Features, pros and cons of afro hair extensions

To create a flawless image, the fairer sex should have not only stylish outfits and bright makeup, but also spectacular hairstyles. For many decades, long hair has been the most popular, which has become an indicator of femininity and elegant beauty.
Experts have developed several methods for artificially increasing the length of the curls. One of the most popular methods is afro-extension (French), the use of which does not harm the general condition of the hair and does not violate its structure.

The modern world of cosmetology and hairdressing services offers customers a huge range of various services that not only make the fairer sex beautiful, but also hide all the unaesthetic flaws in appearance. Lush and well-groomed hair is every woman's dream. Poor quality of products, previous diseases and genetic traits are the main causes of hair loss.

To solve the problem, hairdressers have developed the most gentle way to create a beautiful and effective hairstyle: afro-lengthening. A simple and affordable method will help to create a unique image for any special event in a short period of time.
Afro-extension (point extension) is the safest way to extend strands, which is widely used in the modern beauty industry. The origins of this procedure are rooted in the traditions of African tribes, whose women weaved braids over the entire surface of the head and sewed curls of various lengths and colors to them.Modern hairdressers have taken this technology as a basis, which not only lengthens the hair, but also helps to create additional volume.
The technology for creating a modern afro-extension consists in weaving several small braids, to which the selected curls are sewn with a special needle. To give strength to the hairstyle, professional hairdressers use threads that are highly resistant to heat and chemicals.

Direct fastening of curls is carried out on textile strips - tresses, which can be of different widths and lengths. To carry out modern afro-growth, it is enough to braid no more than 5 braids.
Experts do not recommend attaching wefts near the bangs or near the parting line, as well as carrying out the procedure on hair less than 20 cm long.
The maximum amount of time spent for creating a new image can be up to 3 hours. Before starting the extension procedure, you need to know exactly the length of the future hairstyle, which is in the range from 35 cm to 85 cm.
One of the main conditions for obtaining a high-quality result is the accurate selection of donor curls that are suitable not only in color, but also in structure. For the final creation of the planned image, the specialist must carry out a corrective haircut. It will hide the uneven transition from natural to artificial hair. A few months after the afro-growth, it is imperative to correct the weakened strands, which consists in weaving other braids in new places. The procedure will prevent hair loss, breakage and damage to its structure.

Advantages and disadvantages
This procedure has a large number of positive properties:
- security;
- reliability;
- the use of natural remedies;
- no loss of strands;
- the possibility of re-using the tresses during the correction;
- high aesthetic performance;
- the possibility of visiting the sauna and swimming pool;
- comfortable exercise and active recreation;
- low price range;
- the possibility of self-removal of tresses;
- spending a minimum amount of time for building;
- the ability to create curls on hair of different structures and lengths;
- no need to use a special care method;
- the ability to carry out chemical staining.

There are some drawbacks to the aphroscopic increase:
- the need for thorough rinsing of detergents from the attachment points;
- impossibility of creating high models of hairstyles;
- the presence of discomfort during sleep;
- limited number of hairstyles used;
- the need for frequent corrections;
- observing maximum care when washing your hair and combing;
- the use of special combs;
- thorough drying of the strands;
- obligatory braiding before going to bed.

Experts recommend not to carry out the extension procedure during the treatment of cancer, as well as women with a high rate of hair loss. For girls suffering from headaches and skin diseases, the use of this method of increasing the length of curls is categorically contraindicated.
Extension technology
For high-quality performance of the work, the master must know and follow the technology for performing the work. The afro-lengthening procedure consists of the following main stages:
- washing your hair with special shampoos and balms;
- thorough drying of the curls;
- weaving the required number of braids to fix the wefts;
- the formation of an even parting that will run in the center of the head;
- weaving the main braid on the parting line;
- fixation of tresses with a special needle and threads;
- fastening additional strands.
For many years, the masters of elite beauty salons have been using only wefts made by an industrial method. These products are of high quality and affordable price range.

This method of increasing hair length is very popular among the fairer sex. Afro-growth has a large number of positive reviews due to its safety.
Regular clients of beauty salons who used the capsule or tape method subsequently underwent a long procedure to restore the hair structure. The negative experience made women give preference to the French technology of creating a unique image.
One of the main advantages of the method is hair extension without special chemicals, glue, and various solvents. This feature makes it possible to lengthen hair for women who have an allergic reaction to special preparations.
Novice women of fashion note the simplicity of caring for a new hairstyle and the absence of the need to purchase expensive cosmetics and special devices. And the possibility of independent unweaving of braids will allow you to change your hairstyle at any time without visiting the salon.

Many women of fashion use kanekalon. Kanekalon - artificial hair strands, the structure of which is as close as possible to natural curls. The positive properties of the material include the ability to use it for dreadlocks and various braids, no fluffing effect and bright colors.
Some girls also note the disadvantages of colored strands: a large weight of wet curls, rapid fading, as well as difficulty in removing without the help of specialists.
High-quality and safe extension can only be done by a professional master. To reduce financial costs, girls often turn to unskilled hairdressers, whose work will not only not bring positive results, but can also harm health and provoke negative consequences.
For the service, you need to contact only experienced specialists who have professional experience and knowledge. It is strictly forbidden to contact craftsmen who do not have the appropriate qualifications and permits for carrying out this procedure.

For a detailed review of afron hair extensions using kanekalon, see the following video.