Filler Brands

Features of Pussy-cat fillers

Features of Pussy-cat fillers
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Range
  3. Reviews

So that there is no unpleasant smell in the house where the fluffy pet lives, it is very important to choose the right filler. Many Russian buyers and their pets prefer Pussy Cat products. In the article we will tell you why they are so popular and what their features are.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pussy Cat is a brand owned by a company with 100% Russian participation (Pussy Cat TM Group of Companies). It has been on the market since 1999. Below are litters for birds, rodents and a large line of litters for the cat litter box called Cat Litter.

Cat Litter fillers from Pussy Cat are high-quality and safe products, created taking into account the behavioral characteristics of cats, based on unique natural materials obtained in ecologically clean corners of our country. The main part of the line consists of absorbent and clumping mineral fillers from zeolite, shungite, diamite, bentonite clays, recognized as the best materials for cat litter. They reproduce the natural structure and smells of natural grounds, which cats (even those unfamiliar with the street) instinctively choose as the most suitable for burying their "affairs". Therefore, there are no problems in explaining to an adult animal or kitten where the place for sending needs is, and the fluffy pet does not walk past the tray.

Before becoming a filler for Pussy Cat, natural raw materials undergo sanitary control, as well as additional processing that improves the absorption properties and the ability to absorb odors through a special system of ion exchangers, absorbents and molecular sieves. At the same time, the natural odors of the soil, its structure are preserved as much as possible, only substances and technologies that are absolutely safe for the health of the pet are used.

Thanks to this comprehensive approach and modern equipment, Pussy Cat has managed to create fillers that are comparable in safety and quality to top-class goods, and are much more affordable at a price (since they are made from domestic raw materials). The brand's products are liked by both pets and owners, they ensure the absence of foreign odors and order in the house.

So, the main advantages of Pussy Cat fillers are as follows:

  • safe, do not contain harmful chemicals;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • have a natural smell and structure that cats like;
  • absorb odors and moisture well;
  • do not stick to wool;
  • pleasant to the paws, have an optimal granule size;
  • affordable;
  • are economically spent;
  • a large line in which there are all the main types of fillers - you can choose for every taste;
  • sold not only in specialized pet stores, but also in many popular supermarkets in the "near home" format;
  • packed in a handy bag with a sturdy handle.

There are no significant flaws in the products of the Pussy Cat brand. The disadvantages that some users find are not too critical and can be reduced to a few points.

  • It may be necessary to change the filler a little more often than recommended in the instructions... 5-7 days is ideal, usually you need to change it every 3-4 days, but this is a completely normal result. And in the class of budget fillers, Pussy Cat is one of the best in terms of absorbency, ahead of, for example, Zoonik and Pi-Pi-Brent (in a number of tests by the Independent Consumer Expertise Foundation).
  • The absorbent mineral fillers in the range can dust a little.

All Pussy Cat litters (both absorbent and lumpy) must not be flushed down the toilet.


The Pussy Cat litter line for the litter box is represented by 7 products, they are of several types and have different properties. Let's consider the features of each in more detail.

  • Zeolite (4.5 L)... Absorbent non-sticking filler based on zeolite, a volcanic mineral that is a good natural absorbent and has antibacterial properties. Raw materials for this filler are mined in Transbaikalia. The granules are similar to small "stones" of light gray color, have a large or medium size (4-8 mm), smell of natural soil. The weight of a full package of dry filler is 2.5 kg, which is enough to absorb 4.5-5 liters of liquid.
  • Oceanic (4.5 or 10 L)... In composition and properties it is similar to zeolite, additionally equipped with a light aroma with a refreshing scent of the sea coast. The smell does not irritate the animal. It is produced in packages weighing 2.5 (absorption volume - 4.5 l) and 5 kg (absorption volume - 10 l).
  • Mineral (4.5 l) - Another excellent absorbent (non-sticking) filler from the line. Its granules are created from the natural mineral diamite. In terms of hygroscopic and antibacterial properties, it is similar to zeolite, but differs in chemical composition and origin (it is not volcanic, but sedimentary rock and was formed from fossilized remains of prehistoric diatoms). Externally, the particles also resemble in shape "pebbles" measuring 4-8 mm, their color is light gray or gray-yellow. The smell is practically absent. It is sold in a convenient package weighing 2 kg (absorbed volume - 4.5 liters).
  • Clumping (4.5 and 10 L)... As the name suggests, this product is of the clumping type. It is made from environmentally friendly bentonite clay. Dry filler particles look like large grains of 2-3 mm in size, light gray or brownish in color, practically odorless. "Waste" granules stick together into a clot, which can be removed from the tray with a special scoop. The filler does not stick to the paws or pet's hair, and does not get dusty when poured.It is produced in two versions of packaging - 4 kg (absorption volume - 4.5 l) and 7 kg (absorption volume - 10 l).
  • Clumping Praskoveisky (4.5 l). The main feature is that it is made from the unique Praskovian pink bentonite clay. Externally, the filler particles look like large grains of sand 2-3 mm in size, brownish-gray or gray-pink in color. Possesses excellent lumping properties. Sold in packs of 2.8 kg (absorption volume 4.5 l).
  • Woody (4.5 l and 10 l). Belongs to the category of absorbent (without a pronounced lumping effect). Made from environmentally friendly sawdust of coniferous species, which contain many natural substances with antibacterial and disinfectant properties. The crushed sawdust is compressed and processed using a special technology into small cylindrical granules of wood color with a natural, pleasant smell of pine forest. Packing options - 2.8 kg each (absorbed volume - 4.5 l) and 5 kg (absorbed volume - 10 l).
  • For kittens (2.5 l), oceanic. A great option for the first filler. In terms of composition, absorbent and antibacterial properties, it is completely identical to the Oceanic filler for adult cats, but differs in a smaller granule size (2-4 mm) - to optimally suit small paws. Such pellets will not be heavy and large, even for a kitten that has just learned to walk. The kid will be happy to rummage in them, and the most natural, natural smell and structure of the filler will be an important clue where the right place for the toilet is. The litter for kittens is available in a small package weighing 1.5 kg (absorption volume 2.5 l).


Pussy Cat fillers have been on the market for over 20 years, and during this time, users have managed to comprehensively study and test them.... There are a lot of reviews on specialized sites, and most of them (80-90%) are positive. Many people bought it as a first choice option (it turned out to be in the nearest store, it was inexpensive) and have been using it for many years since then, because "the cat likes it."

Of course, there are those who, as a result of using and comparing with products from other manufacturers, abandoned Pussy Cat. But, as the review of reviews shows, the reason is individual preferences, and not claims to quality: for example, someone needs a filler that can be flushed down the toilet, someone needs granules with greater absorbency, someone thinks that fillers are very dusty ... And this is quite normal, since a product that is 100% suitable for everyone does not exist.

The main thing is that not a single review (even a negative one) noted cases of allergy or irritation of the skin or mucous pets, cases of poisoning. This is the best confirmation of the quality of these fillers. Independent research results also show that the formulation is safe and in line with the manufacturer's claims.

Thus, you can safely choose any Pussy Cat product for your pets.

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