Features and technology of capsule-free hair extension

Today, women who wish to extend their hair have the opportunity to choose the method that suits them as much as possible in terms of safety, efficiency and cost. One of the safest is the capsule-free method.

What it is
Capsule-free hair extension takes place with the help of special sleeves that are sensitive to hot temperatures. Their use allows you to firmly fix donor hairs, but at the same time not harm your own head of hair and not deprive it of its liveliness and mobility. The extension procedure without capsules is quite budgetary, but it takes a sufficient amount of time - about a couple of hours.
To complete the procedure, the master needs no more than a hundred strands, which turns out to be much more economical than in the case of capsule extension, which uses from 120 to 150 curls. The sleeves themselves are made of a material that allows both moisture and oxygen to pass through, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hairline, which does not have to collapse due to a lack of any elements.
There are two main types of "fasteners": basic and small. The second is suitable for loosened hairs that do not differ in particular thickness. As a result, no hair is pulled out or injured. To owners of heavy and thick hair, too small sleeves will not work, since they simply cannot cope with them.

Features of the procedure
It is important to mention that capsule-free extensions are recommended only for those ladies whose hair exceeds 10 centimeters in length. In an exceptional situation, the procedure can be carried out on five-centimeter hair.The donor curls themselves should be from 60 to 80 centimeters, otherwise there will be a feeling of discomfort on the head due to excessive weight. As for the liners, they do not create any discomfort due to their minimal weight. At the end of the procedure, you can do whatever you want with the hair, without any restrictions. Painting, styling, care using any product - nothing will destroy the liners and spoil the hairstyle.
The only exception is the use of a hairdryer, which is permitted. only at temperatures ranging from 100 to 120 degrees. Better to do it cold. High temperatures can negatively affect the structure of the sleeve to its complete softening, which, as a result, will lead to the rejection of the donor strand. As a rule, the price of a capsule-free extension ranges from 10 to 13 thousand rubles. This procedure is not recommended for people whose scalp suffers from various diseases.
It is worth looking out for in the case of overly sensitive skin, as well as when undergoing chemotherapy or any restorative procedures.

Before extending hair, the hair must be thoroughly rinsed with an intensive product and completely dried. On this day, you should not use conditioner balms, as well as any styling products. The hair should be fastened in the back of the head, therefore, it is in this area that the specialist separates the lock and ties a knot on it. By the way, the choice of location is due to the fact that the occipital zone allows you to completely hide the attachment points. Using a hook-shaped tool, the curl must be inserted into the sleeve, and then do the same with the donor hair. Direct fixation occurs by using forceps heated to 120 degrees.

As a result, the extension takes place almost near the very roots, and the natural hairs are not pinched, which positively distinguishes this method from the capsule one. Hair correction is carried out after a couple of months, but in some cases it can be done even after 4 months. The corrections are carried out with the same curls that were originally involved, and this greatly reduces the cost of the repeated procedure.
There is also a situation where the extension is carried out using keratin, which is used to bond two types of hairs. In this situation, the seam point is not noticeable at all, and long hair looks extremely neat.

Advantages and disadvantages
Capsuleless build-up has many advantages. It is the safest, therefore it does not harm the hair, does not violate its structure and is allowed for use even for weakened hair. Donor strands allow you not to limit yourself in anything, creating the same hairstyles and styling, using a variety of balms and conditioners. You can even take a bath and paint your head. Extra hair looks and feels natural. Even if someone feels the hair, they will not feel that something is wrong. Finally, a new hairstyle lasts a long time, and its creation fits into a completely acceptable cost.

By the way, withThe safest is the extension with a minimal sleeve, which is fixed by ultrasound. In this case, there is no negative effect on the skin and on the hair itself. Capsule-free extensions are recommended for people who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy. In a short time, instead of a "hedgehog", a shiny hair will appear on the head. It is worth adding that the fewer hairs are taken for lengthening, the later you will have to make a correction later.
If we talk about prohibitions, then we can only highlight the prohibition on the use of high temperatures, as well as the need for constant correction. You should also not do the fleece - such a hairstyle often demonstrates the attachment points.

Rinse hair with hair extensions so that the strands are in an upright position and, thus, do not get tangled. If it happens in the evening, then before going to bed, it is important to completely dry your head and braid a pigtail. The comb must be made of natural materials, the presence of metal or iron balls on the bristles is excluded. Although hair extensions without capsules turn out to be strong, it is still not worth the risk of injuring them with hard tools.
You will also have to completely limit visits to the baths, saunas or any procedures that take place at high temperatures. Otherwise, the heat and steam will simply melt the liners.

For information on how hair extension on micro sleeves is performed, see the next video.