Features of nail extension on tips

Nail modeling with tips is one of the ways to build up artificial plates. It allows you to realize the dream of many modern women who want to have beautiful and elongated nails. And if the process of building up to someone seems too complicated and overwhelming for independent implementation at home, it is worth dispelling this myth and dwelling in detail on the main nuances of building.

Features of technology
Nail extension with tips is a painless and safe procedure. Of all the known extension technologies, the option using special plastic blanks is the simpler one. It is quite within the power of every woman to master this workflow, while for the first time the entire procedure will take no more than a few hours, taking into account the fact that imperfect nails will have to be lengthened.
Working with tips can be designed for a contact or non-contact area. Such zones differ in size: they are small, large, deep, shallow. You have to work with the option that is more suitable than others for the individual characteristics of natural nail plates. For example, in the case of a short nail bed and a large downward bend, you will have to work with the option that has the smallest contact area.

However, experienced craftsmen today have gotten used to working with tips that have any contact zones, so it is not at all difficult for them to cut out the desired shape.For this reason, among the kits of the master, there are often not all varieties: they can simply lie idle. Although in fairness it is worth noting that the craftsmen still have options that do not need to be cut out, because they are very convenient to work with and do not allow you to distort the correct shape.
This technique is somewhat different from nail extension through forms. It is used when natural nails are too narrow or short. This is an excellent option for saving the situation of transforming the nails of "rodents", because it is unrealistic to build up nail plates that are bitten to the root. They also work in this technique when their shape is far from the desired ideal, as well as the sides of the plate are very uncomfortable.

Varieties of tips and tips for choosing
Tips in translation mean "tip". These are plastic blanks in the shape of a nail, which differ in size and shape. In fact, these are a kind of templates that will give the desired shape to the modeling tool in the process of increasing the length. They will also correct the bulge of the nail plate, avoiding the effect of a pecking nail and an overly large bulge.

By appointment
It is a mistake to believe that all tips are the same. In fact, they can differ in color and purpose, because they are selected in accordance with what the final method of manicure will be. Transparent options and templates of natural color are intended for building up and further overlapping the created base with gel polish. If a French design is planned, they differ in thickness. They are thinner than other varieties.

And also in the line there are varieties with a colored background and a ready-made design. These are, in fact, ready-made solutions, although, if desired, the former can be decorated with some kind of print, and the latter can be simply coated with transparent varnish. In addition, options can be versatile, with ample bend and large bend. The bending of the frame is necessary in order for the extended nails to look beautiful and natural.

By form
The shape of modern tips is variable. On the shelves of brands, you can find different options for every taste. Today there are 5 varieties of the tips form.
- In the classic version, these are blanks with a natural and smooth bending shape. As a rule, they are sold in sets with a democratic cost. Such varieties are often used by professionals of the nail service, performing nail extensions for clients.
- Other options include straight tips that do not have a contract zone. For this feature, they are called contactless, they are extremely convenient for performing a jacket. Such varieties are also inexpensive, and it will not be difficult to buy them today. On average, a pack of one hundred pieces will cost 150 rubles.
- When it is necessary to create a special tapered shape, tips of the tapered type acquire. They can be used in the work of building and shaping the stylet, forms of bridget and cat nails.
- Many people want to make an "American" uniform. In this case, it is necessary to buy folded tips.
- The last variety is the almond shape tips. These products allow you to build up the correct almond shape in a short time. They are characterized by different lengths, may or may not have a contact area. Their cost is about the same as the cost of blanks for a stiletto (about 150 rubles for 50 pieces).

Important! In general, any of the options may differ in length, which is usually indicated on the packaging. Craftsmen usually purchase long frames that allow them not to limit the desired level of length.
By materials of manufacture
Tips for nail extension are made of different materials. For example, one of the most popular solutions today is the so-called liquid varieties. These are reusable options that are made from special polymer raw materials and are characterized by a flexible structure.For beginners, this is the most convenient and easiest way to extend nails. It does not require a large number of tools and materials, although it does not do without a special drying lamp, which is usually used when working with gel polish and gel.

Tips are made from plastic, nylon and polyflex. Each type of material has its own nuances. For example, plastic products are considered to be quite durable and preferable to work with. Plastic is resistant to temperature, it is easy to wash, it is convenient in the process of building up. If you need to build up your nails with gel, then it is better to choose options from the polyflex. Such solutions are quite elastic, they are resistant to the effects of acetone. As for the nylon varieties, they are not suitable for beginners, as they can be problematic in fixing, while it is worth noting that nylon holds its shape well.

How to choose?
It is not difficult for an inexperienced woman to get lost in the sea of offers that various trade marks shower customers with. However, there are several nuances that you can pay attention to when buying tips.
- The absence of sharp edges minimizes the risk of injury at work. It is important that the inside of the elements does not have any nicks, roughness or even scratches. This is an obvious marriage that will ruin the whole work. During the formation of extended nails, a marriage of the coating will be created, which is far from always able to be corrected by sawing out.
- One cannot ignore the thickness of the tips, as well as their strength. To get really good products, you need to choose from a number of thin and elastic ones. A good option would be to bend and return to its original shape. In the case of choosing a variety with a ready-made design, you need to understand that the greater the thickness of the material, the worse it will look on a woman's hands.
- Tips are not the kind of material you need to save on. Therefore, preference when buying should be given to manufacturers with a good reputation for nail service professionals.
- If at the time of purchase it was still possible to make a fitting, then we would definitely acquire the ideal types of frames. To find your own version, which would ideally lie on the natural shape of the nail plate and thereby simplify the process of building up, you should pay attention to the size. It is better that the frame is slightly larger than the nail, since the small template simply will not come in handy.
- It is possible to purchase sets with a large number of tips. Among them, it is easier to choose options that are better suited to the characteristics of specific nail plates.

Required tools and materials
All that is necessary that may be needed to build nails on tips will be based on what kind of frames and materials are used. It is worth noting that the process is performed with a gel or acrylate. A drying lamp is needed precisely for the first material, since it will not dry without it. The device can be UV, LED or combined. In addition to the lamp, you will also have to use a brush.

As for the acrylic build-up technique, here you will have to work faster, while trying to avoid mistakes. The acrylate will dry on its own without any help. In general, in the work, you may need tips themselves, and of different sizes, special glue for such frames, a tips cutter device. You cannot do without an antiseptic agent, which will have to treat your hands. In addition, you should take care of the presence of a file with an abrasive of 180/100 grit, lint-free napkins, alcohol, a brush for removing dust, cuticle oil.

Preparing for the process
Regardless of whether it is planned to use gel or acrylic during nail extension, without high-quality preparation of the nail plates, the further work process will become impossible. In fact, the preparation will be a hygienic manicure. First, you must use an antiseptic.To simplify, reduce the soreness and trauma of the procedure, a special cuticle remover can be applied to the skin around the nails. In the future, it will contribute to the painless removal of excess skin. Sometimes it is first necessary to remove extended nails, someone has to remove the pigmented coating.

It is important to completely clean the surface of the nails, because the quality of adhesion with the modeling agent, as well as the durability of the extended plates, will depend on this.
After the cuticle and pterygium are removed, an orange stick is passed along the contour of the plates, checking with its help the quality of cleaning. Then they begin to remove the shiny layer of nails. This is necessary in order to increase grip when passing over the surface with a soft grinder. After getting rid of the gloss, dust is brushed off the nails, then they are degreased. On this, the preparation can be considered completed.

Extension technology
How to use nail tips at home will depend on the type of product used. In general, the technique cannot be called complex and requires any special knowledge with deep study. Following the detailed step-by-step instructions for novice masters, nail extension itself will not take much time, although the process will require accuracy and perseverance. The technique will be based on the type of material used.

The work uses a UV lamp. The good thing about this technique is that it saves a lot of time and money. So, one set of tips is enough for about 2 years. If desired, the buyer can purchase a set, which, in addition to the blanks, includes the gel itself.
The phased execution of the workflow in this case will consist of the following sequential steps:
- after degreasing the nail, a primer adhesion material (primer) is applied to it;
- choose the template that is most suitable for the size of the nail, trying it on and determining the size, using the markings of the form itself;

- they collect a little gel and place it with a brush into the inside of the tips;
- the modeling agent is distributed over the size of the nail and stretched in length, while the material should continue the growth line of the nail;

- the form is glued together with the gel to the extended nail, pressing tightly;
- the nail is placed in a lamp to dry;
- after the required time (2-3 minutes) has elapsed, the tips are removed;

- a little more funds are applied to the base layer of the gel, forming a stress zone; camouflage can be used;
- the nail is dried in a lamp for 3 minutes, then the dispersion layer is removed and the end is given the required shape;
- apply top-gel without a sticky layer, dry it in the device for several minutes.

This method is convenient in that it is quite convenient to substitute the tips to your nails. In addition, there is no need to glue the nails themselves, cut the material to achieve the desired length. However, in order to fully understand the essence of the process, it is worth watching the video, which will greatly simplify the work with the gel. The fact is that the gel may not flow properly. And also in the work you may need a rotary lamp.

Acrylatic is considered a quick-drying agent. It allows you to get a high quality result without a lamp. Such marigolds are distinguished by their natural appearance and thickness, as well as elasticity. When working with acrylic, it is advisable to ventilate the room, since the material has a specific smell. In addition to tips, you may need nippers and a special agent for dissolving acrylic. In addition, it is advisable to stock up on a small container for dissolving acrylic.

After treating your hands with an antiseptic (alcohol), they perform a hygienic manicure. After going through all its stages and properly preparing the nails, select the correct size tips for each of their plates. In this case, make sure that the contact area covers less than half of the area of the plates.If the preparation of the tips themselves is necessary, then they are laid out in order, depending on the options chosen, and the edges of the contact zones are cut down.
This is followed by the following build-up algorithm:
- degrease the nail, apply glue to the contact area and distribute it with a brush; make sure that it does not spread, so they hold the tips at an angle of 45 degrees;
- the template is applied to the nail in such a way that it touches the regrown edge of its own nail;
- the workpiece is pressed against the nail and held until it grabs;

- the frame is given the desired shape, after which it is buffed and primed;
- acrylic powder is combined with a monomer, forming a creamy mass, a small ball is collected and distributed on the nail;
- form a cylinder of a transverse arch, giving the nail a bulge;
- the excess thickness is removed with a file, a fixer is applied to the surface.

Design ideas
You can perform manicure on extended nails using different techniques. One of the best solutions would be a jacket, whether traditional or reverse. You can combine the colors of the stackable materials, thereby creating a ready-made design immediately. If you don't like this option, you can turn to various nail design techniques. For example, you can paint the nails with matte varnish, and draw lace motifs on the accents with a glossy material of the same color. The play of textures always fascinates the eye, such a design is in trend today.

If you want something different, you can change the texture of classic manicure coatings. An excellent solution for this will be acrylic powders and rubbing. At the same time, powders can not only cover the entire area of extended marigolds: they are good for creating voluminous curls, monograms, lace, flowers. As for rubbing, they look great on elongated marigolds of the "May beetle", "mermaid" and "holographic" varieties.

And you can also highlight the accents of your manicure using hand-painted in a variety of themes and techniques, including watercolors, stained glass, and bleed effects. When choosing the option, the watercolor substrate created by the base, pigment and top is buffed so that it is rough. After that, they paint on the working background with water-based artistic watercolors. And also for this technique, acrylic paints are good, which are diluted to the desired consistency with a top.

On extended nails, Yuki's glitter looks great, which is a kind of rubbing in the form of flakes. Today it is one of the hits of modern design, which allows you to give your nails a unique texture. It is very popular to decorate artificial nails with a dot pattern, which is created using dots with different attachments. It can be various ornaments, in this way they paint a French smile. Sometimes the extension is performed with a variety of glitters, mixing the modeling gel with a different glitter. For more shine, you can use two shimmer layers in the work.

Care Tips
It is worth adhering to the following tips from professionals:
- for nails to look beautiful and well-groomed longer, you need to monitor the condition of the skin, not forgetting to moisturize your hands with cream;
- it is advisable to protect them from frequent steaming and the use of household chemicals, since this will fade and darken the applied coating;
- in order to avoid peeling, it is preferable to use rubber gloves when washing dishes;
- you should not expose your nails to stress, avoiding a sharp drop in temperature, since this can cause the extended nails to become covered with cracks;
- if it becomes necessary to remove the applied coating, you need to use a product without acetone;
- you should not expose your nails to injury by knocking them on hard surfaces;
- as for the correction, it can be carried out no earlier than two weeks after the completion of the build-up; you can correct the shape even after three weeks, although artificial nails cannot be over-worn.

Every woman can build nails at home, as evidenced by the reviews of women on the World Wide Web. Most of the comments are devoted to the fact that this process takes a lot of time, but it allows you to get good and strong nails, saving a lot of money on the salon procedure. Extension at home has become a real boon for modern women, since it is affordable and allows you to refine the shape of nails, as well as add space for a print, slider design, thematic or seasonal decor.

For information on how to perform acrylic extension on tips, see the next video.