Choosing tools and materials for hair extension

Hair extension in our time is not an innovation for anyone, on the contrary, it is in great demand, popular among the fair sex. Every second woman can see beautiful strands today. There are many different ways, technologies for building hair. And this requires a certain amount of materials and necessary tools.

How to choose a toolkit?
In the hairdressing business of attaching hair, there are two most used and common types of extensions: cold and hot. Accordingly, various tools and materials are used. Let's consider what equipment is needed for different building techniques.
There can be several subspecies.
- Hot- are used for microcapsule extension. Heat the capsule for 2 seconds, combining your own hair well with the added ones. Thanks to this device, it is possible to give the capsule the desired shape.

- Ultrasonic, the second name is an ultrasound machine. The strands are built up by ultrasound using a wave converted into thermal energy, in contact with the capsule.

- Mechanical - used for fastening with rings. The fastening method is similar to the pliers, the parts of the fastener firmly hold the build-up material and their strands together.

- Special pliers for removing hair extensions - serve to remove capsules. Flawlessly, neatly gets rid of stuck hair when it's time to take it apart.

The most preferred forceps models have:
- ceramic coated plates;
- thermal effect from 120 to 220 degrees;
- possession of a thermostat;
- convenient design.

It is used for hot fixing. Hair extensions are combined with natural hairs with a resin that is heated with a gun. Thanks to this method, the master rolls the capsules with his own hand.

It is needed to stretch the strands through the ring.

Attaches strands, jewelry.

Needed for adjusting tape build-ups.

What else is required?
Let's consider what other materials are needed when working with hair.
- For microcapsule type - you need a hair palette with capsules at the end. Pay attention when choosing capsules, their composition should correspond only to high quality.

- For tress extension - you will need strands that are fastened together with a thin strip, natural thread. Most popular: Slavic, European.

- For a hot way to increase the volume, length of hair you need special glue as well as resin. In order not to be mistaken in your choice, carefully study the constituents of the substances, so as not to acquire material with toxic additives. The adhesive should only be made with natural ingredients.

- The main thing for extension is, of course, the hair itself. They can be: natural, artificial, wavy, straight, light, dark.

- Keratin - a special polymer for creating capsules.

As already mentioned, there are two methods of building - cold and hot. Both types are quite popular, each master chooses the one that he likes. Learning to do extensions in both ways is not so difficult. The main thing is to have minimal information, to have a desire. Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.
Hot method
Hot build-up can be done in one of the following ways.
In it, the material used to hold the hair together is a hot resin containing keratin. The work uses refractory keratin with a special gun. The melting temperature of the resin is 2000-2200 degrees. Approximately 130-160 strands with a length of about 30-70 centimeters grow.
It is not recommended to carry out the procedure if your curls are weakened.

Here, too, the bonding material is resin in tandem with temperature-controlled forceps. The number of strands, its length are calculated similarly to the English form.
However, the use of a curling iron with a regulator prevents overheating and scalding of your own hair. The method is the most popular today.

The same Italian, but more often used to revive bangs, temples, weakened curls. It does not spoil its own hair, and the capsules in the joints are not visible at all.
In the use of this method, an adhesive composition is involved, which does not need thermal action. Depending on the color of living hair, what is their condition, you can use different types of extensions.

You will need a special glue and activator, when they interact, new and your curls are connected. This happens during a chemical reaction. In this case, the hair is well held together.
The method provides easy combing, as the capsule takes a flat shape.

To clamp your own and artificial strands, metal rings are used. They are clamped with the clips intended for them. Suitable for owners of short haircuts.
You can use this method if your hair is rather coarse.

The strands are fastened with a tape, in this form they are attached to relatives. The good thing is that it doesn't take much time to create hair. However, this method is short-lived, for example, for an event or holiday.

This extension technology can be singled out separately. Bonding consists in fixing artificial curls with heat shrink sleeves. To implement it, you will need special electrical equipment equipped with hot tweezers. And also tubes (sleeves) of the desired shade. The strands are needed already in a finished, factory form.You will also need a hook, with its help a knot is made for strong fixation. It also serves to thread the strand into the sleeve.
As soon as the tube is put on the hair, a donor lock is inserted there, you need to squeeze it with heated tongs. From heat, the sleeve narrows, forming a reliable fixation.
Reflects safely on your hair. However, the wearing time is shorter than in other methods.

Where to begin?
Hair extension is not only a beautiful appearance of the hair after the procedure, but a rather interesting process of creating a beautiful hairstyle. And you can buy beautiful curls not only at the reception of the master, but also learn how to create them yourself at home. To do this, you need a starter kit, which includes:
- pliers with a thermostat;
- removal pliers;
- special liquid for removing;

- comb with a metallized end;
- tweezers for forming capsules;
- set of clamps;
- delimiter;
- keratin (transparent).

All this will help in the initial stages to learn how to create a gorgeous, long tail, a beautiful hairstyle, the ability to wear luxurious loose hair. And diligence, perseverance will certainly help to translate beauty into reality.
How to calculate the expense?
To determine how many strands are needed to create volume, you need to measure not the quantity, but the weight of the required material. Let's calculate the approximate value.
- A template length of 45-55 centimeters of medium or low density has a volume that weighs 100 grams of raw materials. This is approximately 130 strands.
- If the native hair is too short, then the amount of consumables is determined by the master based on the density, type of hair. In this case, a lot of material is needed.
- And also a lot of material will be required if the build-up is more than 55 centimeters. It weighs about 170 grams, that is, 140-160 strands.
- If the client's wish is a very long hair of 80-85 centimeters, you need to have at least 190-200 grams of accessories, 170-200 strands on hand.
The desire to have the length is proportional to the cost of the material.

There are a variety of methods, materials, devices for creating luxurious curls. For a good result, you need to choose high-quality equipment, have the slightest idea of how to extend hair, what methods exist, as well as the required amount of consumables.
For an overview of hair extension tools, see the next video.