How to increase the speed of thought?

Sometimes a person's life is measured by the lightning speed of decision-making. We are talking about situations in which seconds count. Working on the speed of the thought process, the person learns to respond quickly to any difficulties that arise. In addition, a well-developed speed of thinking protects a person from senile dementia.
What determines the speed of thought?
The speed of thought processes depends directly on the state of the brain at a particular period. It can be difficult for a tired person to cope with even a very simple task. And vice versa, a subject full of strength and energy easily solves the most difficult problems. The speed of thought is key to learning, intellectual development, and experience. Increasing the speed of thought operations provides additional agility in solving everyday tasks. A person's intelligence level is reflected in the speed of thought. The speed of cognitive processing of information is related to how quickly a person picks up some data and reacts to it.
An operatively thinking individual can easily find answers to many questions. A low speed of information processing does not mean a lack of mental abilities, but such a subject needs more time to set goals, make decisions, generate new ideas, and maintain attention. Drugs, alcohol abuse and tobacco smoking are the inhibitors of thought processes. Bad habits lead the brain to oxygen starvation. Fatty, heavy food, constant stress overload the body, so thinking slows down.
Lack of physical activity leads to a decrease in memory and inhibition of the speed of thought.

Development of quick thinking
With the help of regular training, you can develop the speed of information processing. So, during the preparation for negotiations or a meeting, various options for the development of events should be envisaged. It is necessary to mentally construct possible models of behavior of opponents. Consideration of probabilistic options involuntarily speeds up the processes of reasoning. Try to look at the situation from an unfamiliar and intricate perspective. In this case, all areas of the brain are involved, which are responsible for memory and quick thinking.
Handicrafts and painting are beneficial for cognitive abilities, therefore, it is important to devote a lot of time to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Every morning you need to do gymnastics for the mind. It can take the form of memorizing lines of poetry or multiplying numbers in your mind. Try to cover the total amount on the check and mentally add up the cost of the purchased goods.
Humor helps you cope with difficult life circumstances. The more funny stories, stories, anecdotes a person knows, the easier he perceives the jokes of the people around him. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to achieve the desired results in the development of the reaction and the speed of the course of mental operations. The brain is actively involved in work when new information arrives, so you need to change your usual routes more often, travel more.
Also, do anything with your other hand, such as when brushing your teeth or during lunch. A left-handed person should learn to write, hold a comb or spoon with his right hand, and a right-handed person is recommended to learn how to perform various actions with his left hand. Head massage has a beneficial effect on the work of the blood vessels of the brain. Improved blood flow allows for more ideas and solutions.
Curiosity makes fast thought processes work well.

A set of exercises for the development of quick thinking enhances the processes of mental operations in adults. The effectiveness of the exercises is ensured by performing them regularly. Assignments should evoke positive emotions. Have fun with brain training. Solve logic puzzles. Logic exercises should be chosen according to individual preferences. Mentally simulate a variety of situations, possible scenarios for the development of events. Try reading a book or magazine from bottom to top, flipping backwards. Look at the pictures upside down, try to understand as quickly as possible what is depicted on them.
Give your close people any information concisely, but succinctly and clearly. Learn to understand the veiled meaning, make decisions quickly. Get rid of parasitic words because they limit human capabilities. Clear, precise speech speeds up the thought process. Imagine that you are conducting long distance calls, on which you spend a lot of money. Try to clear the conversation of unnecessary phrases and questions. Speed up dialogue, pronounce words quickly and clearly. Learn to think in another language. Use a foreign language for your thought process. Look often in the dictionary when you can't remember the right word. The ability to build logical chains in a foreign language accelerates the flow of thoughts in the native language. Additional loads make the exercise easier.
Turn on the timer while reading a book. Determine how many seconds it takes to read a paragraph. Then be sure to retell the passage. Thoughtful reading allows you to understand what the author wanted to convey. Training the speed of comprehension of the text helps to develop the speed of thinking. Learn to control the speed of your processes. Do the same thing in different rhythms.For example, read an article or brush your teeth at different speeds. Deliberately slow down or speed up your actions.
Cover your eyes with an impenetrable cloth and feel objects in familiar territory. Gymnastics for the facial muscles contributes to the development of the speed and quality of processing any information. If there is no clarity in the pronunciation of words, confusion and distraction from the main idea occurs. A moving face helps the brain work better and faster. The speed of eye movement and facial expressions revives brain processes. The sour and sluggish expression of the physiognomy inhibits mental actions.
Memorize the 3 license plates that you met on the way home. Recover them in a few hours.

The speed and effectiveness of children's thinking can be increased and developed through various games. The child should be offered to search for similar signs of some phenomena or objects. For example, a baby should find commonalities between a tiger and a leopard, a crow and an owl, a motorcycle and a car, a pen and a pencil.
There are special finger games for children. They stimulate active points on the palms and fingertips. As a result, the child's brain develops, the speed of mental activity increases. It is useful to draw with both hands at the same time. Give the baby 2 felt-tip pens and a piece of paper. Ask him to draw the same pattern with two hands at once in a mirror image. The right hand can draw from right to left, while the left hand can draw from left to right. Then the patterns should converge and connect in the middle. You can train your child's thought speed using a game simulator, in which a time frame is set for solving problems. Skill is important for keeping you active in class and getting homework done quickly.
Besides, the child learns to make an important decision in a stressful or critical situation. This will help to avoid many problems in later life. Some story should include fables, and the child should understand and explain why this does not happen. Then the kid must make up the real story himself as it should have happened. The kid is offered to tell what should happen to the subject after some time. For example, who will the caterpillar, egg, seed, puppy, kitten, chicken turn into.
Children should be encouraged to perform complex sorting of geometric shapes by color, size, or shape. You can search for figures that do not match in any way. Think of one letter, turn on the stopwatch, and start listing words that begin with that sound. You can arrange competitions with your friends. Whoever comes up with more words in a minute won.
The speed alphabet game involves quickly searching for words for each letter. You need to find 3 words from "A" to "Z". Gradually, the number of words must be increased. To speed up the task, turn on the stopwatch.

Specialist recommendations
You can increase the speed of thinking by consuming vitamin foods. Fresh vegetables and fruits significantly improve and speed up the thought process. Lack of iodine in the body leads to a loss of mental abilities. Be sure to include red fish, nuts, herbs, coffee in your diet. Compliance with the daily routine affects the mental activity of a person. The ability to fall asleep and wake up at the same time has a beneficial effect on the speed of thinking. Getting good, healthy sleep is a great way to speed up your thought process.
Walking in the fresh air, regular physical activity increase brain activity. Hardening stimulates mental activity. A contrast shower enhances blood circulation and allows the brain to receive more nutrients. Take a scented bath. Try to change your activity throughout the day. A quick change of work processes accelerates the flow of mental operations.Calculate in your head the various options for the final result of the business you have started. Write down phrases and aphorisms you like in a notebook. Memorize interesting quotes heard in dialogue with your interlocutor.