Fillers ECO-Premium

The modern market offers a huge number of specific products - litters for a cat litter box. The days when the filler was the source of the strong smell of urine, and the pet then carried pieces of it all over the house, are gone. Modern fillers absorb odors, do not stick to the paws of animals, and are even sold at a budget price. All about the fillers of the manufacturer ECO-Premium, which meets all these requirements, read in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages
Consider the benefits of this filler.
- Consists and is made of natural and environmentally friendly products - wood fibers (from Finnish pine fibers).
- The ECO-Premium filler can be disposed of in the toilet. It is this property that the owners of pets are most pleased with.
- It practically does not get dusty and does not smell even after falling asleep in the tray and then using it as a cat.
- Smooth granules that do not scratch or damage the paws of animals. Especially important for the owners of small kittens.
- After wetting, it does not greatly increase in volume.
- This cat litter product crumples well and quickly. The lump will not disintegrate, swell or turn into sand / powder. But it begins to freeze only after 30 minutes of its formation.
- Decomposes well (no disposal problem). After being in a large amount of water, it decomposes into flakes. Also decomposes well in soil.
- Does not require regular replacement: just remove the lumps and fill in new filler.
- Has a high level of absorbency. Can absorb liquid 3 times its volume. This saves product consumption.
- The product can be used as fertilizer.
- Of all the types of fillers (silica gel, bentonite, and so on) it has the most budgetary price.
- The filler contains no fragrances, dyes and other chemical components.

Unfortunately, the products also have some disadvantages.
- Some buyers claim that the volume of products declared on the packaging does not correspond to reality. Often less filler is used.
- This filler is not available everywhere. But, as a rule, when ordering through an online store, there are no problems with delays.
- Sometimes animals can have problems with habituation. In this case, the manufacturer recommends mixing this filler with another in a 1 to 1 ratio.
- Some owners complain about an unpleasant smell (spruce). The scent may not be suitable for people with a heightened sense of smell or intolerance to the smell of conifers.

The manufacturer claims that one package of the smallest packaging (5 liters) will be enough for almost a month of use (if there is one animal at home). The average product price is 17 rubles per 100 grams. A package of 5 liters (1.9 kg) costs 300-450 rubles.
Despite the fact that the products are manufactured in Russia, foreign (Australian) technology is used for the manufacture of the filler.
In general, on the domestic territory, the share of such ecological products is still too small. And therefore, it is still considered a novelty in the modern market.

Variety of products
You need to know that the manufacturer has a characteristic feature - he produces only one type of product (meaning that the composition of the filler does not change). The product has the following official name - "clumping wood filler". The filler is in the form of small wood-colored granules.
The products have an unobtrusive spruce smell (some buyers claim that the products also smell like cornflakes). However, there is still a variety of products.

There are two main types of fillers commercially available: “green granules” and “blue granules”. Products with green granules, obviously, include green blotches, and blue ones - blue ones. Filler with green granules is sold in red and white packaging, and with blue granules in black and red. New is the “woody clumping filler with lavender extract”. The granules have a purple hue characteristic of lavender.

There are various packaging - from 5 to 55 liters. In general, despite its relative simplicity, the products have good physical characteristics and even participate in various competitions and exhibitions. It is also worth noting that the manufacturer regularly lowers the cost of products slightly.
Review overview
Users note the almost complete absence of odor after the product has been used by a pet. The good quality of the lumps is also noted (they are very dense, do not fall apart) and the possibility of disposal in the toilet. The owners also claim that the product does not swell much, and also does not take animals around the house. When wet, the filler does not hiss and does not emit other extraneous sounds (in contrast to the silica gel analogue). A certain number of buyers (albeit a small one) do not like the appearance of the filler: they considered it too simple. Silica gel looks more aesthetically pleasing.

It is noted that the filler has a specific form that can scare cats away. This problem is especially relevant for those who previously purchased silica gel filler.
It is not easy, and sometimes almost impossible, to accustom a pet to a new filler, especially if it is an adult. Users say the packaging is good. It is dense, waterproof and durable. The packaging does not allow the spread of odors, does not allow the products to get wet. Most buyers are confused: the same product comes in two different packages. This does not affect the quality of the goods.It is also worth remembering that the presence of a large or small amount of blue and green granules also does not affect the quality.