Features of choosing the length of extended nails

Every girl dreams of beautiful and well-groomed nails. In the modern world, procedures for skin, body and nail care are among the range of relaxing therapies. This is exactly the time when a girl can relax, stop thinking about any problems and can just enjoy the moment. Plus to all this - after the end of the procedures, the girl also becomes beautiful.
Hands and nails are the first things people pay attention to the most (according to a survey of readers of magazines or test items). Based on what they see in front of them, they form an opinion about the person. And everyone wants to see a neat appearance.

But many girls by nature were not given graceful long nails or refined fingers. For a number of reasons, not all ladies can grow on their own to the desired length. They can begin to flake off or just break. Neither vitamins nor special care products help fight this problem.
Therefore, in the modern world, the procedure for nail extension is so common. Firstly, it is fast in terms of the fact that after the end of the session you will leave the salon with long, well-groomed nails. Secondly, this is the regulation of the length, as well as the ability to diversify your image, for example, only for one evening.

Still, do not confuse extended nails and false nails. Although they are artificial, they are completely different in their qualities. Yes, and invoices have lost their relevance with the advent of the possibility of building up. This is because they were inferior in strength and wear time, peeled off and lost at the most inopportune moment, which cannot be said about acrylic nails.

Materials (edit)
Techniques and technologies do not stand still, they develop, open up and expand. The same discoveries are taking place in the "nail" industry, when there are more opportunities for creating "beauty".
Any girl loves to pamper herself with this or that new tool or that very new technology.
In the world of extended nails, two techniques are in demand. The first is tips. A simple extension method, thanks to which a beautiful nail shape is obtained, and most importantly, the required length.

This is a plastic that mimics any shape of the nail plate. They are often confused with invoices, because they are similar in materials, and they are glued to special glue. But the similarity ends there, because so that the tips do not stand out strongly against the background of a natural nail and are generally not a foreign object, they are polished, overwriting the boundaries between artificial and natural nails. After that, the desired shape is selected, and with the help of special scissors, the nail is formed.

This procedure takes on average up to four hours, depending on some difficulties and skills.
In order for the result to be perfect and the nail does not look strange, the tips must still be selected with the same bend as your nail, in order to avoid subsequent problems. If, nevertheless, it did not work out to get into the size, then you should choose a material of a larger diameter or size.
The tips themselves also have differences. They have their own long shape (straight, rounded, sharp, classic, curved), color (white, it is also classic, in order to be able to repaint the nail, or any other shade) and purpose.

There are no restrictions on the use of tips, but it is still better to use this material when you have:
- the nail plate is rather narrow or narrowed in some places (at the base);
- nails are naturally very short;
- there are such bad habits as nail biting;
- the shape does not meet your expectations and is far from ideal.

For the second method of nail extension, special forms are used - matrices. They resemble elongated substrates with a small hole for the nail itself. This substrate is fixed to the surface while adjusting the good fit. Then a special gel is applied, thanks to which the edge is formed, that is, the length is indicated. For convenience and so that they are all of the same length, a special delimited "ruler" is drawn on the matrices, along which the desired length can be measured.

After the desired length has been set and the nail has been formed, the plate is removed. Many people believe that the nail is much thinner than those created with tips.
Such forms are also divided into types for ease of use.
- Sterile, disposable, or soft - this is all the name of the same material that is used to create a nail. They are called so because they are created from a paper base or from thin bendable plastic. And the most important fact: they can only be used once. Due to their lightness and pliability, they can take any contour of the nail, they are removed during the process and put back on. But it should be borne in mind that due to the soft structure, they must be adjusted to fit the nail every time.

- Reusable forms. These matrices are of high density. They are made from hard plastic, metal. The price tag for such forms is much higher than that of the same disposable ones. But due to their repeated use, they pay off not only their cost price, but also subsequent applications. Due to the material from which they are made, they are quite strong and do not require quick replacement. They do not deform over time, exclude the ingress of the gel on the nail in those places where it is not needed. But it is worth remembering that it is necessary to select a reusable matrix exactly according to the shape and bends of the nail, because it will not be possible to "fit" the shape, as is the case with disposable ones.

In contrast to tips, matrices look thinner, as well as more natural and lightweight, which is why they are popular among women.
Gel and acrylic
The materials most often used to build up nails. Each of these materials has a number of advantages and disadvantages. For example, acrylic nails are lighter, easily removable and amenable to repair and polishing, unlike those formed with gel.
The gel is heavier, takes a long time to remove, does not lend itself to grinding or altering. But their significant advantage is that they look more natural and natural than the same acrylic. And in terms of strength, due to their density, they are of higher quality.

Every girl in her life has at least once built up artificial nails for herself and knows how this process happens. But for some ladies, such a procedure may be the first, and at this moment, when you are sitting opposite the master, the main thing is not to overdo it with the length of the nails.
In the 1990s and 2000s, as soon as the fashion for long nails became popular, many began to make themselves such. Their edge could reach from 2 to 3 centimeters, which, although it was very fashionable and modern at that time, was completely inconvenient in practical terms.

All household chores were done with difficulty, it was even inconvenient to write with a pen, since the nails did not allow to take it correctly, let alone washing the floor or dishes. In some ways, of course, there were pluses with such a length: the fingers immediately became graceful, long and more refined. But for those ladies who had never worn long nails before, it was akin to torture. And the fingers were very tired from such a weight.
If this is your first time trying to grow your nails, try medium lengths. This is the perfect solution that will be comfortable to wear. And during the correction period, you can vary the length a little, because the nails are already accustomed to such a load and will easily accept extra millimeters, rather than immediately increasing the nails to the desired length without first preparing them.

It is worth noting that there is an unspoken rule that says that the length of the free edge of the extended nail should in no case exceed the length of the entire natural plate.
If this rule is violated and the nail is lengthened too much, then over time, the artificial nail plate may break.

size table
It is quite difficult to say with precision which nail length is the minimum and which is optimal, because every girl has her own idea of the standards of beauty and convenience. The choice is influenced by various life factors that cannot be avoided: work and dress code, cleaning and cooking, as well as personal beliefs.
Girls in the service and office sectors and women in high-ranking positions tend to prefer medium length. In the "nail" design, this length is denoted by the number 2.

For those who work in the entertainment industry, on television, in a word, whose work does not require strict adherence to the dress code, you can choose longer nails (more than average). The corresponding numbers are 3 and 4. Those who work directly with people (doctor, massage therapist), or those who, due to their work, have to print a lot, choose the natural length, which is indicated in the "nail" design as 1.
Many masters advise to build up nails gradually, starting from one. All so that the fingers get used to it and do not get tired too much. But the trend never changes, and during the correction many girls constantly increase their desired size.

It is worth noting that the choice of varnish can play an important role, because if a monochromatic varnish visually lengthens the nails (this trick only works with light varnishes), then dark colors or volumetric patterns are shortened.
Sawing off artificial nails is described in detail in the video below.