Filler Brands

Variety of Clean Feet Fillers

Variety of fillings Net feet
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Overview of absorbent fillers
  3. Description of clumping fillers

In the modern world, litter for the toilet can improve not only the comfort of the animal. With this tool, it has become much easier to care for your pet. Among the huge assortment on the market, the Chistye Lags brand is not the last in popularity.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many advantages to Clean Feet fillers:

  • there is no dust when pouring into the container;

  • the legs remain clean, which means the house;

  • maximum absorbency;

  • the manufacturer can please with a natural composition;

  • high consumption is not required due to good absorbency;

  • only natural products are used;

  • there is no chemical treatment.

But, like any other product, "Clean Legs" is not without its drawbacks:

  • if this is a clumping option, then it cannot hold odors for a long time, you have to change it more often;

  • cannot be disposed of in the sewer;

  • it is better to use trays with high sides.

Overview of absorbent fillers

The absorbent filler can be made from wood or clay. For cats, a clay product is perfect; for rodents, it is better to use a woody one.

Supplied in bags of 3.5 and 10 kg, on average a large bag of 37 liters (absorbs 12 liters of liquid).

Clay the product is obtained by high-temperature drying and subsequent pressing. One of the main advantages of such a filler is its excellent absorbent properties. Clay granules perfectly absorb moisture without losing their shape.

To keep the tray clean, you will need to change part or all of the litter.The frequency of changing the litter in the tray depends on how many animals are in the house, how often they go to the toilet, what is the thickness of the layer.

To avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor, it is advisable to remove waste from the tray every day. The inside of the bag can contain granules of different sizes. Such a product is considered the cheapest on the market today.

The absorbent filler can also be woody... Such products are based on sawdust of coniferous species, which are pressed and turned into granules. Of the ecological options, the toilet for animals is the most affordable and safe. When moisture gets in, the granules crumble.

This type of filler does not contain colorants or fragrances, it is not processed with chemicals. Sawdust granules perfectly absorb moisture and prevent unpleasant odors from spreading throughout the house. The toilet is changed on average once a week.

Description of clumping fillers

For cat litter, you can find clumping litter, packaged in 5, 10 or 15 kg. This product is made from bentonite clay and other minerals. When water gets on the filler, it clumps. You can immediately remove the lump, and then the toilet will remain clean. A little toilet product is poured onto the formed place.

In order to use such a product economically, it is recommended to take a tray with high sides for it, and put the filler in it in a thick layer. Approximately this is from 10 to 12 cm. The toilet is completely changed after seven days, but it is possible earlier if there are not one, but several animals in the house. This dry closet is suitable for most breeds, including short-haired and long-haired.

It is not advisable to use clumping litters for kittens, as they may begin to chew them. If it gets inside, it will begin to swell, as a result the animal will suffer. And also do not use a thin layer, because then the wet clay will stick to the paws and wool.

Clumping filler is more expensive than absorbent filler, but not much. The most expensive products are those with silicone granules.

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