Tafi Cat Litter Fillers

Tafi is the own trademark of the Magnit retail chain. Therefore, this filler can only be found in these stores, due to which it has a pleasantly low price. And how about the quality - we will tell in our article.

The filler in the tray helps to get rid of unpleasant odors in the bathroom and the apartment as a whole, as well as to cope with the effect of wet marks. Moreover, it reminds a cat of the natural environment, allowing not only to comfortably cope with natural needs, but also to instill them.
Tafi cat litter comes in two types:
- woody;
- clumping.

For the manufacture of both, only natural materials are used.
Wood filler shows excellent absorbent properties due to its porous structure - compressed sawdust. When wet, they disintegrate, but continue to retain the smell. In addition, they themselves exude a pleasant woody aroma. Great for kittens and neutered cats. Does not stick to paws and wool.

Clumping filler, when wet, collects into solidifying lumps, hence the name. It perfectly locks the smell, does not stick to the paws, and therefore does not spread around the apartment. Allows you to easily remove the waste material with a special scoop. Thanks to this, you do not need to completely change the tray, but only once every two weeks.
For the manufacture of lumpy filler of this brand, activated zeolite is used - a completely natural material.
It undergoes a special thermomechanical treatment that improves the quality characteristics of the clay.

Pour this filler into the tray 5 cm thick. If the layer is thinner, then the moisture can reach the bottom of the container, without having time to collect into lumps. In this case, you will have to change the filler completely in the tray more often.
Fillers are produced in dense plastic packaging weighing 2.8 kg for wood and 3.9 kg for clumping. There is a transparent window that allows you to evaluate the appearance of the filler.

Review overview
Despite the budget of the Tafi brand clumping filler and good absorption properties, most users still give a negative assessment. The very first thing that cat breeders note is dustiness. When filler is poured into the tray, the mixture becomes very dusty and leaves a trail around the tray. The dust cloud itself settles in 5-10 minutes. If the cat likes to actively dig into the filler, the muzzle after visiting the bathroom is always gray. The same dust is carried around the apartment well by paws, as well as the granules themselves.

Another negative point, baked by users, is the absence of lumps. Waste material darkens and even clumps, but it is completely impossible to remove them. On contact with the scoop, the lumps easily disintegrate and wake up through it. But the gray granules perfectly envelop the feces, blocking the unpleasant odor.
Clumping material retains odors well. But if the tray is not removed during the day, it becomes clear that it does not cope with its function very well.
Wood filler has much more positive feedback. Light-colored granules with dark blotches exude a pleasant woody and even coniferous aroma. The product does not spread around the apartment and perfectly absorbs moisture. The used granules immediately disintegrate into sawdust, which gradually dry out.

When there are a lot of them, they begin to scatter around the apartment, therefore, timely replacement of the filler is recommended. In addition, when the filling is high, the waste material ceases to absorb, an unpleasant odor appears, and the sawdust itself remains wet and does not dry out.
Wood litter is great not only for cats, including those with long hair, but also for rodents and dogs.