Features of short hair extensions

The search for a new image for many girls is almost the meaning of life. The fair sex is constantly experimenting with their appearance with clothes, accessories and fashionable hairstyles. Hair extension is the easiest way out of the situation. It is worth considering the features of short hair extensions, their types, and also study the intricacies of caring for each of them.

Building technologies and their features
Hair extensions are a popular modern practice for correcting the appearance of women and some men. In talented and skillful hands, hair extensions can completely transform your look, adding elegance and novelty to the overall look.
All extension methods are conventionally divided into two main methods of fastening: hot and cold. It is worth considering these two methods in more detail.

The hot method involves the use of heated resin. In this case, at the place of attachment of donor and new hair, a special capsule is formed (composition - keratin and resin), which performs a fixing and fastening function. Here, the hot method is divided into two types of building.
- English build-up. In this case, hot resin and glue are used. The ends of the new hair are placed in beads of glue and resin bonded to the original hair. This method is more gentle, it does not irritate the scalp, but with inaccurate combing or the use of force, such strands can easily be pulled out.
- Italian lengthening. The peculiarity of this type is that special resin capsules are created in the place where natural and overhead strands are fastened.This is a more painstaking procedure and will require special clamps at the attachment point. This method is considered optimal, since it does not interfere with combing the hair and is able to withstand strong loads on them.

Caring for such hair requires adherence to the following nuances:
- avoid going to saunas and baths;
- use hats to protect hair from direct sunlight;
- abandon heat treatment of hair in the form of alignments and curls - capsules or balls of glue from high temperatures can melt and not only ruin the hairstyle, but also damage the natural curls;
- use a regular natural shampoo, as some types of shampoo can also dissolve the gum or glue.

It is not difficult to imagine what the technology of using the cold method consists in. In this case, the need for heat treatment is completely eliminated. For fastening, microcapsules, beads, glue and other materials are used. The cold method is also divided into several types of extensions.
- Build-up with tapes. The essence of the tape extension is to attach relatively large curls of hair to a special tape. The use of this type has such significant advantages as:
- quickness - using the tape method, the fastest way to get a luxurious hairstyle from long, lush hair;
- this option does not exert such strong pressure on the native hair, which allows the latter to hold on for a much longer period of time;
- price - this type of extension is considered one of the cheapest.

- Another way of cold build-up is use of special clips or small metal balls to the place of attachment of the native and false hair. In this case, the clips perform a simple fixing function. This method is a little more time-consuming (although it all depends on the size of the clips and the thickness of the curls being built up), but it has a rather high resistance to external loads.
- Spanish extensions or extensions with special glue, but without the use of resin. This extension is more suitable for girls with blond hair. In this case, a small ball of glue is formed at the place of attachment of native and artificial curls, which then solidifies.

If we talk about the features of care after cold build-up, then you should pay attention to the following nuances:
- try to use specialized combs for long hair care; make sure not to touch the attachment points;
- when caring for your hair, try to avoid applying oils, creams and masks to the attachment points, which can weaken the attachment structure and lead to hair loss;
- Due to the extension technology, for some time (usually 2-3 days) you will feel discomfort at the attachment points - this is a natural reaction of the skin to foreign material, and an improper tape attachment can cause allergic reactions on the skin. There are two things to keep in mind in this case:
- a properly made extension should not bring much discomfort for a long time;
- over time, the skin will get used to the attachments, your natural hair will grow back a little and the base of the attachment will weaken.

The types presented above today appear before us in more fashionable names. Let's consider the most common ones.
- Diamond hair - This is a hot method of lengthening, which got its name from diamond microparticles in the attachment structure. In this case, the capsules are connected to the native hair using a special glue (heating temperature - at least +120 degrees). This method will require at least 4 hours of painstaking work from the master.
- Dream Hairs involves attaching microcapsules with fortified keratin at the base to thin native curls. This is the longest and most delicate way to build up, since the procedure lasts at least 5 hours.However, this method is the most effective, because artificial curls will be completely similar to real ones, and the attachment points will be completely invisible. This technique is also often used to lengthen very short native hair (in the region of 3-4 centimeters).

- Extend magic (refers to cold lengthening) Is another effective method of microcapsule extension for short hair. Here, transparent very small beads of wax are used at the base of the fastening. One such procedure will take at least 3 hours of work and 150-200 donor beams.
- Bellargo and Microbellargo - this is the fastest extension method - from 1 to 2 hours. The strands are attached with special polymer elements that are difficult to distinguish even upon close examination. In the same technique, the least amount of donor beams is used - no more than a hundred.

Care and correction
Of course, do not forget about the peculiarities of caring for hair extensions after the procedure itself. It is worth considering in detail the care of the two most popular types of extension: capsule and tape.
- Extension of short hair with microcapsules - this is a very unpretentious type. It does not require a large number of procedures, therefore it is more common. Hair like this can be brushed, styled, styled and dyed just as well. Correction, as a rule, is carried out according to individual preferences, but at least once every six months. If hair extensions in this case do not especially need any kind of care, then a rather responsible mission is assigned to the shoulders of natural hair to keep them, because the longer the attached strands, the greater the potential load on the base.
In this case, a vitamin-mineral diet and proper nutrition are excellent.

- Hair extension using a tape method. This type of extension will require much more close attention from fashionistas. In this case, it is not recommended to do the following:
- comb the strands more than 3 times a day, you should start the process itself sequentially, from the very ends;
- go to rest or sleep with undried hair, while using a hair dryer is also undesirable;
- going to places with high humidity - using baths, baths, saunas;
- the use of cosmetic accessories with a proportion of alcohol in the base;
- it is also worth avoiding unnecessary manipulations with the hairstyle in the attachment area; correction in this case is more necessary and is carried out at least once every 2 months.

Native hair length recommendations
To curb the debate about the optimal hair length for lengthening, We present to your attention the following recommendations for hair length for certain types of extensions:
- for capsule extensions with resin at the base of the attachment, the hair length should not be less than 15 cm;
- capsular extension with keratin at the base requires hair length no shorter than the caret type;
- technology based on microcapsules is the most picky and in skilled hands can be used even with 5-7 centimeters of natural hair;
- the tape version is the most "greedy", for a beautiful extension in this case, the optimal length of native hair should be at least 20 centimeters.

Advantages and disadvantages
Although building for many girls has become a natural process of caring for their appearance, it still has both positive and negative aspects and consequences. Let's take a look at the pros.
- Security. High-quality strand extension does not weigh down natural hair and does not weaken its structure, this applies to any extension method, both hot and cold.
- Speed and simplicity. Every girl understands the effort it takes to grow perfectly long hair. This implies not only constant hair care in the form of masks, firming creams, baths and other procedures, but also the duration of this process. To grow hair more than 30 centimeters, most girls need to wait, if not months, then years.When building up, this process is reduced to several days, and this is often critical if there is nothing left before a friend's birthday, brother's wedding, or the same graduation.

- Versatility. If even 10 years ago, even the most experienced master would not have undertaken hair extensions shorter than 15 centimeters, then thanks to current technologies this threshold has been reduced to 5-7 centimeters. This means you don't need to have any long hair to get luxurious strands as a result. The main thing is to find an experienced craftsman who dares to take on this important role.
- Some types of extensions, for example, with the help of capsules, will not restrict your daily life. With the same confidence you will be able to visit gyms, swimming pools, take hot baths and not be afraid of strands falling out. Not to mention, hair extensions can be curled and dyed just as well.
Important! It is high-quality hair extension that cannot harm hair in any way.

The main disadvantages of hair extensions are worth considering.
- There is a high risk of improper or unprofessional build-up. And it's still good if the hairstyle in this case will just look untidy or scattered. Inexpertly extended strands at any inopportune moment can simply fall out. As for natural hair, the latter from improper extensions can weaken and even lose color.
- Time spent. Hair extension is not a one-second process, it will require a lot of patience and perseverance from you - professional hair extension often lasts 3-4 hours or more. Not to mention the additional time that you will spend on trips to the master just to check the reliability of the fastening of the strands and the integrity of the capsules or tapes.
- Cost is a kind of scourge of building up. Due to time costs and expensive materials, certain types of this process often cost a pretty penny for modern women of fashion. As a rule, this translates into trips to not particularly proven inexpensive hairdressers, which in the end brings not quite the expected result.

When extending hair, there is only one thing to remember - carefully approach the choice of salon and master. A skilled craftsman, before starting work, will always carefully consider your own hair, appreciate their fragility, obedience and length. And only after that it will offer the best lengthening option. Remember that professional and high-quality extension cannot cost a penny and take half an hour.
And do not forget to follow the above tips for caring for your hair after the extension. Successful extension and further wearing of curls also strongly depends on the haircutter, as well as on the hostess.

For tips on short hair extensions, see the following video.