What are CCCat fillers?

Any owner of a purring pet wants to provide the pet with the very best, from food to pleasant little things in the form of funny toys or beds. And litter for cat litter is becoming one of the main items on the weekly shopping list, especially in an urban environment where there is no free range. When choosing, it is best to give preference to trusted manufacturers who have consistently high reviews from buyers.
One of these manufacturers is the Bentonit group of companies. They have teamed up in the Leading project and created several brands of cat litter for consumers with different needs and income levels, including CCCat economy class litters.

Advantages and disadvantages
The list of advantages of the manufacturer itself, as well as of its final product, is very significant.
- Low price. The cost of one package of filler is only about 100-200 rubles. At the same time, the quality of such a product can be compared with the offers of the middle class.
- Domestic production. Products are produced in our country from local raw materials, therefore, they do not require special costs for their import from abroad, which favorably affects the final price of the product.
- Wide coverage of distributors. Today the Leading company works with many large stores not only in Moscow, but also in Krasnodar, Rostov, Voronezh and other cities of Russia, without ceasing to expand its coverage.
- Frequent discounts and promotions. The already low price of the filler is reduced even more. The product has an impressive shelf life, and therefore purchasing it during such promotions for future use is a reasonable decision for those who plan to save money.
- Voluntary environmental certification in the face of modern market requirements - perhaps the best quality recommendation.
- Colorful packaging. Regardless of the purpose of the product, people always want to see something beautiful next to them. Therefore, CCCat packaging is not only durable, but also pleasing to the eye. Such a bag with filler can be left even on the open shelves of the bathroom, and not hidden in the far corners of closed closets.
- There are flavored and unflavored foods. OThe absence of odorous granules in such a product is not at all a drawback. The fact is that cats sense odors several times stronger than humans, so they may refuse to approach a tray filled with flavored filler even a few meters.

Unfortunately, in any product, no matter how high quality it is, you can always find not only advantages, but also disadvantages. It should be noted that most of the shortcomings of CCCat can be considered conditional.
- Difficult to find in small towns. Despite its wide coverage, it is not always possible to find CCCat in small shops in remote areas. We'll have to go to the wholesale purchase closer to the city.
- Narrow product line. The manufacturer offers only three types of filler in one or two packages. Those buyers who would like to make large monthly purchases will have to settle for a maximum of eight liter packs.
As noted earlier, these shortcomings are very conditional, since they are easy to write off: buy goods in online stores, order delivery, or turn your attention to a more expensive line of fillers from the same manufacturer.

Today Leading offers its customers three types of economy class products produced under the CCCat brand.
A common filler made of shavings and sawdust of pine, spruce and other species, pressed into small cylinders. Has an unobtrusive pine scent and instantly absorbs moisture. One small package of such a filler is enough to absorb 7-8 liters of liquid. But its main advantage is easy disposal. The used product can be flushed in small portions into the toilet and not be afraid to clog the pipes.

Natural blue clay filler in the form of fine concrete chips. Perfect for even the smallest kittens, made without a single chemical additive. When liquid enters, it forms a dense lump, which is removed from the tray with a spatula, without affecting the rest of the filler, which makes it possible to reduce its consumption quite well.

Silica gel
Silica gel, which has become the most popular in recent years, perfectly absorbs not only moisture, but also all unpleasant odors. It is economically consumed, since it requires the disposal of only solid waste. And its main advantage is that it is not carried by cat's paws around the apartment, eliminating the need for daily cleaning.

Review overview
There are a lot of reviews about CCCat filler from buyers. And this is not surprising, because the product has been consistently ranked first in the ranking of budget fillers for a long time. Users of such Internet resources as the Irecommend or Otzovik website are generally satisfied with their purchase. They note decent quality at a very affordable price, economical consumption and ease of cleaning the tray from used filler.
The lumpy product is easily removed with a spatula, silica gel copes with the elimination of an unpleasant odor, and the wood product is really easily washed off into the sewer and does not require the purchase of special bags for cleaning waste.
Despite the fact that the low price is the decisive advantage of this product, buyers note the pleasant packaging design, the unobtrusive smell of aromatized products and, of course, the fact that their furry favorites are happy with the owner's purchase.