Embroidery kits

Embroidery kits "Wonderful Needle"

Embroidery kits Wonderful Needle
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Range
  3. Review overview

The company "Wonderful Needle" is engaged in the creation and production of kits for embroiderers. The company regularly replenishes its assortment, offering paintings with a wide variety of subjects, which are developed taking into account the latest trends in the world of needlework, as well as consumer demand. We will talk about what the product of the developer company is, about its features and assortment.


Embroidery kits from the Wonderful Needle company enjoy well-deserved popularity. Thanks to the hard work of professionals who are conscientious in their approach to business, craftswomen have the opportunity to purchase a wide variety of sets. Manufacturers are constantly experimenting and finding new ideas.

For each picture, preliminary soffits are provided, they are carried out until the color scheme matches the desired shade.

Thanks to this, the finished work always looks realistic and effective. During the existence of the company, designers have managed to create more than three dozen schemes and unique designs.

Each Miracle Needle kit contains:

  • detailed instructions printed in Russian as well as in English;
  • well-readable symbolic scheme, made in color - the presence of a small insert with useful tips and schematic images allows you to more accurately complete the work;
  • Gamma floss threads, made of 100% cotton, sorted by color and attached to a numbered cardboard organizer;
  • high quality cotton canvas Aida-11, Aida-14, Aida-16;
  • a needle designed for cross stitching.

The company offers sets for needlewomen on various topics. The most popular are variants of flowers and bouquets, models made in mixed techniques using ribbons, beads, as well as plot works and canvases depicting Russian beauties decorated with beads and monistas.


The assortment of "Wonderful Needle" amazes with a variety of options with different themes. So, the embroiderer will be able to choose sets for herself with a different storyline.

It can be:

  • angels and fairies;
  • butterflies and insects;
  • bouquets and flowers;
  • animals;
  • landscapes;
  • plots with the village;
  • portraits.

The company strives to satisfy all the wishes of connoisseurs of its products, regularly offering new items, as well as making discounts on many products.

Among the bestsellers, there are many works depicting flowers, animalistic versions, landscapes and Christmas subjects. Products with an oriental theme and amulets remain popular.

  • For those who are just starting to get acquainted with this exciting activity, it is better to choose simple sets of a small size with a minimum number of shades. In this case, the Pink Rose set can be a good choice. The canvas has a size of 11 * 11 cm, the number of colors used is 16. Aida-14 canvas is used as a basis. The work is performed in the counting cross technique. The presence of detailed instructions in two languages ​​will allow you to easily fulfill the requirements.
  • The choice of miniature "Cherry" will also help in mastering the technique. The complexity of the work is low, it is performed using the counting cross technique. The size of the canvas is 9 * 11 cm. 15 colors are used.
  • Many needlewomen will be pleased with the sets “Retro Style. New York "and" Retro Style. Britain ”from the“ Cars ”series. The size of the canvases is small - only 16 * 20 cm, which allows you to complete the work in a short time. The number of used shades - 19. Canvas - Aida 16ct (white).
  • The "Rowan Beads" variant can be referred to the sets with high difficulty. The size of such a canvas is 40 * 34 cm. 42 colors are used. The basis is Aida-14.
  • Just looking at the painting "The Scent of Lilac", this unusually strong scent of spring flowers immediately comes to mind, which completely envelops and makes you plunge into a special state. The size of the product is 40 * 37 cm, 41 shades of Gamma floss are used. The base is 100% cotton.
  • Pleased with the company "Wonderful Needle" and a charming set "Such summer dandelions". Even if it is raining and slush outside, this picture will immediately make you remember a hot summer day, the buzzing of flies and dragonflies, and feel the warm sun rays on your face. The size of the canvas is 20 * 25 cm. In addition to the counting cross technique, the work uses a half-cross, French knots, backstitch.
  • Also, many craftswomen may be interested in sets "Creme brulee" and "Tender May".
  • If you want to embroider a larger-scale canvas, the craftswomen can pay attention to the set "For a cup of coffee ... ?!"... Size - 40 * 28 cm. The number of used floss shades - 54. The base is 100% cotton.
  • Canvases from the category "Amulets" deserve special attention. Such products are often used as a gift option. Wealth and Prosperity, Health and Healing sets will not only decorate the room, but will also contribute to better health and well-being.
  • An embroidered picture "Daughter's Health" or "Son's Health" will be a wonderful gift for the birth of a baby. The canvas "Daughter's Health" has a size of 24 * 24 cm, which allows you to use it not only for interior decoration, but also as a cover for a photo album or even a pillowcase for a decorative pillow.
  • A similar set "Son's Health" is performed using the counting cross technique. Number of colors - 16. The base is made of 100% cotton. The complexity of the work is high.

Sets "Wonderful Needle" found their fans in different cities of the country. Such a canvas will be a pleasant gift for any holiday or an unexpected surprise for a birthday or wedding. You can present it to any other event, timed, for example, for the New Year or Christmas.

Embroidery "Christmas Tale" will allow you to find yourself in a magical winter fairy tale and feel a special festive atmosphere. A clear scheme makes it possible to correctly complete each stitch at all stages of work.

These models are of high complexity, so they are more suitable for experienced craftsmen. Pictures "Light Christmas" and "Christmas mood" can complement the collection of the craftswoman on this topic.

Review overview

Having carefully studied the real reviews from needlewomen who purchased sets from the "Golden Needle" company, it was possible to find out that along with a large number of laudatory reviews about this product, there are also many negative ones.

Many craftswomen noted the positive aspects of the products, which lie in the presence of a variety of colors of threads, the use of original and varied subjects. The low cost of production was also noted.

As for the threads used for embroidery, the majority noted their lower price in comparison with similar options from other manufacturers. In terms of quality, such threads turned out to be the middle option between PNK named after Kirov and Gamma. Judging by the reviews, Bestex threads are coarser and dull, and do not have the same shine as those of Gamma.

In addition, there were not always enough threads to complete the work, they had to be ordered additionally or purchased in similar shades from other manufacturers in a handicraft store.

Also, not everyone is satisfied with the quality of the canvas and its dimensions, which do not always correspond to the specified parameters. The canvas in some sets is crumbling, which makes it very difficult to work. This is especially important for beginner embroiderers who have not fully mastered the technique.

There are many reviews that the set did not include the needle itself, which was declared. This, of course, is not a problem, but it leaves an unpleasant residue.

And yet, most of the embroiderers noted a good storyline and affordable prices. In addition, progress was noted both in the configuration and in the elaboration of an interesting design. So, many new items began to be supplemented with beads, beads, rhinestones and bugles.

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