Extension of nails with gel polish: methods, technique, advantages and disadvantages

Currently, a neat and high-quality manicure has become available to the fair sex. Even if the marigolds do not have the desired length and shape, the issue can be solved with the help of extensions. Gel polishes are an excellent tool for such a procedure. The grown nails will be very strong, they should not be afraid to break or chipped off. In addition, women of fashion can choose any design and change it during the correction.

Advantages and disadvantages
Before contacting a master in order to build up artificial nails, you need to find out all the nuances of the procedure, ask about its advantages and disadvantages. In order to get beautiful and strong nails, you need to take into account that you will have to spend 1.5-2 hours in the salon. This can be done at home, however, in addition to special skills, in this case, you will also need the availability of materials and tools that are required for such work.
Among the pluses, it is worth noting that the material is very strong. Nails do not delaminate, practically do not scratch and very rarely break. Since the gel has an elastic structure, it is able to hold for a long time. In addition, the cost of the service is affordable for most beautiful young ladies.

Natural nails become stronger during extension, there is no risk of breaking them. The surface becomes ideally smooth, since all visible defects are corrected with the help of the composition. The procedure for removing nails from a professional master is also quite quick.In addition, oxygen can flow to the natural marigold even through the gel, so the plate does not dry out.

Visually, the marigolds are neat, smooth and shiny. The material protects them from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, contact with an aggressive environment and possible mechanical stress. Also, there is practically no allergy to gel polish. The tool has an antifungal effect due to the coniferous resin included in its composition. In addition, the fair sex can choose any desired design and change it as needed.
Despite the large number of advantages, one cannot remain silent about the disadvantages of this procedure. One of them is discomfort during baking marigolds in a lamp - during this process, there may be a sensation of a fairly strong burning sensation. You also need to take into account the fact that if the nail still managed to break, it will not be possible to repair it, it is only possible to build up a new one.

It is also quite difficult to remove extended nails without the help of a professional master - this can be quite harmful for your own. The removal process involves the cutting procedure, which cannot but affect the surface of the nail plate.
The ways
You can build nails in two different ways: on tips and on forms. Each of them has its own characteristics, and which one to choose depends only on your preferences and skills of the nail service master. Both the first and the second have their pros and cons. Both should be carefully examined before making a decisive choice.

In addition, craftsmen most often use a single-phase or three-phase system. In the first case, only gel polish is enough, in the second, the procedure is carried out both with the help of a base and a fixing coating.
With tips
So, first, let's consider the procedure for building up using tips. This method is perfect for those who want to significantly lengthen their nail plate. In this situation, it is very important to choose high-quality linings that will be flexible enough and will not break when exposed to external influences.
The method has a number of advantages. First of all, it is able to significantly save time spent on building. Tips can be glued to weak nails that are easily broken and injured. Both gel and acrylic material can be applied on top of them. Also, onlays are available in a wide variety of sizes, so picking them up to the size of the marigold is not difficult.

However, there are also disadvantages that force some nail service masters to abandon this method. First you need to take into account that all tips have their own shape, which cannot be changed. For this very reason, they cannot be built up on nails, the shape of which expands closer to the edge. In addition, if you put too much material on them, visually it will look voluminous and ugly, so the work should be done very carefully.

On forms
As for building up on forms, this method also has opponents and adherents. First, let's talk about the merits. With the help of forms, you can make any nails, their length is also not limited. The material adheres firmly to the plate. This method can be used regardless of how natural nail plates look.
As for the disadvantages, experts do not recommend using this method when building up at home. The fact is that the qualifications of the master play an important role - for beginners in this area it will be difficult to work according to such a scheme. Otherwise, the result may disappoint the client, and the nails themselves will look sloppy and will not last a long time.

For a beautiful and high-quality manicure of their clients, masters, first of all, should take care of the materials and tools with which they plan to work.If even one of the funds is lacking, the result can disappoint the fair sex, and the absence or breakdown of any devices can significantly extend the procedure time or even make it impossible. Therefore, the first point for novice craftsmen is the complete set of the workplace. There is a special list according to which you need to purchase a standard set.

As for a special lamp in which the gel coating is dried, then its choice must be approached very responsibly. The main thing to look out for is power. From how large this indicator will be, it will depend on how long it will take to dry the marigolds. If a kit is chosen, its cost can be directly related to the power of the lamp. In inexpensive sets, it is 9 watts - this is not enough. The optimal indicator will be 36 watts.
Using the correct lamp can significantly reduce the time spent on the procedure. In addition, the marigolds will dry out better. The moment of choosing the material from which the case is made is also very important. If the master is considering a work of an outdoor nature, then you should stop at a metal lamp. In this case, the likelihood of a breakdown of the device is reduced, the metal case will also protect it from scratches and chips, and the case will always be able to boast of a presentable appearance.

The next thing to look out for is the color palette. It is better if it is varied enough, because clients will have a wide variety of preferences in the choice of shades of manicure. Also, when choosing materials to be combined with each other, you can mix gel polishes, thereby obtaining new tones.

Depending on the chosen method of work, you will need tips and glue to fix or shape them. The master also needs a supply of lint-free napkins, which will be required to degrease and remove the sticky layer. Also useful is a set of brushes of various thicknesses for applying gel and drawings, manicure tools, orange sticks and files of different hardness. You cannot do without an antiseptic solution, degreaser, base and top coat.

Each of the above materials and tools is necessary for the master to work with gel polish nail extension. Beginners can purchase special kits that include everything they need. This will help you learn the basics of manicure. Such kits can be used even at home.
Extension technique
The technique of building on tips and shapes has its own subtleties and differences. In order to determine which one is right for you, it is better to consider step by step each of the processes. We offer step-by-step instructions on how to build up in each of the ways.

On tips
Before starting the procedure for building up on tips, the client's hands must be thoroughly treated with a disinfectant. After that, a manicure is done, during which the cuticle is removed as much as possible. Next, you should file the nail, removing the natural glossy layer, and then clean the handles from dust.
Now you need to choose the right tips. Each of them should correspond to the size of the nail. With a special glue, the pad is fixed to the plate, properly pressed and dried. Further, it is given the required length and shape, with the help of a nail file, the surface is processed and shaken off.

After that, you need to thoroughly degrease the nail plate. It is the turn of applying the gel polish. In order for the surface to be perfectly flat, after applying the material, the hand must be turned over, then the gel will acquire the desired smoothness.
Gel polish is applied in 2 layers, each of which should be baked in a lamp, maintaining the required time intervals. If a sticky layer remains on the surface, it will need to be removed with a degreaser.The nail file is brought into perfect shape, all possible defects are removed. After cleaning the nail plate, it is covered with a finish and finally dried.

On forms
As for building up on forms, this technique also has its own nuances. Which form to choose (lower or upper) depends on the personal preferences of the master. Let's take a closer look at the stages of work.
To begin with, as in the previous case, you need to prepare. Hands are disinfected with an antiseptic. A full-fledged manicure is carried out, during which you need to remove the cuticle. Then comes the turn of grinding all the marigolds, removing the natural gloss with a nail file, degreasing. After that, the plate is covered with a primer and dried - so unnecessary liquid will leave it, and the gel polish will better lie on the nail.

The preparatory stage is over, it's time to move on to the main work. So, under the nail or on top of it (depending on which option the master chooses) forms are superimposed, and on top (with the help of brushes) they are covered with gel polish. It is necessary to carefully monitor that the material does not flow under the cuticle and does not get on the skin around the nail plate, otherwise after a while detachments will go, which is completely undesirable for the client. The first layer is baked in a lamp.

To make the nails stronger, and the gel to hold more reliably, it is recommended to apply a second layer. It is also neatly laid out with a brush and dried properly in ultraviolet light for the required period of time.
Next, you need to work on the correction of the nail plate. As a result of filing, excess gel polish is removed, and the marigolds acquire the required length and shape. You can polish the surface, but this is not a prerequisite, because the gel will shine anyway. After that, the design is carried out directly, which the client has chosen for himself. Color gel varnish, various patterns and designs can be applied to the coating. Since the nails are very durable, strong and have a sufficient length, you can turn on your imagination and add additional materials (rhinestones, stickers and much more - it all depends on the desire and imagination of lovely fashionistas).

Strengthening nails
Extension is a real way out for beautiful ladies who want to have neat hands, but at the same time suffer from poor quality natural nails. However, despite the utmost care of the masters when carrying out this procedure, the natural nail plate still suffers, as it is injured during cutting. After the built-up material is removed, the marigolds become very fragile and thin, and outwardly they do not look very presentable. Therefore, it is very important to give the nails a rest and strengthen them as much as possible after building up - this will restore their health and, if desired, prepare them for repeating this procedure.

One of the most important points is proper feeding. It should be carried out not only from the outside, but also from the inside. In this situation, various vitamin complexes will come to the rescue. Substances such as calcium, vitamins of groups A and E have an excellent effect on marigolds. For example, you can drink the budgetary and useful drug "Aevit".

To securely fix the result, experts recommend that you regularly make special baths. They not only nourish the marigolds with useful substances, but also have a beneficial effect on their owner. To do this, you need to take warm water, the temperature of which should not be more than 45 degrees, and add there such means as: lemon juice, sea salt, chamomile decoction. It will not be superfluous to add special oils (for example, peach). They will also help restore the nail plate.
In such baths, you need to lower your fingers for 15-20 minutes, after which you need to properly wipe and lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream. The more often the procedure is carried out, the more active it will have on the nails. It is recommended to do the baths several times a week. They are also an excellent prophylactic agent for strengthening the nail plate - for this, it is enough to carry out the procedure once every 3-4 weeks.

If you want not only to restore nails after extension, but also to strengthen them, to give a healthy appearance, you can use special masks. The recipe can be as follows: the Aevita capsule is mixed with a small amount of burdock oil, and a few drops of lemon juice are added there. After that, the resulting composition is diluted with a small amount of warm water. Such a mask should be rubbed into the nail plate at night (if possible, special soft gloves should be worn during sleep).

Another of the life hacks came to us from ancient times. Mashed potatoes are extremely beneficial for nails. To do this, you need to attach the crumpled potatoes to the nail plate, wrap in foil and leave for half an hour.

We must not forget about the effect that ordinary lemon has on the health of nails. If the fair sex is not prone to allergies and has a positive attitude to the citrus aroma, there is the easiest way. Ripe fruit is cut into two halves, and fingers are immersed in its pulp for several minutes. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not to irritate the delicate skin of the hands.

As for the strengthening procedures after building, offered in beauty salons, experts recommend paying attention to paraffin therapy. At home, in this case, you should use cosmetic wax. A little lemon juice or citrus essential oil is added to the preparation, after which the mixture is rubbed into your hands for about half an hour. At the end of the procedure, the composition must be washed off under running warm water. To notice the result, you need to do it regularly, but the effect will be visually visible very soon.

The fair sex should take into account that it will not be possible to grow natural marigolds during the recovery period. They will be quite brittle, so the plate will need to be constantly cut off, since if the length is too long, the tips may break off, which will lead to not too pleasant sensations.
For information on how to perform gel nail extension, see the next video.