Variety of corn fillers "Golden Cat"

The variety of litters for the cat litter box cannot but please the owners of four-legged pets. Taking into account the preferences of the animal, people have the opportunity to choose the appropriate type of hygiene product, taking into account their own financial capabilities and the needs of the animal. Most often, the stores offer clay, as well as wood and silica gel fillers, among them granules based on corn cobs “Golden Cat. Ecoline ".
Advantages and disadvantages
The manufacturer "Golden Cat" offers hygiene products not only for felines, but also for rodents and birds. This product has the same absorbency as silica gel, clay and sawdust products. However, the raw material for manufacturing is a rather unusual material - the core of corn cobs. By crushing it is processed into large, medium and small fractions and compressed granules are formed.

The surfaces of the filler particles retain a high porosity, so that the granules absorb moisture like a sponge. According to the manufacturer's assurances, 1 kg of "Golden Cat" is capable of absorbing over 2 liters of water. All this allows us to consider the filler a very economical product.
The advantage of the "Golden Cat" is that after getting wet, the granules, unlike traditional wood products, do not disintegrate into small particles. Accordingly, they do not stick to the paws of the animal and are not carried around the apartment by them.
Unlike clay products, the particles of the "Golden Cat" do not contain dust, thereby keeping the home clean.

An important plus is the environmental safety of the filler. There are no flavors and artificial additives in its structure, so the risk of allergy to this agent is negligible. The composition is 100% natural fiber, so it will not cause the slightest harm to animals if they decide to try it "by the teeth".
Despite its name, the Golden Cat is not just for cats. It is often purchased as bedding for rodent cages. Guinea pigs, toy rats, chinchillas and even rabbits love these corn pellets. They chew on them - this is useful for grinding teeth. Thus, the filler has a double benefit.
Finally, corn pellets are biodegradable. Therefore, after use, they are allowed to be flushed into the sewer.

However, the "Golden Cat" also has its drawbacks, namely:
does not eliminate strong odors;
requires frequent updating or use together with other fillers.
On contact with moisture, they can rot and even become covered with dangerous mold - this can harm small animals. In addition, some cat owners note that animals do not always understand how to use such a litter box. They can lie down to rest in corn granules, but they refuse to fulfill their natural needs. Granules are inconvenient for burying, because they rustle badly - this is not to the liking of four-legged pets. In addition, this product is extremely rare in stores, so you have to order it via the Internet.
All products of the assortment line "Golden Cat" have a similar composition, identical properties. At the same time, the manufacturer offers fillers in three varieties - compressed granules or crushed particles (they can be large or small). This allows pet breeders to find the best product for their pet.

Fillers for cats
The litter for cats is produced in the form of granules. Large fraction crumb has a rounded shape with a diameter of about 8 mm. However, in comparison with wood filler, it is rather light and soft. It is sold in packs of 4 and 6 liters, their cost is about 170 and 200 rubles. respectively. You can buy a large craft bag weighing 12 kg, the price for it in stores varies between 500-600 rubles.

The filler in the form of compressed granules of medium and fine fraction is suitable for all animals. It is especially loved by breeders of long-haired cats - 5-6 mm granules do not stick to the paws and wool. It is offered in packages of 4 and 10 kg, the cost is 150 and 600 rubles.

Description of fillers for rodents
The "golden cat" for rodents is similar to the previous one, the only difference is in the size of the granules. They look like round crushed chips with a diameter of about 4 mm. This filler is optimal for chinchillas, rats, guinea pigs and hamsters. It is also in demand for litter boxes for puppies and small kittens. A package for 3 liters costs about 140 rubles, a pack of 10 kg - about 550 rubles.

The use of this litter is especially important for hamster owners. Not everyone knows that by nature these animals are allergic to needles. Most of the sawdust offered in pet stores is made from softwood trees. As a result, the rodents are forced to be in a highly allergenic environment, and this causes their gradual wilting.
"Golden Cat" based on corn cobs is absolutely harmless to the pet. It does not lead to allergies. In addition, it makes it possible for the little animal to bury itself in the same way as in the shavings.

Review overview
Owners of rodents who have used the filler of the "Golden Cat" brand, highlight the following advantages:
easy to clean;
absorbs not too harsh odors well;
does not rub paws.
According to reviews, he can even withstand a three-week stay in a cage. A pleasant bonus is the fact that the animal can taste its filler without the slightest damage to health. Thus, for breeders of rodents, "Golden Cat" has become one of the most demanded products.

But the owners of cats and cats are not always happy. They think the faction is too small. Pets refuse to relieve themselves in such a tray, and the owners have to persuade them. In addition, the animal cannot bury its excrement, and is nervous about it.
Many people notice that, in comparison with other fillers, these granules do not clump well, stick to the bottom or stick together in pieces.
The most unpleasant thing is that the filler becomes covered with black mold in a couple of days, this leads to severe poisoning and death of the animal.

In response to objections, the manufacturer advises to follow the rules for using the tray.
Pour it at least 10 cm deep.
It is imperative to take into account the pet's reaction when switching to a new filler, since it can be difficult for a pet to accept a composition with such an unusual aroma. In order for the cat to get used to the new toilet faster, at first it is better to mix the "Golden Cat" with the previous remedy, gradually increasing the proportion of corn granules. Lumps should be collected at least once a day, and every 7-10 days a complete replacement of the filler should be made.
If you follow these basic recommendations, you can avoid the appearance of pathogenic microflora and a pungent odor.

In a multi-cat household, experienced breeders recommend using corn pellets in conjunction with others. For example, put a wood or silica gel filler with a high adsorption capacity on the bottom of the tray, and pour corn on top. In this case, the lower layer will absorb moisture well, and the upper one will remain dry, will not stick to the paws and will not stain the apartment.