Mattress topper

Features of coconut mattress toppers

Features of coconut mattress toppers
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. What are they?
  3. Popular brands
  4. Nuances of choice

The popularity of hypoallergenic products made from natural raw materials is growing rapidly. This category includes coconut mattress toppers. They are made from natural coconut fiber - coir. This product has many benefits, thanks to which it gives you a comfortable and healthy sleep.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you buy a mattress cover made of natural material, you need to carefully study its advantages and disadvantages.

Coconut mattress topper has the following positive characteristics:

  • high strength;
  • fibers do not rot and do not accumulate moisture;
  • it is an environmentally friendly material, safe for humans and the environment;
  • the material is oxygen permeable;
  • hygiene;
  • excellent orthopedic properties.

The product also has disadvantages. Storage features are noted as the main disadvantage. The cover cannot be twisted and hidden in the closet. Due to bending, the coir will begin to crumble, as a result of which the mattress topper will lose its shape and declared commercial qualities. To make the chip cover more elastic, manufacturers use special impregnations, but the rigidity of the product decreases during processing.

Another disadvantage is the high cost. Products made from natural materials are more expensive than synthetic products.

What are they?

Design features and rigidity

In order for the material used for the manufacture to be homogeneous, manufacturers use certain methods of joining the plates.

  • The extruded method, also called needle punching. The raw material is carefully pierced with a large number of needles.As a result of this treatment, coconut fibers are reliably intertwined. The result is a tough and durable mattress topper. During use, the product loses its orthopedic qualities due to the fact that it begins to crumble.
  • If latex is used to join the fibers, this process is called latexing. The mattress topper turns out to be thinner, but instead it acquires elasticity and flexibility. During use, the product practically does not crumble. The percentage of latex can vary from 25 to 50 percent.

Latex has a specific odor similar to rubber.

Destination options

Manufacturers offer in this case three categories of products.

  • Special - they are orthopedic - mattress covers... Some models have a memory effect due to which they maintain correct posture.
  • To make the sleeping place softer or harder, corrective products are used. With their help, it will be comfortable to rest even on old mattresses that have lost their shape.
  • The last category is protective covers. Their thickness varies from 10 to 60 millimeters. In addition to the basic properties, such products are recommended for people who suffer from pain in the spine or neck.

Dimensions (edit)

Mattress toppers made from natural raw materials can also be divided into groups depending on the size. Common options are 160x200, 160x195, 180x200 cm. There are also products 160x210, 140x200 and 190x90 cm.

Popular brands

Several brands that make coconut mattress toppers have taken the lead in the market.


In the product catalog of this brand, you can find products in different price ranges. There are also mattress toppers with different performance characteristics. The Naturalform model is in great demand. To achieve the required level of rigidity, manufacturers use artificial latex plates.

It is worth paying attention to orthopedic models made of coconut fiber, which have increased rigidity.

Dense coir slabs give the product the desired shape and properties. Thanks to this mattress topper, the surface of the bed will become even and smooth. The high ecological properties of these covers allow them to be used in children's rooms.


The next manufacturer offers a product that combines versatility and affordable cost. Customers highly rated the LX-5. The cost of the mattress topper is about 2 thousand rubles. When using it, the sleeping place becomes smoother and gets the necessary rigidity.

Going to the brand's website, you can familiarize yourself with other options available to order.


Due to the high quality of the products, this brand has gained popularity among Russian buyers. In the reviews of the product, they note the high level of environmental friendliness of each product. Also, manufacturers have taken care of the orthopedic effect, strength, reliability, durability and other important characteristics.

On sale you can find options with the required level of rigidity. The product catalog is constantly updated with new products that deserve the attention of consumers.


The latter brand specializes in the production of coconut mattress toppers with a high hardness index. Despite the fact that the cover turns out to be dense to the touch, it does not lose the necessary elasticity and comfort. Also on sale you can find double-sided options, where one of the sides is made of natural raw materials, and the other is made of latex.

Either side has certain properties. Coconut fibers give the mattress topper the necessary rigidity, and latex - elasticity. Natural coir provides excellent support for the spine during sleep. Most buyers have already evaluated the products from this manufacturer on their own experience.

Nuances of choice

Considering the growing popularity of coconut mattress toppers, their number is growing rapidly every year. More and more manufacturers are offering their products. One side, a rich assortment is able to satisfy the demands of demanding customers, on the other hand, to confuse inexperienced buyers.

When choosing a mattress topper, it is necessary to study certain nuances of choice.

  • In the manufacturing process, brands use not only coconut fiber, but also other additional materials. Memory foam has become widespread. As a rule, it is placed on one side of the cover. If you need to make the berth more rigid, you just need to turn the mattress topper with the required side up.
  • When choosing a product, it is imperative to take into account the weight of the future user. If the weight is more than 90 kilograms, you need to purchase a model with a coconut layer of the required thickness. The optimal indicator is from 5 centimeters and above. This is the only way to avoid the undesirable effect of a hammock.
  • The maximum width of the coconut layer should be 6 centimeters. For a soft berth, a coir with a width of 1 to 3 centimeters is enough.
  • Fasteners should not be ignored. They are placed not only at the corners of the product, but also around its perimeter. To simplify the process of changing accessories, manufacturers equip mattress toppers with corner bands. The main fasteners must be fairly solid and reliable.
  • Additional accessories will never be superfluous, especially when it comes to zippers. With its help, you can quickly fix the cover on the mattress.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the use of additional impregnations. The formulations are used to make the product resistant to moisture and bacteria.
  • Modern models boast the following functions: relaxing, antistatic and others.
  • In order not to spend money on a fake product, make a purchase only in trusted stores. If you place an order online, check for the appropriate certificates. They should indicate what material was used to make the mattress toppers.
  • If you make a purchase in a regular store, you must carefully examine the item for defects.

There are a lot of products made from natural coconut fiber. Modern brands have made sure that each of the buyers finds a suitable option for themselves. The cost of products will vary depending on the size of the mattress topper, the presence of additional impregnations and other characteristics.

Note: different levels of stiffness are needed when pains in the cervical spine and back appear periodically and you need to get used to the new stiffness of the berth.

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