Filler Brands

Features of PrettyCat Fillers

Features of PrettyCat Fillers
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Varieties
  3. Review overview

If you have a cat in your house, you will need to periodically buy special litter for cat litter. Currently, manufacturers can offer a large number of different formulations. Today we will talk about PrettyCat fillers, their features, pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages

PrettyCat cat litter boasts many benefits.

  • Quality. All granules are capable of absorbing moisture as quickly as possible and retaining unpleasant odors for a long time, some varieties should be changed only after a few weeks of use.
  • Environmental friendliness. In the production of these mixtures for cat litters, only natural and safe products are used that will not cause allergies in animals and humans, and will not cause the appearance and development of diseases.
  • Aroma. When used, the composition will distribute a light natural aroma, while there are no artificial flavors in the composition.
  • Ease of cleaning. In the process of disposal, the mixture will not crumble, dust.
  • Profitability. Even a small package can last for a long time.
  • Convenient packaging. This simplifies the process of pouring out the composition, while it will not scatter. Many bags are equipped with a convenient lock, which allows you to tightly close the contents during storage, while the particles will not crumble.
  • Price. Fillers from this company can be purchased at a relatively low cost.

Such compositions have practically no drawbacks. It can only be noted that some varieties may dust a little when poured into the cat litter box.


Now we will take a closer look at the individual varieties of such fillers from the manufacturer.

  • Wood Granules. This woody composition is created on the basis of dry pine, the pellets can be disposed of in the sewer, all of them are biodegradable. The filler is produced according to the latest Finnish technologies. Wood Granules is produced in special robust technological packaging with a lock. The mass has a rather strong natural pine needles aroma. This sample is considered antibacterial, it is absolutely safe for pets and does not cause allergic reactions in them. It is woody compositions that are considered the most common option; they have a relatively low cost, low weight and high efficiency.

Such mixtures for cats must be removed from the tray in a timely manner, otherwise a homogeneous thick mass will form, which pets can spread throughout the house.

  • Crystals of Purity. This silica gel litter for cat litter has the most intense color and natural pleasant scent. This variety easily absorbs moisture, neutralizes all odors. All granules have a special round shape. The composition of this type is particularly economical, because there is no need to clean up all the contents of the litter at once, it will be enough to remove only the used part and add new particles. A complete replacement may only be needed after a few weeks. Fillers with silica gel are made on the basis of environmentally friendly natural raw materials, the main element is a special recycled polysilicon gel. The components have antibacterial properties, so the composition can be considered disinfected.
  • Euro Mix. This lumpy bentonite litter for cats quickly absorbs all odors and absorbs moisture. The particles have antibacterial properties. This composition is used most often for kittens. The filler production is based on a mixture of bentonite clays from different deposits. The mass provides double dedusting. It contains no artificial chemical flavors and other additives that can cause allergic reactions in animals. The litter particles are small so they will not damage kittens' feet.
  • Super white. This natural clumping formulation ensures perfect moisture absorption. It is made on the basis of snow-white bentonite clay. When used, the mass easily lumps into even clots, provides double dedusting, as well as complete neutralization of odors. The principle of operation of such a clumping mixture is based on the fact that when in contact with even a small amount of liquid, the particles begin to stick together, forming lumps that can be easily removed from the tray.

All pellets are small enough to be suitable for small kittens.

All of the above varieties can be produced in packages with different weights. The most common samples are from 1 to 5 kilograms. But in pet stores you can also find more voluminous versions of 20, 23 kg. They are usually purchased by owners of several pets.

Review overview

Many buyers have commented favorably on the brand's cat litter. Separately, it was said that such compositions perfectly absorb all unpleasant odors, and also absorb liquid well. Some users have noticed that these fillers are particularly economical, so they can last for a long period.

According to pet owners, the brand's products are an absolutely natural product, which does not contain various chemical additives and flavors. Only high-quality and environmentally friendly raw materials are taken as a basis. The mass can be flushed down the general drain, as it is completely biodegradable.

Convenient packaging has also earned a lot of positive feedback, many of them are equipped with a small clasp-lock. Buyers spoke about the pleasant aroma of these formulations.

But you can also come across negative comments about PrettyCat brand products. When using the composition, a large amount of dust and other debris may appear. In addition, some varieties have oversized pellets, so they are not suitable for every pet. Not every pet store can find filler from this manufacturer.

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