Filler Brands

Cat litter CATSAN

Cat litter CATSAN
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Assortment overview
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Review overview

As you know, cat owners buy special fillers for their furry pets' toilets, and many are faced with a difficult choice. The modern market offers a wide range of such products, which further complicates the problem, so you need to have an idea of ​​popular brands.


The presence of a cat in an apartment obliges the owners to a lot. The animal must be provided with high-quality food, toys, cozy housing and a comfortable toilet. The cat likes to keep dry, crumbly and odorless in her litter box. A capricious and wayward creature can easily ignore sand or paper, and not every staff will be happy, however, like the owner. There are several types of fillers.

  • Mineral - the most demanded and popular, belong to the clumping type. The material of manufacture is clay, the pluses are in a low price tag, ease of use. The disadvantages are the transfer of substance on the paws of the animal throughout the apartment, an almost complete inability to fight odor.
  • Clay - manufacturers offer in two types: clumping and absorbent fillers. The granular composition is designed for babies and adults, its advantage lies in its low price and natural composition, while the filler stretches around the apartment behind the cat and generates a lot of dust.
  • Silica gel - opaque granular material that perfectly absorbs odors and moisture, has antibacterial properties, does not spread around the house. The product belongs to the premium class, has a high price tag, and makes a crisp sound when the cat is using the toilet.Do not use litter box for small kittens as it is life-threatening if swallowed.
  • Woody - made of pressed sawdust, crumpled, has a natural, environmentally friendly composition, safe for health. The material can be flushed down the drain, it is allowed for kittens, but the minus is in the large formation of dust and the rapid destruction of lumps.
  • Corn filler high price and limited supply. The composition is made of corn cobs, it belongs to the clumping type. Its plus is a natural basis, minus is a shortage of goods on the market.

It is not safe to say that one of the above types of fillers is the leader. Much depends on preference and user experience.

The granules of the product are colored in snow-white or light gray, the product has been known on the market for more than a quarter of a century, and is in active demand both abroad and in Russia. Katsan has quality certificates and complies with international standards for this segment of goods. Despite the light color of the granules, the product contains no bleaching absorbents. The Catsan brand produces three types of filler:

  • clumping;
  • absorbent;
  • filler for
  • kittens.

Catsan is used by many breeders, kennel owners, ordinary owners of furry pets. The Katsana logo - a cute white kitten or an adult cat on a snow-white pillow, is familiar to cat lovers all over the world and is loved by many of them.

Filler benefits:

  • successful odor control;
  • good absorption rates;
  • the product is environmentally friendly in composition and economical to use;
  • the litter is safe for adult cats and small kittens;
  • the manufacturer offers sealed soft packages 2.5, 5, 10 liters;
  • excellent product efficiency - the manufacturer claims that its granules are three times higher than that of other companies.

Disadvantages of Catsan:

  • high price;
  • heterogeneity of granules and tendency to dust;
  • absorbent granules tend to stick to long hair;
  • the granulate has a specific lime smell, it cannot be disposed of in the sewage system.

A careful study of the problems encountered by the owners by the company's specialists shows that this, as a rule, is the result of violations of the instructions for use. Each package has a detailed description, you should not neglect it. In addition, monitoring revealed the frequent use of various types of filler in one tray, which leads to negative results.

Mineral hygienic filler is made on the basis of a specially developed bactericidal formula Extra Mineral Protectionthat allows you to keep the tray and the surrounding area clean, preventing the multiplication of dangerous pathogens. The elimination of odor is due to the high absorbent properties of the granulate, which complies with the world standards of hygiene of the habitat of domestic animals.

In addition, the pellets do not cause allergic reactions, so they can be used for breeds such as Sphynxes and others with an increased tendency to develop allergies.

Assortment overview

The company pays great attention to the quality of products, without setting itself goals to diversify the product range, for example, with silica gel. It is safe to say that the fundamental concept of the brand is the motto "Less is more". Therefore, specialists are constantly working to improve the quality of the traditional line.


Absorbent Catsan hygiene plus is suitable for all adult cats, regardless of breed. The product is offered in traditional soft blue packaging with a blue stripe on the left edge, the volume of which varies from 2.5 to 10 kg. The manufacturer guarantees the excellent odor-blocking ability of the filler, as well as its antibacterial properties.Porous granules made of chalk, quartz sand and special additives are environmentally friendly and safe.

It is not recommended to flush the granulate into the sewer, since it has locking properties, which ultimately threatens to clog. The filler is almost odorless. The consumption of the product is small, one filling is enough for a week, if its amount corresponds to the manufacturer's recommendations - 12 cm. The bag with the substance does not have a Zip-fastener, but recently the package has been equipped with a reusable Velcro, which simplifies storage of the filler, locking it from moisture and protecting it from waking up.

The granules should be stored in a cool, dry place with moderate temperature and humidity.


The structure of the lumpy filler consists of a microporous granulate with adhesion ability. When wet, the granules form a small lump that can be easily removed from the tray using a special mesh scoop. The total mass of the filler does not need to be replaced, it happens gradually, you just need to add the granules instead of the removed ones. For good clumping, a layer of at least 5 centimeters is needed, otherwise moisture will immediately flow to the bottom, and the filler will remain damp, spreading an unpleasant odor.

The resulting lumps must be cleaned up regularly, as they are the source of the cat litter odor and cause adhesion of adjacent granules. As for the complete replacement of the filler, this event can be carried out once every 3-4 weeks. Granules intended for disposal must not be flushed down the toilet, as they dissolve for too long, and this can lead to a blockage with all the ensuing consequences. The volume of a package of this type of filler is 5 liters, following the recommendations will allow you to use one package for 2 months.

Filler for kittens

The line of fillers contains an option for babies, which can be identified by a special icon in the lower corner on the right side of the package - “Ideal for kittens”. The packaging is the same as for adults, all the difference is in the production technology. The granules go through more complex stages of purification, which does not allow the formation of dust.

The substance has hypoallergenic properties, is safe for kittens, does not remain on their paws and hair.

Instructions for use

It would seem that such a simple invention as cat litter should do without instructions for use - pour it in and let the cat enjoy it. However, not everything is so simple - in order for an artificial toilet to work as efficiently as possible, they need to be used correctly, as indicated on all packages. This information has been obtained on the basis of thorough research, continuous work to improve the quality of the substance.

  • The tray should be in perfect condition - it is washed with hot water, without using synthetics with aromatic fragrances.
  • Dry the clean tray before pouring the filler into the tray, ensuring that the layer thickness is the same as indicated on the package. In any case, not less than 5 centimeters.
  • It is necessary to monitor the cat litter, immediately remove the formed lumps - not every cat will go to the tray, surrounded by a collection of its own feces - even if a person does not smell, then the subtle scent of the animal will still feel it. Shaggy pets are distinguished by a rare disgust and striving for cleanliness.
  • When removing lumps of "Katsana", one should not forget to add fresh instead, while mixing with the existing filler and evenly distributing it.
  • The filler should be changed when all the granules have darkened or become wet, usually it lasts for 7-10 days.
  • If the tray is installed on a "warm" floor, then a layer should be created between the floor and the toilet, for example, a rug.Firstly, the tray will not slide if the animal behaves too actively in it, and secondly, constant heating from below will provoke an increase in the smell.
  • The mineral filler should not be flushed down the toilet, it should be thrown away with household waste (garbage, in other words).

When choosing a cat litter box, it is most correct to give preference to models with high sides, so that especially active feline representatives do not throw granules around the surrounding space along with their own waste. Another important clarification: the amount of filler poured into the container directly depends on the number of "users". If there are more than one cat, then there should be more litter.

Opened bags must be stored in a dry place so that they do not absorb moisture, at a temperature not exceeding 30ºC.

Review overview

Monitoring the reviews of those cat owners who use CATSAN shows that this brand remains controversial to some users, despite the popularity and promotion of the product. Its positive qualities do not negate the disadvantages that are worth mentioning at the beginning:

  • high price, which is really important for a product of such specificity;
  • sometimes the filler does not cope with the smell, and experts advise using it in tandem with an odor eliminator, but in this case, the already too high price tag increases significantly;
  • with especially active use of the toilet by the cat, it is necessary to increase the rate, since the estimated amount does not cope, which affects the cost;
  • the mineral filler is made of quartz sand and chalk, so dust is inevitable, which remains on the cat's paws and then spreads around the apartment.

As for the positive qualities of Katsan, they are significant enough to provide the brand with a large number of fans - after all, the filler has been in active demand for a quarter of a century, and this speaks for itself.

Judging by the positive feedback from the owners, many are satisfied with the opportunity to leave the cat litter box without constant care for a long time, for example, leaving for the country on weekends. Not everyone takes their pets with them, and litter is an excellent choice in this case. Attractive appearance is also of great importance - it is always more pleasant to see snow-white filler in a sparkling tile and clean bathroom than untidy-looking sawdust or gray-brown matter.

Owners of two or more animals note the comfortable use of the clumping litter and its ability to cope with increased loads, since the clumps do not allow faeces to spread throughout the tray. Many breeders and nursery owners opt for the safe CATSAN HYGIENE PLUS thanks to the natural materials from which it is made.

Each thoroughbred cat and its offspring cost a lot of money, and it is extremely important for a breeder to protect their animals. For those who have several pets, it is of no small importance to be able to purchase a 10-liter bag at once, and not make regular trips to the store for the next package. Such owners usually buy the clumping Katsan Active Fresh with its low consumption and high odor-blocking ability.

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