Features of tape hair extension

Long hair on a girl looks luxurious, and if earlier girls had to wait for years in order to grow luxurious hair, today there are many different technologies for fast hair extension. One of the most popular types of extension is tape. It is known in wide circles for its ease of implementation and decent quality of the result. You can also highlight that this is the safest type - in a short period of time you can get the desired result without harming your natural hair.

What it is?
Tape hair extension is an artificial increase in the length of a strand by attaching artificial or donor hair to natural strands. This the variety belongs to cold, and therefore does not require heat exposure. Artificial strands are attached using adhesive tapes, such option is considered one of the very simple and safehowever, the step-by-step instructions must be followed carefully. The extension technology is tape and micro-tape, it depends on the width of the strand. This type of extension includes several factors:
- low cost of materials and work itself;
- the procedure lasts about an hour;
- correction is necessary only after 3 months of use;
- length can be obtained up to 60 centimeters;
- the width of the strands is from 4 to 6 centimeters.

However, it should be remembered that, like any extension, this variety can harm your hair, since the process brings stress to the natural hair, due to the increased pressure of the strands on the hair follicles hair may start to fall out more... Also, the risk of split ends is not excluded.
Micro-tape extension is a method that practically does not differ from tape, the main difference is in the material, in the first case, narrow tapes with less hair are used, this allows the procedure to be performed as accurately as possible.

Advantages and disadvantages
With a professional approach there are a large number of advantages of such a build-up:
- fast build-up;
- the safest extension of all types;
- with the correct procedure, the extended strands have a minimal effect on the hair roots;
- there is the possibility of performing extensions on very short strands with a length of 3 centimeters;
- durability;
- removal of hair extensions occurs without difficulty and harm to the roots of natural strands;
- the procedure is not very expensive;
- well suited for weakened hair.

However, having a number of advantages, this build-up also has negative sides:
- possible harmful effects on natural hair;
- extended hair does not make it possible to make some types of hairstyles, for example, standard braids;
- care for such hair is quite expensive, conventional products will not work here;
- even with the highest quality care for the strands, they will not last for a very long time, there are varieties of extensions that are even more durable.

What is required?
This procedure should be carried out only with professional tools and using only high-quality materials. Tools required for the procedure:
- combs with frequent and sparse teeth;
- special tongs with even plates, these plates must be in perfect condition, otherwise they will not squeeze the glue strip and a lock of hair tightly enough, so the work will deteriorate;
- special clips that hold only natural strands together;
- a special razor with high temperatures for creating shapes for the attached strands.

Materials required to complete the procedure:
- hair, braided into a strand, attached to the base with a special glue;
- new adhesive tape, in case you have planned a correction;
- it is also necessary to use a cleansing and degreasing shampoo before the procedure.

The choice of artificial or donor hair must be approached with the utmost seriousness and responsibility. The color of the extended strands should fully correspond to the natural one. Hair is divided into several types, not just straight and wavy, and also by origin:
- Asian - it stands out as the most inexpensive and low-quality type of hair, therefore, it is not recommended to use such material with tape extension;
- European - hair is an order of magnitude higher than the previous ones in quality and general appearance;
- South Russians - the material is about the level of European ones;
- Slavic - the highest quality material for extensions, since hair of this type is distinguished by its excellent appearance and durability, and the Slavic kind of material is also considered the most expensive.

How to do it?
At first glance, such a procedure seems very simple and easy to perform, however, this is far from the case. Such procedures require very delicate and masterful work according to the schemes, therefore it is better to perform tape hair extension for a real specialist, so that in the future there will be no problems. It is better not to carry out such a procedure at home, otherwise there is a risk of ruining both the expensive material and your own hair. This procedure is carried out in several stages.
- For starters, you need hair well wash, degrease with a special shampoo, preferably several times, completely dry and straighten the strands with an iron.
- Then the worker identifies those areas in which you really need to build upto make the final picture look aesthetically pleasing. Then the hairdresser begins to work, usually from the back of the head.At this stage, you need to once again discuss all the points, because if you decide to make a high hairstyle, then the ribbons will have to be placed above the back of the head, this is necessary so that the ribbons do not stand out much.
- The part of the hair that gets in the way during work is removed upward and stabbed. The rest of the strands remain and in the future serve as the basis for donor or artificial.

- Further, at the discretion of a specialist the extension method is selected... Some people put one tape underneath natural hair, stepping back about 2 centimeters from the roots, and attach the second on top of this strand. Others, however, perform each strand in one tape, attaching it in the form of a book, covering natural hair on one side with half a tape and on the other in the same way. You also need to make sure that excess hairs do not fall on the tape, otherwise they will have to be cut off after the procedure.
- After that you need press the tape to the strand with special tongs for 10 seconds.
- Such procedures are performed in each place pre-selected by a professional, but no closer than 2 centimeters from each other.
- The procedure takes about an hour, depending on the desired length and volume.
- At the end, you need to loose all your hair, do your hair and make sure all tapes are attached well, do not protrude anywhere and do not spoil the appearance of the hairstyle.
- The microtape extension process practically does not differ from the usual one, the only difference will be at the 5th stage, with this extension, the attachment option in the form of a book is not used, micro tapes are attached to the hair from both sides.
It is important to correctly determine the moment when you really need to complete the build-up, as well as find a real professional who will do your job with high quality.

How to remove?
After extension, there are moments when you think about removing artificial hair or simply about correcting it. In terms of complexity, this procedure practically does not differ from the extension procedure itself and takes place in several stages. For removing or correcting hair extensions you need:
- combs with sparse and frequent teeth;
- hairdressing scissors;
- cotton pads;
- special clamps;
- professional tape remover;
- new ribbons with donor hair - in case of correction.

The removal process itself is a little easier than the extension procedure itself, and includes the following steps.
- The first step here, unlike the previous procedure, is optional. Namely - washing, drying and straightening hair.
- First, you need to determine the area with artificial strands.
- A professional remover should be applied to the selected strands and kept for 4-6 minutes.
- Then you need to carefully remove the tapes, and comb out the rest of the glue base with a comb with rare teeth.
- Reapply the liquid for removing hair extensions on a cotton pad, as well as on those parts of the hair where there were artificial strands and carefully remove the remaining adhesive base with a disk.
- Next, you need to rinse your hair with shampoo.
- The next stage is chosen depending on whether you are performing correction or simply removing the tapes. In the first case, the hair needs to be degreased and the tape extension should be continued according to the steps that were described earlier. If you are just removing artificial strands, then you just need to wash your hair with a regenerating balm.

Also, at the stages of removing the tapes, you can use sea buckthorn oil, shea butter or any other intended for hair. The oil will allow you to better and faster remove the remaining adhesive from your natural hair.
Care Tips
Modern adhesive bases for tape build-up are made of very high quality, so they are durable, however, There are a number of factors that reduce the potential life of artificial or donor strands:
- exposure to hair of any chemical or thermal factors;
- improper staining;
- getting on the glue base of various balms and conditioners;
- improper shampooing or poor quality shampoos.

These factors should be avoided and your hair should be properly looked after, otherwise the built-up material will quickly become unusable. Ideally while leaving, you should adhere to the following tips.
- Before going to bed, collect hair and do not sleep with loosesince artificial strands are easily tangled.
- Do not overdry and not to "burn" the hairline with a hairdryer and various curling irons.
- Don't sleep with a wet head - this also leads to tangling of the hairs.
- Each time, comb your hair from roots to ends, but not more than three times a day.
- It is preferable to use a comb made of natural material and with rare teeth.
- Apply special care products for hair extensions, these products should only be applied to the ends.
- Hair need wash once or twice a week, as it gets dirty, with high quality, preferably natural shampoos. On the first day after the procedure, it is better to refrain from washing your hair altogether, so that the water does not soften the glue base.
- Don't do tight hairstylesso as not to create additional stress on the strands.
- Check with the hairdresser for all questions about visiting baths and saunas, as in those rooms there are high temperatures that can harm hair extensions.

Also, do not forget about the procedure for correcting this type of extension, during which the ribbons with artificial or donor strands are renewed, as well as with hair coloring if necessary. If you still decide to dye your hair during the correction, then it's better to stick to a few rules:
- coloring of such strands should be carried out by a professional who has already worked with tape extensions and is familiar with all the intricacies of this procedure;
- donor Slavic hair is an ideal option for dyeing, they tolerate this procedure without any side effects;
- Asian donor materials should not be dyed, just as it is not worth re-dyeing or lightening artificial strands.

There are a lot of reviews about this procedure, most of them are positive, however, do not forget that the materials used for tape build-up play a very important role here. Most of the reviews are aimed at difficulties in washing hair extensions, since it requires a special approach and special means. However, all the people who singled out these problems immediately expressed the opinion that this small drawback is compensated for by the excellent appearance of the hair after this procedure.
Also, most people in their reviews emphasized that everything completely depends on the specialist performing this procedure. If you are dealing with a real professional, then you will leave the salon absolutely satisfied, after the procedure, the hair lasts a long time, looks neat and beautiful, and all the small negative features of this extension are minimized.

Judging by the reviews, the Angelohair artificial and donor hair store should be noted, which is distinguished by the quality of service and products in general. Internet users note that hair looks natural, very soft and silky and also pleasant to wear. Some are confused by the price of the product, however, others, on the contrary, note that the quality of the product fully justifies its cost.
The result of tape extension is a delightfully thick, voluminous and beautiful hair. If you ideally select materials and a specialist, then the extended hair will look absolutely like real, natural.
Many experts note that this type of hair extension is the best and safest, the main thing is proper care, and then you will get beautiful hair extensions for a long time.

About the features of tape hair extensions, see the next video.