At what age can you grow nails and why are there restrictions?

The striving for beauty is characteristic of every female. It is noteworthy that the desire to be charming arises at a very early age. Since childhood, babies have been looking closely at their mother's cosmetics. Of course, bright and shiny jewelry, including lipsticks, eye shadows and varnishes, is the first thing that catches your eye. With the advent of nail design, girls pay attention to them.
If you can distract the little ones with the help of toys, then the teenage girl insistently demands to make her nails "like mom's." Parents of adolescents often ask questions whether it is worth fulfilling their daughter's request, from what age they can grow nails without fear of negative consequences.

Expert opinion
If you ask several masters about how many years you can extend nails, the answers will be different. But the experts agree on one thing: there is no single answer. Growing up is different for everyone, which means that admission to cosmetic procedures is available individually for each girl. However, under any circumstances, up to 14 years old, you should not resort to nail correction in the form of their extension.
In adolescence, children's marigolds are soft and fragile. The palms continue to grow, and with them the growth of the nail plates occurs. Serious interference with this natural process is unacceptable.

It is also important that during puberty in girls, the hormonal background changes significantly. Due to its instability, there is a high probability of rejection of false nails from "relatives". Cover plates will not last long.
Another argument against the fashionable procedure is that young ladies are not yet accustomed to caring for their hands. In addition, sudden movements, including in physical education, inevitably lead to breakage and other flaws in beautiful linings.
Considering all the negative consequences, specialists who are responsible for their work refuse to lengthen the nail plates for too young people. The service is performed exclusively with parental consent.

Fashionable procedure is not harmless
In most cases, extensions are performed solely out of a desire to show off.
Meanwhile, the procedure was originally conceived as a practical operation capable of concealing:
- irregularities in the surface of the nails;
- their stratification;
- fragility and dullness;
- unsightly shape.

The method used to solve problems was so good that it quickly became fashionable. Today, jewelry on the fingertips can be seen on schoolgirls and students, middle-aged ladies and pensioners.
Following fashion trends makes young ladies quickly become the owners of beautiful artificial nails. Few people think about the negative consequences of the procedure. And they do exist. And more harm is done to the still not strong girl's marigolds.
Violation of the natural surface layer of the nail can lead to a host of troubles and even diseases. Deep cutting may not completely restore the nail. Fungus and bacteria can penetrate through the damaged structure. Getting rid of fungal diseases is not easy. They are able to develop into a chronic form and remain for many years.

In addition, the unstable hormonal background of growing up girls can play a bad joke with them. The body is unable to adequately respond to nail extension materials. Severe allergic reactions to chemicals are often observed. Swelling, itching, burning, or inflammation appears. Sometimes manifestations such as urticaria and atopic dermatitis are noted, eczema develops.
Drying of the applied gel takes place under the rays of an ultraviolet lamp. Not everyone will like this procedure. The local directed action of ultraviolet radiation can also harm young women with a fragile hormonal background.

How is it different from a regular manicure
Before making extensions, the master performs the same operations as for traditional manicure:
- cleans the nail plates;
- removes cuticles;
- trims the shape.

The listed actions are completely harmless. They help keep your hands clean and beautiful. For artificial lengthening, a "bad" operation is performed. The smooth surface, which is proof of health, is cut down mercilessly.
Roughness is required for better adhesion of the extension material - gel or acrylic powder.

Hand care for girls
Some mothers, without getting hung up on trifles, offer their daughters to make beautiful jewelry themselves. For some, the desire to do everything possible to make the daughter the most refined in the class prevails. Others believe that this is the only way to wean the child from the habit of constantly biting growing nails. In both cases, moms are wrong if the girls are under 16.
There is more harm than good from buildup. It doesn't matter who performs the procedure: a private trader or an experienced master of a reputable salon. As a result, the quality of their own nails is significantly damaged.
Often, young mothers paint marigolds for babies in preschool age. It seems to them that there is nothing wrong with that. However, varnishes contain harmful substances. For example, formaldehyde, which gives off an unpleasant odor, is a toxic substance. Another element that is part of the varnishes, toluene, is also a poison.

Delicate children's hands should not come into contact with toxic substances that can penetrate the body through the skin. Vapors of toxic substances enter the lungs by inhalation.They will not lead to death in small doses, and they will cause allergic reactions very easily.
For very young people, children's cosmetics are intended. It includes water-based varnishes. They do not differ in durability and are washed off with water. But there is no harm from such compositions.
Latest generation varnishes: 3-Free, 5-Free and similar do not contain harmful substances. They contain neither toluene with formaldehyde, nor dibutyl phthalate. In some, harmful substances and even fragrances are completely absent. Even if these are not the cheapest drugs, they are harmless. If you really want to please your daughter with beautiful nails for a holiday, or "coloring" is required for performances, you should use varnishes with the Free prefix.

Age restrictions
It is hardly worth carrying out artificial lengthening at 13 years. Some people are of the opinion that it is already possible to do build-up at the age of 14. Experienced experts do not advise to carry out this procedure earlier than 16 years.
In fact, age should not be considered a yardstick by which to experiment with your own body. Hands decorated with extended nails will look really impressive only on a fully formed figure.
In the transitional age, when a girl turns into a girl (usually from 12 to 16 years old), the proportions of individual body parts may not correspond to each other. At this time, having coloring on your fingertips is more likely to arouse ridicule than admiration. Mothers should explain to their daughters that their desires are premature. It won't be long before a fashionable manicure becomes available.

Care for extended nails
Long nails require special attention. There are certain rules of conduct for those who build them up. For example, doors should be opened carefully, clothes should be put on without haste, and the zipper on purse and shoes should be carefully unzipped. We'll have to give up ball games: volleyball, basketball, handball. And it is better not to engage in other sports in order to avoid damaging the fashionable jewelry.
Active adolescents have not yet mastered the art of controlling their own bodies. Only by the end of the formation of the feminine principle, and this happens in most cases by the age of 17, the movements acquire smoothness. Only then comes the time to show yourself in full glory. In the last grades of school, girls gain experience in self-care, and long nails will adorn their owners, and not interfere with their daily activities.

Any, sometimes even insignificant, loads are reflected on the nails. Cracks, creases, bends appear. It's a shame when the artificial part breaks. And it is very painful if, together with a beautiful plate, a "live" one breaks and comes off. It will take more than one month to heal the injured area. You will have to wait for your nail to grow back. You can forget about the former beauty for this time.
The nail extension procedure is associated with certain risks.
What to choose: to venture into the procedure, to do a traditional manicure or simply to use gel polish without building-up - it is, of course, for the girl herself to decide. But parents are simply obliged to warn their daughter about all possible troubles.

See the next video for a children's manicure option.