Why do extended nails break quickly and how to prevent this?

Not every woman can boast of natural beautiful nails. Therefore, in recent years, their building has become popular. This decision is rational, since such a manicure should delight its owner for at least three weeks, but in practice it does not always work out that way.

Features of the procedure
If the nails extended with gel are characterized by beauty, well-groomed and naturalness, then we can conclude that they are performed according to all the rules. The steps in this procedure are not complicated:
- fastening tips, molds to the nail, using a special glue;
- covering the base using gel, acrylic.
Thanks to the ultraviolet lamp, the master adheres the gel. Acrylic hardens by itself. Acrylic is characterized by slow hardening, as well as the occurrence of problems with the natural nail plate.
Gel-enhanced manicure is rather fragile. To eliminate it, it is necessary to cut off the coating, which entails damage to the natural nail, as well as the skin around it. If the procedure was carried out efficiently, then the fair sex should not worry about the beautiful appearance of her hands for a long time. Unfortunately, there are times when a manicure breaks down prematurely, which causes a lot of inconvenience and frustration.

Causes of deformation of manicure
The problem, when nails fall off quickly after the extension procedure, is faced by a third of women who use such nails. Falling off is initially manifested by the formation of bubbles filled with air under the gel base, as well as the appearance of cracks.
The main reasons for this trouble are as follows.
- Broken technology of the building process. Negligence or lack of experience of the master can lead to poor-quality polishing of the nail, poor cleaning of the places near the cuticle, incomplete removal of dust from the nail plate, the ingress of gel or acrylic on the skin, incorrect selection of the drying mode on an ultraviolet lamp. The problem with the deformation of the extended manicure also arises if a nail file was used, which has coarse abrasiveness, materials of poor quality, the amount of gel or acrylic was saved. The master should not forget about the treatment of the nail with a degreaser, about the use of components that have the same brand, about the treatment with antiseptics that protect against fungal infections. And also the common mistakes of the masters include improper preparation of nails, improper filing, applying gel material to the cuticle, spreading a large amount of gel on a natural nail, insufficient pressing of the corners in the lateral part, installation of an unsuitable shape, the presence of cracks. Extended nails will not adhere well if the client's hands are wet or cold, so they need to be dried and heated before starting the procedure.
- Correction carried out at the wrong time. The first correction procedure must be done three weeks after visiting the master.
Subsequent corrections are made four to five weeks later. Saving on this procedure will lead to premature falling off of a beautiful manicure.

- Physiological processes in the human body. The duration of the beauty of extended nails directly depends on the state of health of the woman. The creation of artificial nails cannot be carried out in case of infectious and inflammatory processes in the body, nail fungus, critical days, pregnancy and breastfeeding, taking hormones, antibiotics, excessive sweating on the hands, thinness of the nail, diseases of the thyroid gland. If a woman knows about health problems and is still ready to carry out the building procedure, then she should not hope that they will last more than two weeks.
- Improper manicure care. So that the nails after this procedure do not break very quickly, they should be monitored and properly looked after. It is not recommended to keep your hands in liquid for a long time, do housework without wearing gloves, and independently correct the plate.

Ways to solve the problem
The correct solution to prevent deformation of the manicure is proper care. Do not forget that the manicure should not be done for about four days before the procedure.
Do not nourish the cuticle and nail plate with oil, as excess moisture can provoke flaking.
After the extension procedure has been carried out, you should not engage in self-correction, it is imperative to visit the master in a timely manner for this work. Do not ignore the recommendations of the salon employee who performed the work. Proper care and following the recommendations of the master is a guarantee that your manicure will last for a long time.

Beautiful, long nails that look well-groomed are not only a luxury but also a necessity. A well-made manicure will save time and always look amazing. Do not be afraid to build up your nails with gel, fearing that they can quickly break or peel off. Choose a good master, do not skimp on your beauty and take proper care of your nails, and then everyone will envy your hands.
The attached video lists the reasons that lead to damage to extended nails.