Filler Brands

Features of the Happy Feet fillers

Features of the Happy Feet fillers
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Varieties
  3. Review overview

It is not in vain that they attach great importance to the choice of litter for cat litter. If the animal does not like the contents of the tray, it is likely that it will go elsewhere to relieve itself.

But due to the variety of zoological products in this direction, it will not be difficult to choose a suitable substrate for the tray. It is enough to analyze each type and make a decision. Lucky Feet filler offers several filler options.

Advantages and disadvantages

The question of choosing the right products should be approached thoroughly. Cat litters differ in their absorption of moisture and elimination of odors.

Some species are endowed with additional properties: aromatization, antibacterial effect, etc. It is important to take into account all the characteristics in order to figure out what will be best for a four-legged friend. When choosing, they rely on the breed and health of the pet.

Silica gel

Special granular litter media based on silica gel. The most expensive type in the Lucky Paws product line, but its consumption is less than that of the rest. A filler made from a super-porous granular mixture is capable of absorbing 30 times more liquid than its own volume.

Silica gel belongs to hypoallergens and rarely causes allergic reactions even in sensitive felines.

Large granules are suitable for long-haired individuals, and small ones are best purchased for short-haired and elderly cats.


  • very economical, complete replacement is required once every 2-3 weeks;
  • the best hygroscopicity in comparison with other fillers;
  • soft granules absorb moisture better and neutralize odors;
  • the surface is always dry.


  • quite expensive;
  • granules make a creak under the paws of animals;
  • do not use kittens for the tray, since unintelligent pets can swallow the granules and poison themselves (for the same reason, it is not recommended to use a silica gel composition if small children live in the house);

the used product is difficult to dispose of by flushing it down the toilet - it is not allowed to go down the drain, as blockages are formed.


The production of wood-shaving types is carried out by pressing the materials left after woodworking... Sawdust mixtures are converted into small and fairly dense granules of natural wood color. When moisture enters, swelling occurs, the granules loosen and lose their shape.


  • an environmentally friendly type of filler, suitable not only for adult animals, but also for kittens from an early age;
  • natural, hypoallergenic material;
  • safe when it gets into the mouth and esophagus of a cat - animals can chew the substrate, which will not negatively affect their health;
  • the cost of wood pellets is quite affordable;
  • used filler is easy to dispose of, flushing down the toilet is allowed.


  • does a poor job of neutralizing toilet odors;
  • it is not economical, since replacement is required much more often, in comparison with mineral fillers (depending on the individual characteristics and physiology of the cat);
  • during the instillation of feces, light granules fly out of the tray.


Cat litter formulations based on minerals. They are considered somewhat more practical than organic fillers.


  • work well against unwanted odors;
  • perfectly absorb liquid;
  • lumpy fillers are easy to dispose of, the formed lumps are easily removed from the tray using a special or ordinary scoop;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • heavy substrate does not fly out of the tray;
  • favorable cost.


  • stick to paws and can be carried around the house;
  • sharp stones can injure the pads on the limbs;
  • dust sometimes rises when pouring;
  • material difficult to recycle - first you need to pour the granules into a bag, and then send them to the trash;
  • not recommended for kittens.

Sometimes cat owners prefer to use a combination of mineral and wood pellets. It is convenient and practical when you have a tray with a grill. Wood pellets are poured into the pallet, and mineral pellets are poured onto the upper level.

Thus, only the sawdust in the pallet is subject to regular replacement, and the stones are changed much less frequently.


Understanding the composition and structure of different litters can make it much easier to choose the right type for your cat litter box. Following this knowledge, it will become easier to determine the basic methods of using granules, the frequency of their replacement, etc.

According to the principle of action, fillers are of two types.


Absorbs odors, quickly absorbing a large volume of secretions. Made from natural raw materials that are safe for four-legged friends... It may contain soda, activated carbon, and in some types even silver ions. The filler benefits significantly in quality from the addition of these components.

It is necessary to change the absorbent material frequently, followed by disinfection of the litter box. It is important for babies to choose the most natural filler, given their natural curiosity and inclination to chew anything that comes close to the nose. The most popular filler is capable of absorbing from 8, 16 liters and up to 33 liters.

There are two types of Happy Feet absorbent filler:

  • woody;
  • silica gel.

The first one is biodegradable and antibacterial. Has protection against odor, with a natural pine aroma and no chemical additives. The highest quality raw materials are created using a special processing technology. The pellets are a very economical material and are ideal for mesh trays. Used filler can be disposed of in the sewer in small batches.

Silica gel absorbent filler is perfumed with an unobtrusive scent of lavender. It is dust-free and does not cause allergies in animals and their owners.

It has a strong absorbent capacity. With excellent moisture absorption, the material has an economical consumption.


The principle of operation of such a composition is based on the following process: coming into contact with a liquid, the granules stick together, that is, clump together. The resulting lumps with feces can be easily removed from the tray.

Possesses high absorbing properties... The bentonite-based filler contains paper, wood and additional components. The filler has many useful qualities: efficiency, ease of cleaning, the addition of special components such as fragrances and fragrances.

Lucky Paws, a clumping filler manufacturer, produces pellets in various fractions. The smaller it is, the better the quality of the product.

Small granules of the lumpy type have better liquid absorption and lower consumption. In addition, the cats themselves often prefer the small size of the fraction. Such material does not injure the pads in contact with the granules and does not cause discomfort. It is convenient to rake it in the tray. It is packed in cardboard boxes by weight from 3 to 10 kg.

Mineral filler "Happy Legs" is made from unique bentonite clay mined at a domestic deposit. It is 100% natural raw materials of the ultra class.

Review overview

Clumping filler attracts with its environmental friendliness and profitable consumption. Owners of smooth-haired and fluffy pets find that the clumps are easy to remove from the litter box.

The packaging is well thought out and convenient for transporting and pouring the filler. However, it is not very dusty. Those who are intolerant of dust are switching to siliconized granules. Or choose wood material. Depending on what the cat likes.

Toilet contents based on bentonite hardly stick to the paws of animals. That is, is not carried by them throughout the house.

Silica gel fillers are also popular among humans and felines.

Attracts buyers and the cost of the product "Happy Paws". So far, it is the most democratic among similar fillers.

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