What is the safest hair extension and how to choose it?

Modern beauties in magazines, on TV and in social networks now and then amaze fans with their shiny, well-groomed hair. Recently, this trend has not gone out of fashion - everyone is trying to grow longer curls. True, this is not a quick business and not everyone has the patience to wait until they grow to the lower back or at least to the shoulder blades. Fortunately, modern technology offers fashionistas many options for extending strands, even the most extreme lengths. There are budgetary and expensive ways of building, they also differ in the principle of fastening the strands and in materials.
A good master, before advising any method, will try to take into account the structure and density of the hair.

The extension procedure is recommended in the following cases:
- their hair does not have enough volume and strength - rare strands will turn into luxurious hair;
- desire to change the image, but constant experiments with hair do not make it possible to grow it to the desired length;
- want long hair of a different color, for example, blonde, but sorry to spoil yours.

You should not resort to such technologies if the condition of the scalp is not in order at the moment, namely:
- the presence of dandruff, psoriasis and other violations of the integrity of the scalp;
- allergies to glue and other compounds used in the process;
- hormonal changes that occur in some women during and after pregnancy, when the hair changes its structure;
- too damaged condition of their hair.

Hair extensions are quite expensive. If you don’t have a lot of money, the cold method is likely to work.But the price of a hot capsule can reach 10 thousand rubles or more, depending on the thickness and length of the hair. In addition, after the guaranteed wearing period, correction will be needed. It is advisable to have your own hair length of at least 10 cm, otherwise the attached curls will look unnatural.
Natural strands look better and feel better. They are easier to "disguise" in natural curls and fit better. The advantage of synthetic hair is its price. They are much cheaper than donor ones and retain their appearance better in bad weather. With frequent use of a curling iron or iron, as well as with an active visit to the beach, it is better to choose capsule extensions than cold tapes. It will be better preserved when exposed to heat. Ribbons are great when you just want to change your hairstyle - you can take them off at any time.
Important! If you have very oily scalp and hair, these strands may not hold well.

If you want to facilitate hair care and minimize the selection of expensive products, then the color of the strands you need to choose as close as possible to the color of your roots. Thus, a more natural looking hair will last longer without damage to the wallet. It is impossible to talk about the harmlessness of hair extensions, but you can choose the least traumatic methods of their attachment. And also it is worth choosing an experienced master with sufficient experience, a portfolio and good reviews.
An incompetent specialist may not do the work neatly enough, allow the formation of tangles, and after some would-be masters, the hair may even begin to fall out along with the extended strands.
Hair features matter when choosing a technique. Hair extensions can still be considered if you have mild dandruff, but keep in mind that it can get worse. In this case, it is better to refuse methods with capsules when they are planted very close to the scalp. For thin hair, microcapsule, ultrasonic extension is recommended as the least weighting methods for strands.

The ways
Turning to the salon, each client wants to choose the most harmless way of building up for her native hair, or at least the one that will bring her the least harm. It is not so easy to isolate some kind of technology, because progress does not stand still and methods of hair lengthening too. According to experts in the beauty industry, today these methods include capsule, tape and bio-extension of hair.

Capsule or Italian build-up refers to hot methods. Donor hair is attached to its own with keratin capsules and special tongs. Some experts call this method safe, others note that hot build-up is harmful in any case, since forceps are used to carry it out. Nevertheless, there are many fans of this method, because such hair is comfortable to wear, as it does not create discomfort for its owner.
At the same time, the procedure itself lasts about three hours, and the curls hold for quite a long time - up to 5 months. The high aesthetic characteristics of the resulting hair have made this technology very popular. They are hardly noticeable on the head, since the strands are taken small and in large quantities - up to 120 pieces. Fastening occurs due to melted keratin capsules.

This method is also considered safe and is allowed even during pregnancy. During such a procedure, the hair is least injured, and the absence of exposure to high temperatures makes it completely harmless to your curls. The strands are attached using a special adhesive tape, which makes it possible to remove them at any time without resorting to the help of a master. The fixing time takes less time, the price is lower than that of the capsule, but the period of wearing the hair is only two months.
If you want to wear them as long as possible, then you have to handle them rather carefully, and the choice of hairstyles due to the peculiarities of hair attachment is limited.

Hair is fixed with bio tape or monobio tape. The technology emerged as an alternative to the usual methods of using heat and chemical compounds that are not beneficial for the scalp and hair. In order to build up strands without harm, biogel is used.
While this method is not as widely used as conventional tape and capsule building, but the interest in it among the masters is growing. According to the developers of the technology, its advantage is not only in harmless materials, but also in the absence of discomfort when touching the head. The hair is provided with the most natural look without harm to health.

There are also such extension methods that are considered less popular and safer, such as:
- english - keratin for fastening the strands is melted with a pistol;
- german or bellargo - strands are attached with sleeves;
- japanese - building on the "pigtail";
- spanish - the glue is matched to the color of the roots, which makes the joints of the strands invisible;
- ultrasonic - this technology uses polymers that resemble the structure of the hair.

Luxurious long hair is a symbol of femininity and beauty. With the help of modern technologies, every girl can get them, you just need to choose the right technology and not save on a good master.
Next, watch a video review on hair extensions.