The subtleties of the process of removing hair extensions

Sooner or later, any hairstyle can get bored, so the issue of removing extended strands never loses its relevance. And keratin is not recommended to be used for a long period of time exceeding six months. How exactly to remove donor curls usually depends on the method with which they were initially fixed.

What is required?
The choice of the means with which the strands are removed is determined by the method of their attachment. To fix the tape build-up, just a hair dryer and alcohol are enough. With the Chinese extension, which, by the way, is considered the most traumatic, only the simplest apparatus for processing nails, for example, nail scissors or nippers, can cope. Removal of curls attached by the capsule method is provided either by a special remover or a solution with high fat content, for example, a mask or balm.

You can purchase a remover or spray from your specialty hairdresser store. The tool will cost approximately 350 to 500 rubles. The price of a set, consisting of a remover and special pliers, ranges from 1200 to 1500 rubles, but you can even use it several times. Fatty sour cream, olive oil or burdock oil can be used as a homemade softener.
A homemade mask is also suitable, the composition of which includes a tablespoon of castor oil, 3 tablespoons of almond oil, and one whipped yolk. If we talk about Spanish build-up, then only an aggressive agent can cope with it - for example, a liquid for removing artificial marigolds.An alternative is a conventional acetone-based nail polish remover.

How to remove?
The easiest way to remove ribbon curls at home. This happens with the help of hot air. For convenience, loose hair is distributed into several strands, and the hairdryer is activated in the most intense mode at the maximum temperature. Strand by strand, the place where the tapes are fixed is heated. Due to this, the glue applied to them will lose its properties, which means that the adhesion is destroyed, and the artificial hair begins to fall off. Additionally, a professional product for removing donor strands can be applied to the gluing point.
The remnants of a viscous solution should be removed from the hair using a cotton swab saturated with alcohol. This is not to say that the procedure is carried out very quickly in time - in order not to injure natural strands, it is important to process them calmly and carefully.
As a final step, the head will have to be rinsed and nourished with a regenerating mask.

The least gentle is the removal of curls attached in the Chinese way, that is, using clips made of metal or plastic. Removing hair extensions on your own can be very problematic, because the only way to cope with the strands is to open the clamps using force. In addition, this procedure is very traumatic, therefore, in order to minimize harm, it is better not to perform the procedure at home, but to consult a specialist.
The detachment of the cold build-up should also be entrusted to the master. The agent is applied to the capsule, after which it is necessary to wait for it to soften. When the fastening condition changes, you can gently pull on it while holding the natural curls. If everything is done correctly, then the donor strand will go away by itself. In the event that the capsule is held too tightly, it is necessary to add more drug and wait for a while.
It is important to mention that this method is extremely traumatic, and after removal, the hair turns out to be brittle and dry. Therefore, in the finale, you should immediately make a nutritious mask or rinse your head with herbal decoction, and do not forget to regularly carry out wellness procedures.

French build-up is the easiest to fix. Its essence lies in the fact that small braids are formed at the back of the head and at the temples, to which donor curls are then attached using tresses. It is not difficult to carry out the reverse procedure. First, the lower part of the back of the head is processed, and the upper one at this time is fixed with hairpins. The point where the pigtail begins must be felt on your own. Usually there are a couple of pieces on the same line.
The braids unravel, and during this process the threads and fake curls separate on their own. No more additional procedures are performed. The strands used in this case, by the way, can be reused.

How to remove keratin from hair after extension?
To dissolve keratin capsules, they can be treated with a special agent, following the instructions, which will be considered a professional method. As a rule, first, dry fasteners are covered with liquid or gel, then the required amount of time is expected, which should be enough for them to soften - from 5 minutes to half an hour. Finally, very neatly the artificial strands are separated from the real ones with the help of special tongs, which were previously used for extension.
If you carry out the removal calmly and according to the rules, then the hair will not suffer in any way.

In the second case, the softening of the capsules occurs when the hair is treated with oily masks or even oil. If this is vegetable oil, for example, peach or jojoba oil, as well as fatty sour cream, then first it should be heated either in the microwave or in a steam bath. They must be applied abundantly on dried hair: both on capsules and in the root zone.Next, the joint places are smeared with a hot substance, and, if necessary, everything is warmed up either with a hairdryer or, in an emergency, with an iron to straighten the hair.
A hairdryer is allowed to warm up for about 20 seconds, and in the second case, the effect cannot exceed 10 seconds. As soon as the capsules are softened, you can start the separation process starting from the crown of the head in the same layers as the build-up took place. If a mask is being prepared to remove the lock, the oils in its composition are warmed up and mixed with the protein. Having applied the solution to the capsules, it is required to wrap the hair with either cling film, or a special microfiber cap, or a woolen towel.
Thoroughly warming up the hair, you can begin to detach the strands. In the case of using an iron, the capsule is simply fixed by the device, and then, without opening the halves, is pulled down. The remains of keratin are combed out with a comb with fine teeth.
By the way, it is in a situation with ironing that experts advise to additionally protect native curls with thermal protection, for example, a balm with silicone in the composition.

There is another way to eliminate donor strands, for which only an iron is required. The unit heats up to 160 or 180 degrees, and the strands are treated with a protective agent. Each capsule is clamped between the plates for an interval of half a minute to 40 seconds, which should be enough to warm the keratin. In the next step, the capsule is pulled down along with the strands. The residues of the substance are removed with vegetable oil and a comb.
This method is the least welcomed by experts, so it is worth using it only when others are not currently possible.

In no case should you try to remove your hair unprofessionally, for example, actively combing it out or taking any aggressive mechanical action. Hair will suffer, and the desired result may not be achieved. It will be possible to speed up the process of removing capsular hair due to an additional increase in temperature - that is, choosing a more powerful mode for a hair dryer or using a curling iron.
By the way, if the tool gets dirty during operation, it can be cleaned with ordinary nail polish remover or even alcohol.
In all cases, having eliminated the overhead strands, natural curls should be combed with a comb, characterized by the presence of frequent small teeth. Ideally, it should be wooden. The comb will allow not only to remove the remnants of glue or keratin, but also loose hairs and tangles. In principle, it makes sense to cut off the ends of the hair and non-combing lumps, and in advanced cases, even get a haircut. The procedure ends with a shampoo that rinses the hair deeply. You should also use a restorative agent.

Care after removal of artificial hair should be intensive. Several times a week, it is recommended to apply masks made from natural ingredients, as well as burdock and castor oils. At this time, you will have to suspend hair coloring, highlighting, straightening or curling. Styling is also prohibited along with foams, varnishes and gels. It is a good idea to drink the vitamin complex for a week.
It is not recommended to remove hair extensions on your own, it is better to initially use someone's help. The fact is that it will be extremely difficult to process the strands on the back of the head on your own, even with a large mirror. The process must be consistent and measured. It is also important not to worry about the fact that your own hair falls out - this will happen in any case, but only those hairs that have already separated from the bulb while wearing artificial curls will go away. It is also important to get rid of tangles: either by untangling them hair by hair, or simply by cutting them off in especially radical cases.Some girls are helped by a combination of oil and a Tangle Teezer comb: first, a mask is made, after which the hair is combed right along it.
Ideally, the procedure for removing hair extensions should be entrusted to the same specialist who initially performed the extension procedure.

In the case of keratin, it should be understood that the capsule must be either melted, or dissolved, or mechanically crushed. In no case should you use gasoline or acetone - the effect on your own hair will be catastrophic. If the capsules are removed to update the hairstyle, further extension should not be carried out on the same day - it is better to give the hair a rest for at least a couple of days. If the hairs are very weak, then the procedure should be postponed for a couple of weeks or even a month.

For information on how the procedure for removing the capsule build-up goes, see the next video.