What are nail tips and how to use them correctly?

One of the most popular solutions for effective nail extension is the use of tips - special linings that have many tangible advantages. The range of such products is very impressive, which helps to bring to life the most daring design fantasies. The ease of building up with tips deserves attention: to solve this problem, it is enough to know how to use them correctly and have a set of necessary tools.

What it is?
The described products are artificial onlays used to give the nail plates the required length and shape. They owe their name to the English word tip, meaning "tip" or "tip", and their design assumes the presence of two parts. The first creates a free edge of the extended nail, while the second provides contact with the natural surface, which is why it has a much shorter length and thickness.
For the manufacture of tips, materials are used that organically combine strength and elasticity - qualities that ensure long-term wearing of false nails.

As for the origin of the items under consideration, the first mentions of them go back to ancient times. Such overlays were used even in Ancient Egypt: there they were made of parchment, precious stones, ivory and other materials.Starting from the 70s of the last century, tips began to be made from polymers - compounds that are optimal for solving this problem.
The use of onlays made of ABS plastic, polyflex or nylon allows you to obtain artificial nails with a shape suitable for the client, the ideal surface and the desired design. Subject to the basic rules of building, such products last from 3 to 4 weeks, attracting the enthusiastic eyes of others.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any other procedure, nail extension with tips has its advantages and disadvantages. A list of the former can be found below.
- By means of onlays, you can achieve the desired result even if the natural nail plate has a minimum length.
- Taking into account the loads that the stress zone of extended nails has to face, it can crack and even break, which is especially important if it is poorly strengthened. The use of overlays avoids this problem.
- Extension of nails with tips is not difficult, which cannot be said about the use of forms. To successfully complete the procedure with the use of overlays, special skills are not needed (with rare exceptions), which makes it unnecessary to visit a specialized specialist.
- Using tips, you can create complex shapes of nail plates with maximum ease.

In addition, damage to the lining most often leads to its peeling off without dangerous consequences for the natural plate - in contrast to nails extended by means of forms.
As for the shortcomings of the described products, the main one is the "stereotyped" appearance. Despite the high-quality execution of the tips, they look less natural than the nails extended with the help of forms. Another noticeable disadvantage of the linings is the large thickness of the tip, because of which they are not liked by some of the fair sex. And also some girls note that such products often come off. This problem should not be considered characteristic, since it is caused by the use of low-quality glue and other gross violations on the part of the performer.

For the successful extension of nail plates, manufacturers offer many types of tips, which allows you to find a product that ideally suits the specifics of the situation. The main criteria for classifying such overlays include several points.
- Contact zone (KZ). Products distinguished according to this principle are deep, shortened and non-contact. The choice of a specific option is determined by the size of the nail plate: for example, for a small bed, pads with a miniature short circuit are needed.
- The form. Depending on her preferences, the client can choose classic, curved, straight, tapered and other variations of tips. The most common is the first variety, the shape of which is as close to natural as possible. Popular and "American", which has a more pronounced bend.

- Appointment. In addition to the universal variation, overlays for working with problem nails and some other, less popular varieties are used.
- The size. The standard classification according to this principle assumes the use of 10 product variants (the lower the number, the smaller the patch). Guided by such tips, you can find the right tips with a minimum of time.
- Colour. The greatest demand is for products with a natural tone, transparent and decorated onlays, as well as tips for performing French manicure.

Special attention should be paid to the materials used, which are most often different raw materials.
- ABS plastic. It is the most popular due to its excellent elasticity and high-quality adhesion to natural surfaces.It is especially often used in the manufacture of the classic variety of linings.
- Nylon. The main advantages of the material in question are elasticity and resistance to strong mechanical stress. The only drawback of nylon tips is the difficulty of fastening, which requires the performer to have the appropriate skills.
- Polyflex. The popularity of this material is due to its elasticity and resistance to aggressive chemical compounds. It is also worth noting the good contact that occurs when the polyflex linings adhere to natural nails.
A special type of the described products are liquid tips. Unlike other linings, they are not attached to the plates, but are used as upper forms for artificially lengthening nails. The use of such products allows you to form curves with less difficulty than with standard gel extensions.

Selection rules
There are several rules for purchasing false nails, compliance with which allows you to achieve the best result.
- To make the tips look more natural, it is advisable to choose products with the smallest thickness.
- One of the main qualities that the material of the products of interest should have is elasticity. Ignoring this condition leads to the purchase of tips with a tendency to cracking.
- In order for the extended nails to have an ideal look, the overlays purchased must match them optimally. And also experts advise taking into account the features of the planned design by selecting products of a suitable color.
In addition, the buyer should not focus on products of dubious origin. They are often made from materials that do not meet safety requirements, which can lead to the development of allergic reactions and other health problems.

How to use it correctly?
In order to guarantee high-quality adhesion of the tips, as well as their removal, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the recommendations listed below.
How to glue?
Before you start modeling the lining, it must be firmly glued to the natural nail. This procedure involves several steps.
- Choose products that are optimal for the transformed nails. Such overlays should completely cover the natural plates, adhering tightly to them.
- Stick on tips. First, you need to apply glue to the inner surface of the lining, "armed" with a small brush. Then you can apply tips, observing an angle of 45 ° in relation to the edge of the natural plate, gradually lowering them. In the end, it remains to firmly press the used products, wait 10 seconds and remove excess glue with a manicure napkin.
- Trimming overlays. This operation involves the use of a special tool - a tip cutter. It should be carried out so that a small margin remains on the workpiece, which is necessary for cutting.
At the end of the trimming, you need to carefully process the edges of the tips and the transition lines using a rigid file. The result of this action should be a smooth surface of the plate, which does not provide for the presence of noticeable flaws. Next, it remains to remove dust from the nail using a wide brush.

How to shoot at home?
Despite the fact that the tips can be worn for a long time, they still have to be removed - due to the regrowth of nails or due to the replacement of a boring coating. The optimal solution to this problem is to use the appropriate liquid present on the shelf of any specialty store.
Such a tool effectively softens artificial materials, contributing to the safe removal of linings. For this, a small amount of this liquid is enough, which must be applied to the nails and wait (the duration of the procedure depends on the characteristics of the composition used).

If there is no special tool, you can remove the tips with acetone. It is not recommended to immerse nails in it, and therefore it is advisable to carry out the treatment using cotton pads thoroughly soaked with this tool. To achieve the desired result, the pads must be wrapped not only with the specified products, but also with foil. Some of the fair sex suggest getting rid of tips by immersing your hands in a container of hot water. The effectiveness of this technique is determined by two main factors - the total duration of the procedure and the quality of the glue used.
The final stage of all the procedures described above is the treatment of the nail plates with nourishing oil.

Design ideas
Experience shows that choosing the right design option for false nails is not only important, but also a very exciting task. Let's take a look at some of the most noteworthy design ideas used when working with tips.
- Refusal from monochromatic design. To make your nails truly original, you need to choose less prosaic combinations.
- To make the plates extraordinary, you can use rhinestones and rivets, sequins and stickers, foil and other decorative elements.
- One of the most popular design solutions is nail dyeing in different colors and shades, as well as combinations of glossy and matte coatings.
- The design of the overlays may correspond to the season. In summer, a bright and colorful design with the image of flowers and tropical fruits is relevant, and variations associated with the New Year holidays are suitable for winter.
Special attention should be paid to French, matte and marble designs, suitable for manicure at any time of the year. It is also worth noting the original volumetric compositions that turn the nail plates into a full-fledged work of art.

We do a manicure step by step
When performing nail extension with tips, it is advisable to adhere to a certain algorithm.
- Treat hands with a disinfectant that prevents the development of pathogenic microflora.
- Lubricate the cuticle with a softening compound, gently pushing it back with an orange stick, and thoroughly degrease the nail plate.
- Process the free edge of the nail with a standard file (as a result, a small tip should remain). After that, you need to remove the shine from the plate so that its surface takes on a matte milky hue. This operation is performed with a round file and should not involve the cuticle.
- Remove dust from the treated nail and proceed with sticking the tips, described in detail in one of the previous sections.

- Apply an adhesive base (primer) to the surface of the pad. After this product is completely dry, you need to apply an even layer of modeling material and dry it under a UV or LED lamp.
- Cover the surface with a second layer of gel, forming a bend in the short-circuit, and re-process the nail under the lamp.
- Remove the sticky layer with an appropriate tool, then take a file and give the nail the desired shape, eliminating the existing defects.
- Process the plate with a buff, remove dust and start applying a decorative coating.
After lubricating the cuticle with nourishing oil, the described procedure can be considered successfully completed.

Nail care after tips
To restore the health and aesthetic appearance of nails after building up using pads, it is desirable:
- Apply nourishing oils to the cuticle at least once a week;
- give the plates a rounded shape and reduce their length;
- push back the cuticle with a stick, refusing to remove it;
- regularly treat nails and the surrounding skin with hand cream;
- make 10-minute warm baths using milk and natural olive oil, providing whitening and moisturizing.

And also it is necessary to perform daily polishing of the nail plates - a procedure that stimulates blood circulation and promotes their growth.
Summing up, it remains to state that tips are suitable for most girls and women who are unable to boast of naturally strong nails. Such products are very practical and can be successfully used at home, becoming an effective addition to the image of each of its owners.
How to perform nail extension on tips, see the video below.