Embroidery kits

Ribbon embroidery kits

Ribbon embroidery kits
  1. It is included in the kit?
  2. Popular manufacturers
  3. Selection Tips

Ribbon embroidery is popular among many needlewomen who are fond of creating three-dimensional paintings. To make it easier to create beautiful works, novice craftswomen use ready-made sets for creativity.

It is included in the kit?

Standard ribbon embroidery kits include the following items.

  1. Canvas... The material for creating volumetric embroidery had to be tough. In this case, he will be able to keep his shape well, which means that you do not need to buy a hoop to work with him. Its edges should be smooth and well finished. Some kits sell a printed canvas. Even beginners can work with such blanks.

  2. Ribbons... For needlework, satin or silk ribbons are usually used, less often nylon ribbons. They can be either very narrow or wide. It all depends on the size of the finished work.

  3. Needles... When creating volumetric paintings, needlewomen use needles with a wide and long eye. The tip of each such needle is thin and slightly rounded. Thanks to this, it neatly passes between the weaves of the fabric, without damaging it. There are usually several needles in the package. Therefore, you can not be afraid that they will break at the most inopportune moment.

  4. Thread... Very often, the sets contain not only colored ribbons, but also threads used for embroidery of individual parts of the picture. As a rule, manufacturers cut the threads neatly, so it is very convenient to use them in work.

In addition to all the necessary tools, the kit also includes a ready-made scheme. Using it, even a novice needlewoman can easily create a truly beautiful picture.

In addition, the set can be supplied with a hoop, various decorative elements and a frame for ready-made work.

Popular manufacturers

Both novice needlewomen and experienced ones should pay attention to sets from trusted manufacturers. Products manufactured by the following companies are popular among buyers.

  • "Lyubava"... The assortment of this company has a large number of sets with beautiful flowers. They all look bright and colorful. The most popular among the craftswomen are paintings with roses and poppies.

  • Magic Ribbons. This Russian manufacturer produces sets with satin and silk ribbons. There are works of various difficulty levels on sale. Such kits are inexpensive.
  • Avek Plazir. This brand is engaged in the production of simple and very beautiful sets. Schemes for future drawings are drawn on the canvas. Therefore, the embroidery process takes very little time. All the instructions that come with the kit are simple and straightforward, so even beginners can figure them out.
  • Panna... This manufacturer produces not only simple works with flowers, but also paintings made in the style of famous artists, as well as spectacular landscapes. The work embroidered with colored ribbons can become a decoration of any room.
  • "Rainbow". This company appeared on the market relatively recently. But over the past time she managed to win the love of buyers. The main part of the assortment of this company is flowers, still lifes and landscapes. Finished paintings, embroidered with ribbons, are often decorated with beads or Czech beads. All the necessary decorative elements are included, so you don't have to buy anything in addition.
  • "Manrika". The range of the company has many sets that are suitable for beginners. It is quite possible to embroider a beautiful picture with ribbons in a few hours. At the same time, it will look spectacular and very bright.

Kits from all of these manufacturers are available at most art stores.

Selection Tips

When buying a kit for embroidery with ribbons, it is important to pay attention to other important points.

  1. Quality... All parts included in the kit must be of high quality. In this case, the edges of the canvas will not crumble, and the threads will not shed or cause an allergic reaction in the embroiderer.

  2. Difficulty level. On sale there are both simple kits for children's creativity and complex paintings, more suitable for experienced needlewomen. You should not immediately buy voluminous works that require certain skills and great perseverance. Better to start with something simpler.

  3. Subject... To enjoy your work, it is important to choose the sets that the person likes with their appearance. Since the selection of ready-made kits is now very large, it will be easy to do this.

A high-quality set with colored ribbons can be an excellent gift for a person who has long been fond of this type of creativity or is in search of a new hobby.

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