Filler Brands

Description of fillers "Zoonik"

Description of fillers Zoonic
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Varieties
  3. Review overview

Fillers "Zoonik" of the Russian brand of pet products of the same name are quite popular among pet owners. Lumpy silica gel for cat litter, wood absorbent filler and other products of the company are economical and absorb moisture well. Review of reviews and assortment of fillers "Zoonik" will help each owner to make their choice, taking into account the individual needs of the animal.

Advantages and disadvantages

Russian pet care products are becoming more and more popular. Fillers "Zoonik", intended for cat litter, have a number of advantages for which they are appreciated by pet owners. There are a number of obvious advantages of the Russian brand's products.

  1. European production technologies. Lines for the production of fillers are purchased in the EU countries, advanced developments in this area are used. The equipment helps to achieve the exact size and shape of the granules.
  2. High environmental standards. All components used are fully compliant with established standards. They are non-toxic, after use they can be disposed of with ordinary household waste.
  3. Convenient economical packaging. With proper use, its contents are enough for 3-4 weeks. In this case, the fillers do not lose their properties. And also the brand has large-volume packages of 20 liters for those who keep several animals in the same house.
  4. Materials without chemical impurities. Natural ingredients are preferred. They are harmless to the health of cats, hypoallergenic. The fillers do not contain dyes, preservatives, or fragrances.
  5. Wide range of. The brand has both premium products and budget options based on silica gel, bentonite clay, pressed wood.

There are also disadvantages. The assortment of the brand's products does not imply the possibility of matching them for kittens or cats with special needs. The flavored options, which some owners prefer to choose, are also missing.

In terms of its class, the product is aimed at the mass consumer, it uses polymer-based packaging, and the absorbency is inferior to premium goods.


Zoonik produces various types of fillers with a composition based on granules, crystals or pressed wood cylinders. The owner who teaches the animal to the tray can combine the selected composition with the previous mixture or immediately replace it. The standard volume range is for cat litter packs from 5L to 20L. A product review will help facilitate decision making before purchasing a suitable product.

  • Clumping "Zoonik" 5 l / 8 l. Bentonite clay litter is considered one of the best product options. It can be used to eliminate the specific odor of ammonia and feces in the litter box. Granules have antibacterial properties, provide quick surface moisture absorption. Such a filler is completely safe for the cat's health, it excludes abundant dust formation, makes it easier to clean the litter box, since it does not stick to plastic.

  • Clumping "Lux" (Premium Class). Zoonik positions this product as a premium product and sells it in 5 liter packs. The composition contains bentonite clay, completely environmentally friendly and safe, in granules of a universal size, equally suitable for cats and kittens. The manufacturer has developed a formula for ultra-fast absorption, making a composition that does not stain the fur and paws of the animal.
  • Zoonic Silica Gel. The filler in a compact package with a volume of 3.8 liters is designed for 5-6 weeks of use, and a package of 20 liters will last for a long time for the owner of several animals or an entire nursery. Hypoallergenic translucent crystals are colorless, can be used in trays with and without mesh. The silica gel composition absorbs odors well, its absorption characteristics are also high, while the volume of the mixture does not change. The composition has antibacterial properties, there are no dust particles when loading into the tray.
  • "Zoonik arboreal". The classic version of the absorbent filler with a composition of environmentally friendly wood. For production, conifers are used, which contribute to the natural deodorization of the air.

In addition to cat litter, they are allowed to be used in trays and cages of rodents and other small pets. Available in packs of 5 or 20 liters.

  • "Absorbent Zoonic". Mineral filler in packs of 5 l and 20 l. Granules are obtained by crushing the zeolite mineral and have atraumatic rounded edges. The mineral composition retains moisture well, contributes to the complete absorption of specific odors. Absorption occurs evenly, with distribution throughout the mass of the granular substance, which significantly extends the life of 1 package.

Wood clumping filler deserves special attention in the brand's product line, which, in addition to softwood, contains thickeners, grain components, and absorbent substances.

They absorb odors, actively absorb moisture. Such formulations are designed for long-term use, economical and environmentally friendly, but not all cats like them.

Review overview

According to buyers, Zoonik produces good fillers that cope with their tasks. They are inexpensive, especially clumping compositions, which, when purchased, are much more profitable than premium analogues. The fillers are praised for their convenient economical packaging, pleasant granule structure, and comfortable for cat paws. And also the positive reviews mention the absence of dust and pollution after using the cat litter box.

Most of the complaints are about the brand's clumping fillers. This product does not perform well when used in litter boxes for adult cats. A large volume of liquid collects in lumps for a long time, a slight ammonia smell may persist. It is only necessary to dispose of spent granules correctly; they cannot be flushed down the toilet. And also there are complaints that when thrown away, the lumps crumble, not retaining their acquired shape.

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