Cat litter box CAT STEP

Purebred or ordinary cats live in every house. Affectionate, helping to survive loneliness, they greet us with joyful meows. To keep them from getting sick or irritated by the unpleasant odor from their toilet, they need proper care, an important part of which are CAT STEP fillers.

Cat litter CAT STEP is in great demand among cat owners. It was developed and manufactured by Amma enterprises located in the territory of the People's Republic of China and Czech Bohemia. The Chinese manufacturer is focused on the Russian market.
CAT STEP has the same technological qualities as other fillers. But unlike them, it has the following advantages:
- ease of use;
- absorbs stool well;
- the stench from the toilet is not felt;
- does not get dusty;
- complete replacement is rare;
- does not stick to paws and wool;
- effective even when there are many cats in the house.
The filler is produced in the form of granules with a porous surface. It is she who allows you to neutralize the stench and absorb excrement.

As starting materials for the manufacture of litter for litter boxes for cats CAT STEP are used:
- silica gelwith excellent absorbent properties;
- white bentonite, having a clay structure (its deposits are developed on the territory of the Czech Republic);
- soygrown according to special technologies - after processing, granules pressed from the fibers are obtained;
- shavingsobtained from conifers.
On sale there is a huge assortment of fillers that differ in composition, color, smell.

There are two types of differences in interaction with the feces of cats.
- Clumping are made from bentonite clay, soy fibers and wood chips. When exposed to feline feces, the litter becomes a lump, which is then removed from the litter box.
- Absorbent consist of silica gel and gray clay. They do not form lumps, granules of the substance envelop the excrements of animals, preventing odors from spreading throughout the apartment.
Despite the large number of products produced, the manufacturer pleased cat owners with the novelties Cat Step Tofu Original and Cat Step Tofu Green Tea, created on the basis of soybean fibers.

Silica gel
The filler, produced on the basis of silica gel, has the properties of effectively neutralizing the waste products of cats. It consists of transparent silica gel granules. The antiseptic effect and the special form of the substance allows you to keep odors inside the filler for a long time. It does not require frequent replacement of the contents of the tray.
The advantages of silica gel include:
- fast absorption of excrement;
- does not spill out of the tray;
- easy to use;
- saving the family budget, since the product changes less often than other fillers.

Negative points in the use of silica gel:
- when urine enters, it can emit a crackling sound that can scare animals that are not accustomed to the sound;
- not all cats like hard crystals;
- has a specific smell;
- impossibility of disposal through the sewer, as pipes may clog.

Silica gel fillers CAT STEP are available in the following range.
- ARCTIC WHITE - consists of antibacterial transparent crystals with the addition of blue-colored, odorless granules. A 2.3 kg pack is enough for 2.5 weeks.
- ARCTIC PINK consists of unscented transparent colorless and pink crystals. A 3.8 liter pack will last an average of 3.5 weeks.
- ARCTIC Strawberry has colorless and pink crystals with a strawberry scent. Packages with a volume of 3.8 liters are sufficient for 1 month.
- ARCTIC Lavender contains purple and colorless crystals with a lavender aroma. Available in packs of 3.8, 7.6 and 15.2 liters. Accordingly, they are spent within 1, 2 and 4 months.
- ARCTIC Fresh Mint - green and white crystals with a mint smell. Packaging 3.8 liters is designed for 1 month.
- ARCTIC Art produced in the form of odorless colored granules. The volume of the package is 3.8 liters - 1 month of operation.
Cat owners often do not have the ability to change the contents of their litter box on a daily basis. To care for a cat, it is most convenient for them to use a silica gel filler. He will absorb cat feces for 2-3 weeks, absorbing the stench from them. After the expiration date, you just need to completely change the contents of the tray.

Clumping fillers CAT STEP are produced on the basis of both minerals and plant origin. Mineral composition contains bentonite white clay, which has excellent adsorbing properties. Vegetable clumping material is produced from soybeans and wood. A special technology makes it possible to produce granules from soybeans that serve their purpose well and are easy to dispose of. They can be flushed down the toilet.
Soy fibers are not processed with chemicals, so they are safe for four-legged pets, even the smallest ones. They do not cause allergic reactions. The fibers wrap tightly around the stool of cats, forming a lump that can be easily removed from the litter box. In its place, you need to add fresh product.

The assortment of clumping soy fillers is presented in 2 types.
- Tofu Original - made from granular, odorless beige soy fibers with added cornstarch. A 6 liter pack should last 4 weeks, 12 liters should last 8 weeks.
- Tofu green tea - made from soy fibers with the addition of concentrated green tea and starch, the granules have a beautiful light green color. A 6-liter package is consumed per month, 12 liters - for 2 months of operation.

The litter made from coniferous wood has antiseptic properties, suitable for all cats - adults and toddlers.... A lumpy filler is made from wood chips. First, it is crushed and then granulated into particles of different sizes. Smaller ones are used for kittens, and large ones - for adult cats. When in contact with excrement, granules turn into lumps, which must be removed immediately. The contents of the tray are changed weekly.
The following qualities are characteristic of the vegetable filler:
- low price;
- composition of natural materials without additives;
- antiseptic properties;
- biodegradable product - completely decomposes and does not lead to pollution of nature.

The negative properties include the fact that if you do not clean up in the tray for a long time, the stench will spread throughout the house. At high humidity, the granules disintegrate and cling to the cat's paws. Amma produces a wood filler called CAT STEP Wood Original. Biodegradable components are made from softwood. It is odorless, does not produce dust, does not stick to paws. It is produced in a package weighing 2.3 kg for a month of use.
Wood litter is an excellent choice for grooming cats. It contains no additives harmful to animals, and the resin of coniferous trees kills harmful microorganisms. But you need to constantly monitor the tray, removing lumps.

CAT STEP brand mineral fillers are made from natural white and gray bentonite clay... Clumping fillers are made from white bentonite, and absorbent fillers from gray bentonite. Both have excellent trays odor removal performance. Clumping ones require timely removal of lumps. Trays with gray clay can be approached less often, periodically stirring their contents.
In the production of fillers from bentonite white clay, it is thoroughly cleaned of dust and heat treated. Small granules are made from it, allowing economical use of the filler. When excrement gets into the tray, the clay instantly turns into lumps, preventing the liquid from spreading and completely preventing the appearance of odors. The negative aspect of using bentonite clay is the inability to dispose of it in the toilet.

The assortment of CAT STEP fillers based on bentonite clay is wide. Let's list some of the options.
- Compact white original consists of small white clay particles. 5 liters is sufficient for 20 days.
- Compact White Carbon. In addition to bentonite, it contains activated carbon, which kills bacteria and reduces the risk of odor. The filler is white with black splashes. The size of the granules varies from 0.6 to 2.2 mm. 5 liters is consumed about 1 month, 10 liters - about 2 months.
- Compact White Lavender. The composition includes granules of a purple hue with a lavender scent, refreshing the room. A package of 5 liters is sufficient for 20 days.
- Compact White Baby Powder specially designed for kittens. There is baby powder in its structure. Small lumps of clay from 0.6 to 1.7 mm. A 5 liter bag will last for 4 weeks.
- CAT STEP Professional Ultra gray in color, without dyes and flavors. For a month of operation, 5 kg is enough.
- CAT STEP Professional Elite. Gray granules with antibacterial effect. 5 kg - for 3-4 weeks.
- CAT STEP Professional Light... A new version of the lightweight filler. The 6 liter bag weighs only 2.5 kg. At the same time, it absorbs liquid 30% better than others.
Bentonite clay litters are best for cats. They are made from pure natural materials. Easy to operate, can be used by both adult cats and kittens.

Fillers that can absorb cat waste without clumping are called absorbent. They are made from silica gel and gray clay. Gray clay deposits are found in Italy. It neutralizes waste products and their odors well.The mineral has a lamellar structure that quickly envelops the excrement of cats, preventing them from decomposing. It is not chemically processed, therefore it is harmless to animals and their owners.
- CAT STEP Extra Dry Original consists of small gray granules. Not flavored. Designed specifically for people and animals that are sensitive to odors. Package volume - 5 liters, enough for 3-4 weeks.
- CAT STEP Extra Dry Orange has orange granules with an orange scent. It is produced in a volume of 5 liters. Enough for a period within a month.

Instructions for use
Follow these steps to apply CAT STEP fillers.
- Pour the filler into a clean tray:
- clumping - with a layer of at least 8 cm;
- absorbable - 3-5 cm.
- Change completely needed as needed, following the instructions on the package.
- The absorbable product should be periodically mix.
- Remove clumps from the tray as often as possible... In this case, it is necessary to pour in a new filler so that the layer does not decrease.
- If the owner has a lot of cats, then the layer does not need to be increased. It is often enough to replace it completely.
- Keep packaging with filler you need in a dry place, away from food.
The wide range of CAT STEP provides an opportunity to choose an individual litter for cat care, depending on the breed, age and physical condition. It does not stick to the fur of cats, does not get dusty, and the tray is easy to clean after excrement is removed.