How long do hair extensions last and how to care for them?

In the modern world, beauty opportunities have expanded significantly. Now the fair sex can change their hairstyle as if at the snap of a finger. Today, short hair, tomorrow - medium length, well, the day after tomorrow - to the waist. And all because the professionals have learned to qualitatively, painlessly, and most importantly, to build up ladies' hair without harm. Of course, the procedure is not cheap, but it allows you to radically change the image and image as a whole. Below we will find out in more detail how much extended curls can be worn, get acquainted with tips for caring for them and some other nuances.

Meet the Technicians
Today, extended strands can largely save the image of older girls and ladies, because they transform their appearance in this way, making natural hair thicker, livelier and, of course, longer, and can also hide significant flaws such as a receding hairline.
Today there are several methods and techniques of hair extension, we will consider them in more detail. There are 2 main types:
- hot build-up;
- cold (more gentle).

Italian technique (capsule hair extension)
It is considered one of the most popular, practical and safe methods in the beauty industry market. It refers to hot, since its meaning is to solder keratin capsules with the material to natural hair. If the Italian extension is performed by a professional, the capsules will be almost invisible and even more imperceptible on the hair.
- The building process is quite time consuming, it takes about 3-4 hours.
- In very rare cases, there are inconveniences during sleep, especially when the time is right for correction.
- As for the correction, sometimes after it the quality of the extended strands decreases. This is due to the use of strong formulations (removers) similar to acetone.
Extension can also be done with microcapsules, but it will cost a little more than a conventional capsule.

English method
This also applies to the hot extension technique. However, choosing the English method, you should take into account that:
- with hair extended by this method, you cannot go to baths and saunas;
- despite the fact that building up with this technique is not so expensive, the capsules on the hair can be very noticeable, especially under neon lighting, when they start to glow;
- if you want to keep your hair as long as possible, you should forget about the hairdryer, the first weeks of shampooing and some other uncomfortable moments that make this technique not the most popular.
Despite a lot of disadvantages, the English technique is still in demand, but it is being replaced by newer and improved extension techniques.

French, Spanish and Japanese building techniques are colder and more gentle. With these methods, the material on the capsules is attached to natural hair using a special glue.

The Spanish technique is recommended for the fair sex with light curls, namely blondes and light-haired, since the capsules will be the least noticeable on their hair. After a few months, as a rule, the masters recommend making a slight correction to maintain the volume of the curls.
If the hair is extended according to the Spanish technique, then with it you can visit the bathhouse and sauna, they are not afraid of high temperatures.

There are also other extension techniques that are used by modern stylists and hairdressers in beauty salons.
For owners of thin and brittle curls, professionals recommend doing tape extensions. It lasts for about 2 months, after which you have to make a correction. Tape extension is the fastening of the material on a tape to natural hair, the process takes very little time, and therefore it is uniquely suitable for ladies who want to get the desired length of hair in a short time.

How long do they last?
How long the hair extensions last will depend not only on the type of procedure, but also on the hair that will be used for the extension. It is believed that Slavic curls are of better quality, compared, for example, with Asian ones.
On average, you can walk with hair extensions from 3 to 6 months. The time span from the initial build-up to the subsequent correction depends on many factors. First of all, from the professionalism of the master who performed the build-up, then from the correct care and, of course, from regular visits to the specialist.
Wearing hair for a long time without correction is not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also often harmful to your own hair.

The care requirements for natural and artificial hair extensions may differ. This is due to the fact that different techniques have different requirements, which the builder must first of all tell about.
Let's take a look at a list of universal care requirements that apply to virtually all treatments.
- To moisturize, nourish and saturate the hair with everything necessary, use only those hair care products that have a neutral Ph. Only such shampoos and balms will not injure the hair follicles.
- It is very important to avoid contact with curlers, irons and other stylers. The capsules may be damaged.
- Do not use oils and products with oils in the composition for cleansing hair and for various masks, they can also damage the capsules.
- Shampooing should only be done according to hair growth.Going to bed with wet hair is highly undesirable. However, there are also those techniques in which drying with a hairdryer is not allowed.
- It is best to comb the extended curls with the help of special combs or brushes, it is better if they are with fine teeth and without balls at the ends.

- When going to a bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool, it is best to wear a special protective cap on your hair. It is very important to remember that after any water procedures, you cannot twist your hair too much, moreover, you should not comb it when wet, otherwise the strands will be damaged. In this case, you should first use a towel to dry your hair.
- Long hair at night can be braided in a braid, so they will be least injured. And if they are long, then it will be more comfortable to sleep with them.

Of course, these are only general rules for caring for hair extensions, more detailed care will depend on the technology chosen. In addition, it is best to purchase special products for hair care that are sold in beauty salons. Only professional brands can provide proper care for the hair.
However, many experts are inclined to believe that herbal infusions are excellent for extended hair, which can be prepared independently at home.

Depending on the extension technique, the correction has to be done in 1–6 months.
With the Italian extension technology, you will have to go for a correction in about 2 months, and with proper care and careful washing - in 2.5-3 months. The English extension technology can please for 4 months, after which the strands will have to be corrected. But the hair, extended according to the Spanish technology, almost always lasts up to six months, however, in some cases, correction may be needed even after 4 months.

You can understand that it's time to go to the master by carefully examining the capsules on the hair. If the curls have grown very much or tangled strands are visible, then this most likely indicates that it is time to visit a specialist. Also, do not forget about the time allotted to artificial hair. The longer you wear the regrown material, the more likely it will be that the natural hair will begin to tear because the artificial capsule will slide down. If several months have passed, then a visit to the master is highly desirable.
It is usually possible to remove strands with capsules after 3 months, and after 6, if in the future there is no desire to walk with hair extensions. To address this issue, of course, is best to a professional, since removing extended strands at home is fraught with serious consequences.

If you nevertheless removed the hair extensions after a certain period of time, then they must be restored. Otherwise, they will take too long to rehabilitate. Especially if the hair has been worn for a year and has gone through several corrections.
The negative consequences after building up include excessive dryness and brittleness of hair, often hair loss and section at the ends. And these are not all the consequences, but in order to minimize all processes, immediately after removing the hair extensions, you will have to take maximum care of your own head of hair.

The best and most nourishing hair happiness treatments are done in salons, however, some can be done at home as well.
- Vitamins and mineral complexes can be of great benefit not only to hair, but also to the body as a whole. However, before using them, consultation with a specialist is required. There are also individual vitamin solutions that are rubbed directly into the hair, but they must also be prescribed by a specialist.
- If possible, after hair removal, it is recommended to abandon the hair dryer and hot appliances for a while: hairpins and straighteners.
- For thick and bouncy hair, the moisture balance of the scalp is very important.But this does not mean that you need to wash it several times a day. Not at all, it is enough to drink a few liters of water every day. This will not only help rehabilitate the hair, but will also be beneficial for the body as a whole.
- As care products for the scalp, it is better to use those that contain natural ingredients that restore damaged hair and stimulate its natural growth.
Ideally, if such are selected by the master who did the extension.

Summing up, it should be said that it is impossible to tell the exact time, how long the extended strands will last. This can be said for sure by the master who will perform the extension procedure, taking into account the condition of the hair and their needs. Moreover, the time from correction to correction will largely depend not only on the technique, but also on the correct care for the hair. The same applies to extension techniques: there is no ideal one that will allow you to wear hair for a year, each has its own pros and cons.

The expert in the next video will tell you about the proper care of hair extensions.