False hair

We do hairstyles with false hair

We do hairstyles with false hair
  1. How to choose false hair?
  3. Hairstyles depending on hair length
  4. Beautiful examples

Today, you can improve and transform your hairstyle using a large variety of materials. Among such a list, it is worth highlighting false hair, with the help of which you can create an everyday or solemn look, regardless of the original length of the natural strands.

How to choose false hair?

False hair, unlike wigs, cannot solve the problem of complete hair loss, but for many women, such products are very useful for daily use or for creating a festive look. This is due to the peculiarities of the strands to simulate the hairstyle and its length, without resorting to an expensive extension procedure.

Today, overhead strands have become a worthy alternative to such a service, however, with the goal of purchasing such a useful accessory, it is worth thoroughly approaching the selection of the product of interest. First of all, it should be understood that the modern assortment of overhead strands is classified based on the composition of the base raw materials.

Today, the following types of false hair can be found on sale:

  • artificial;
  • natural;
  • mixed.

The latter type is produced by manufacturers extremely rarely. The most in demand, of course, are products made from natural raw materials, since they are of high quality in comparison with the first variety. In addition, it is several times easier to work with them even at home, since the strands will be more susceptible to curling, straightening, washing and drying.

As for artificial materials, high-quality curls will not be much inferior in appearance to natural strands. In addition, the products will be more affordable.

Synthetic hair extensions are also divided into several groups. Acrylic, nylon and vinyl options are available. The main visual difference from real hair is the thickness of the threads, due to which synthetics will be much lighter. But, despite the thinness of the threads, the material is durable and strong, but more sensitive to high temperatures. Based on this, hairdressers do not recommend drying or styling hairstyles with artificial strands using a hot air stream, as well as curling them or straightening them with devices that will heat the material to shape.

Taking into account the type of raw materials used to create the product, the technology of hair care will also differ. For natural curls, the use of conventional shampoos and rinses is allowed, and as for synthetic fibers, you will need to purchase a specialized care product for them.

You can also divide false hair into groups according to their purpose and attachment options.

  • There are products that are fixed to the hairstyle using various hairpins. Most often, the curls are attached to a clip or "crab".
  • The second most popular is the type of curls, which can be attached with a tape or textile strip.
  • Also, false hair can be sold in the form of a ponytail with an elastic band or a chignon with a tie.
  • Quite a popular type of overhead strands are products in the form of bangs. As a rule, such a small tuft of hair is attached to the main hair with a comb located at one end, or with a clip.

Such a variety of overhead strands significantly expands their functionality. In addition, from all of the above products, you can create the desired image and hairstyle with your own hands.

In salons, to create styling, professionals prefer to use varieties of strands on ribbons, since such products are able to last the longest on the hair.

There are also two types of tresses based on the thickness:

  • products with thin bunches;
  • varieties with a wide range of materials on the base.

Usually a set of wefts consists of 4-8 strands of different lengths. Fastening begins with the largest product, and then the rest are placed over the selected area. Styling or braiding is done after all the strands from the set have been placed on the head, and all the hair has been combed.

In the process of choosing an accessory with false strands, the fundamental point is also the choice of a shade and hair color that will be in harmony with natural hair as much as possible. It is most correct to focus on your own shade, but strands on hairpins with a difference in tonality by 1-2 positions in the dark or light side will look good as a "highlight" of the future image. It also concerns the issue of length - longer strands can be used on medium and short hair.

When planning to create a hairstyle with tress, you should also familiarize yourself with their main features.

  • Modeling hairstyles with such accessories is not harmful to health. In contrast to the built-up material, the scalp does not suffer while wearing false strands. In addition, the entire hair follicle remains intact.
  • The strands stand out for their ease of use. As a rule, to create an uncomplicated hairstyle with minimal skill, the product can be secured in just a few minutes, regardless of the type of fixation.
  • Thanks to false hair, you can quickly and economically change your image, and the operation process will be completely painless.
  • The fasteners on the strands are kept to a minimum, so the extra hair in the hairstyle will be reliably hidden under the other strands.


With overhead strands, you can make many different styles and hairstyles. All created groups can be conventionally divided into two types.


A quick option to give your image new notes will help fixing straight strands to increase volume or to change the length. This option will be the simplest, so it is recommended to use it for girls without practical experience in using tresses. A positive aspect of this idea is the fact that even when using an artificial look of products, it is quite difficult to visually distinguish additional curls from real ones.

Such an idea will turn out to be more attractive if you fasten the strands with a lighter or, conversely, a dark shade, which will bring a certain freshness and novelty to the image.

The next option for everyday styling can be a tall and sleek tail. For these purposes, you should purchase a product with hair of the length you like with the color of the raw material in harmony with the texture and shade.

To make a ponytail, you first need to collect your hair at the back of your head and attach the chosen product with a retainer to your bun. To hide the hairpin, you can wrap the base of the hairstyle with one strand of the total mass and secure it with invisibility.

Weaving braids will also be an easy option for transforming with overhead strands. There are a lot of options for weaving braids, so you should choose the one you like the most. You can add additional curls to your hair, either light or different from the main color, and then weave, focusing on the additional strands to make the work of art more voluminous and beautiful.

This option is suitable for a regular "Russian" braid, or for French and boxing varieties.


For special occasions, when creating an image with overhead strands, you can resort to using the idea with overhead curls. Hairpins can be hidden under the main hair, increasing the overall length and volume. In this case, you can do the styling to one side, fixing the strands with beautiful hairpins or ribbons, and also collect a low ponytail from curls on one side. This hairstyle option will be appropriate for the bride, graduate or boyfriend.

An image in the Greek style with numerous and voluminous weaving will be appropriate for any celebration. Such a feminine styling will suit any girl, and additional strands will only emphasize the richness and luxury of hair. To create such an image, you should place the required number of overhead strands on the sides and on the back of the head, after which the hair can be collected in a careless "fishtail" with strands that have come out, or you can divide the hair on the sides and wrap it in bundles, securing it at the back.

Thus, you can select the upper part of the styling, and leave the lower curls free. You can also collect all your hair in a volumetric roller, decorating the styling with rhinestones, flowers, a diadem and delicate curls of strands of different lengths.

If a ponytail turns out to be an idea for a strictly office look, then a tight braid or a tourniquet of false hair can be used to create a festive styling. The product should be secured at the base of natural hair and laid out on the head with a headband. In this case, the hair can be of any length, it can be left loose, or it can be collected in a shell or a tight bun.

Hairstyles depending on hair length

False hair is considered a universal option for styling hairstyles, regardless of their length. The original idea of ​​transforming long, but sparse natural hair will be the use of overhead strands to match the main color. To create a hairstyle, you should make a ponytail at the back of the head, place an additional insert in its middle.From the resulting volumetric bundle, you can braid a "fishtail" or a reverse braid, slightly stretching the strands along the course of weaving to create volume.

This option is suitable for a strict celebration, and for a summer event, you can use bright overhead curls that will allow you to make a colorful tourniquet or braid.

For short haircuts, you can also use overhead strands. In this case, stylists and hairdressers recommend contrasting strands to create highlights or use several multi-colored options suitable for the occasion.

False curls will allow you to collect a voluminous shell, even with short hair. To do this, you should comb your hair up as smoothly as possible, make a bun if the length allows, or make a shell with the help of a "donut" completely from additional strands, choosing in this case a shade similar to natural hair.

Beautiful examples

  • Thanks to the additional strands, you can create a unique style for the bride by combining natural hair in a voluminous bun with curls of different colors. Such an image will be feminine and light, and the decor of fresh flowers will help to hide the hairpins. You can also give the hairstyle a fabulous and elegant look, while the lower curls are best left falling over the shoulders of the bride.
  • You can add something new with the help of false hair even if the girl has an extraordinary color of the strands. An original solution would be to use long curls to add volume and increase length. An unusual color in combination with a lush shock of naughty strands will give the image femininity and brightness. The idea itself will be universal, so it will be suitable for any occasion.
  • Even short haircuts can be brightened up with overhead strands. To create a playful and feminine styling, it will be enough to supplement your volume with curls from natural or artificial hair to match. With the help of a few curled strands, it will turn out to correct the styling or completely change your image.

For information on how to make 5 light summer hairstyles with false strands, see the next video.

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