference that is determined by logic... This type of thinking has undeniable advantages, which lie in finding accurate answers to certain questions.

Any thinking person uses this method of finding the truth.

It should be noted that there is also an inductive method of thinking. It is the opposite of deductive. So, if the analysis of the situation proceeds from the particular to the general, then this is inductive brain activity. If the process goes from a general direction to a particular one, then this is how deduction manifests itself.

It must be remembered that, before you can draw the right conclusions, you need to collect the exact facts. Anyone who often reads or watches detective stories on TV knows about the deduction method, which helps in solving any crime. When an investigator uses this method of thinking, he easily uncovers the most intricate illegal cases.

The described method requires a special approach in the use of absolutely all the little things related to a particular situation.... When a person applies the method of deduction, he first divides all the small details into parts and considers them separately. Then, to get a complete picture, the details are assembled into one whole. This is how the desired conclusion is obtained.

Do not think that thinking of this kind is needed only when you are trying to unravel in advance the plot of an interesting detective story. You can use this advantage in your brain activity in your daily life.

Who needs?

Absolutely all people need this thinking. By and large, many do not even realize that they use deductive methods of thinking in their daily life almost every day. A modern person almost always and everywhere has to build logical chains.

Imagine that you are looking out of your window in the morning, and it is raining there. What do you think while doing this? Surely you are thinking: “What dampness! Today, in order not to get wet, you need to take an umbrella and put rubber boots on your feet, otherwise I won't get to work dry. " These reflections are directly related to deductive thinking. If you did not know how to use this thinking, you would not be able to correctly assess the weather situation that is happening on the street.

As a result, you would not be able to prepare for going out. On the way, they could definitely get wet, and then get sick. This means that deductive thinking helps a person not only not to suffer from the cold and other unpleasant moments, but also in the literal sense of the word to stay alive and healthy.

This example shows the unconsciousness of the application of deductive thinking. But there are cases when such mental activity is applied consciously.

So, let's list these points in order.

  • Deduction is applied consciously, when you need to convince your opponent of something, namely: when you want to impose your point of view. In order to do this, you need to find a proof that is difficult to disagree with. Let's give an example. In order for a bank client to take a loan, the manager can tell him the following: “You need money here and now to buy the necessary thing. You may not need them tomorrow. We live in order to spend money and have fun. Therefore, it is necessary to take a loan ”.
  • A person needs deductive thinking when he is engaged in philosophy.... Here you must first put a thought experiment, and then lead to it undeniable logical evidence, that is, you need to substantiate your hypothesis. For example, if you assume that you are sitting in a bathtub overflowing with water, the water will overflow. In this case, a theory was first put forward, and only then logical proofs were presented, which are directly related to physics.
  • The same can be said for mathematical and geometric problems., all proofs of which are based on axioms.
  • In forensics, any investigator first looks at general data, and only then establishes all the components of the crime.
  • In science, too, deduction is indispensable. In order to confirm or deny something, a specialist first puts forward a hypothesis, and only then, using scientific methods, proves or refutes his assumption.

How to develop?

Developing deductive thinking takes some effort. However, they are not so difficult as to discard the desire to become a person with a well-developed instinct for everything that happens. Once you have mastered some of the skills, you will see the world begin to change around you. So, here are the simplest methods to help you get the job done..

  • Don't miss the details... If you are studying any material, try to consider each argument carefully. If you are engaged in, for example, biology, then do not just read the text, but also consider each of its points separately. Draw parallels and take notes. Try to give a real life example.
  • Show interest in everything around you. If you are walking down the street, pay attention to the behavior of people. Perhaps one of them will walk with a sad look. Don't miss a moment - try to imagine a situation that made the person feel sad. If he looks bad, then we can assume that a girl dumped him, or there were troubles at work.

Newspaper articles can also provide food for thought. First, learn to memorize the events described in the source, and then try to analyze. Perhaps the information that you consider so carefully is will come in handy for planning your future activities.

  • In order to think correctly, you need to develop flexibility of thinking. If you are interested in resolving a case that can turn in one direction or another, then try to find benefits for yourself. You need to build your business so as to make a profit in any case. To complete such a task, you will have to reconsider many options and choose the best one.
  • Observe other people's gestures and facial expressions... Be aware that such data can tell a lot both about the person himself and about his behavior. If, for example, your interlocutor is deceiving you, then he will stumble and blink frequently. When you see such behavior, try to imagine what the truth that your opponent is trying to hide from you might actually look like.
  • Think globally. All people have life moments, which are connected with the help of some details. Try to find this connection and get to the bottom of the truth.
  • Be curious. Do not pass by any interesting information, even if it does not concern you. Is it really not interesting to consider this or that situation in more detail? It seems that of particular interest is the fact that you are, as it were, aloof from extraneous events and at the same time are experiencing them. At this time, such processes will occur in your head that will involuntarily contribute to the development of deduction methods in your mind.


The development of deductive thinking can be trained. Different types of activities are suitable for this.

  • Solving problems in chemistry, physics, mathematics and geometry will definitely increase your intellectual potential. If you do not have special knowledge, then take up solving various puzzles, crosswords, rebuses. Such exercises can be found on the Internet or in special publications. When solving them, you will be able to conduct informational analysis that will "wake up" your deduction.
  • Poker game - this is not really something that can be recommended to any person, but it promotes the development of thinking. However, this direction can be replaced with a game of chess or checkers. Such simulators will quickly develop your deductive thinking.
  • Take up the study at your leisure of various encyclopedic dictionaries, reference books and other similar literature... They contain a lot of information that will be useful to you in life, and will also contribute to the development of intelligence. For example, study words you didn't know before. Be sure to memorize their correct pronunciation and meaning. In colloquial speech, always use unusual phrases. This way you can show others your mental superiority.
  • Read a lot... Fiction contains much more necessary information than special one. In addition, an interesting plot will make your mind work to its fullest in the right direction.
  • Observation is one of the components of deduction. Therefore, constantly observe the people who are near you. See how they are dressed, how they say. Sometimes clothes can say a lot about a person. If the subject, for example, is dressed casually, but the things are of very high quality and expensive, then this fact suggests that for this person it does not matter how he looks.Perhaps the inner content is more important to him than the outer.
  • Attentiveness - this is also an important point that contributes to the development of intelligence and deduction. All kinds of attention are very much needed in order to draw the correct subsequent conclusions. Therefore, engage in their development.

With the help of voluntary attention, you will learn to focus on one object, and developed involuntary attention will enable you to see and remember even those moments that at first glance do not seem very important.

But, as we know, sometimes even the most unnecessary information may suddenly be needed if you need to remember this or that moment, which will become decisive in any case.

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