
Why hate work arises and how to get rid of it?

Why hate work arises and how to get rid of it?
  1. Causes
  2. What to do?
  3. Useful Tips

A person spends most of his life at the workplace. However, not everyone flies there as on wings. There are people who, with difficulty overpowering themselves, wander into an organization they hate. Loans, mortgages, small children, sick parents, fear of change, high salaries, pre-retirement age, lack of confidence in their own abilities, the location of an office near home, the lack of a suitable position in another enterprise can keep them from being fired.


You can often hear from all sorts of people: "I hate my job." Some do not like office work, but they have to spend their entire working day in the office. Others find it psychologically difficult to fulfill the role of teacher or doctor. Sometimes discontent arises from low salaries. The person may not be satisfied with career prospects or uninteresting tasks.

Different circumstances force people to go to jobs they don't like. Sometimes work activity is very depressing, stressful and does not cause any positive emotions. Occasionally, regular stress contributes to burnout.

Apathy, depression, fatigue and increased irritability appear.

Experts identify the most common reasons for hatred of their work.

  • The lack of freedom causes many inconveniences. You need to come to a certain hour, sit out the whole working day, follow other people's instructions. An employee cannot refuse new assignments and responsibilities, even in the case of a heavy workload. Someone else is running his career. In the event of personal urgent matters or health problems, it becomes necessary to take time off and even humiliate yourself in front of the authorities.In addition, it is annoying to have endless control over labor productivity, the impossibility of manifesting one's creative abilities and defending one's own point of view.
  • Often, the reasons for hatred of work lie in hostile relations between team members. Colleagues accept any incentives to action with hostility, which is accompanied by aggression and resistance. Employees do not want to listen to each other, interact. They don't want to get to know their colleagues better. Instead of friendliness, negative assessments, unhealthy competition, and long-term, sluggish conflicts prevail. Some teams do not have enough extracurricular activities, joint outdoor recreation, simple gatherings in a cafe.
  • Often the reasons for dislike of one's own position are exaggerated demands and rudeness on the part of the manager.... The boss’s incompetence is sometimes very annoying. He either does not realize or does not know how much the employee has to work, therefore he does not appreciate his work. The employee cringes involuntarily upon hearing the boss's voice. Not every leader knows how to build the right relationship with his subordinates. Some people can't get along with people at all. In this case, a tense situation is created.

Sometimes an employee has a good salary, an interesting job and an excellent boss, but his own ideas do not correspond to the principles of the company.

In a firm, goals must be achieved at all costs. And for the employee, this approach is unacceptable, and he has an internal conflict. For example, in the workplace, an employee should always wear fashionable clothes. And the person does not understand fashion at all. On the one hand, he wants to meet the requirements, and on the other hand, he wants to remain himself. There is a contradiction in the soul.

What to do?

Sometimes you cannot quit your hated job because you really need money, and you don’t receive any other job offers. Do not forget about the millions of unemployed who are desperate to find at least some kind of income. And you contribute to society, benefit the organization, and get paid. In any activity, there are boring and routine moments. There is nowhere to hide from them. You are able to change your attitude towards them, look at problems with different eyes. You may not be able to love your workspace, but try to set yourself up in a positive way.

If your hatred of work grows and you want to leave right away, take a vacation.

A break will help to sum up some results of the work path, to focus on the future. You can spend your vacation time looking for work. Go to interviews, consult with people who know how to give valuable advice.

You should not quit until there is a new job opportunity. Job searches can take a long time: from several months to a year. Wait patiently for this period. You cannot change jobs every six months. Such people lose the chance to take a high-paying position, since not all executives agree to waste company money and personal time training an unreliable candidate.

It is worth resigning immediately only if you are humiliated, insulted, or forced to commit fraudulent actions, forced to deceive people, rob them. Subsequently, you can be brought to administrative or criminal liability. We must say goodbye to such employers right away.

Work you don't like can make life hell. In order to improve the situation, experts advise you to take some steps.

Find another job

A good way to get rid of hated activities is to find a new job. This testifies to the mobility of a person and his desire for further development. A good place can be found if you have a good resume and a network of contacts where you can ask for help in finding a job.It is necessary to prepare in advance the answers to the standard questions of the potential employer. If the hatred of work is not due to objective, but subjective reasons, then you should not rush to move to another job.

Evaluate the situation

First of all, you need to understand what exactly annoys you in the labor field. Whether the feeling of hatred for the workplace started immediately, or did it develop gradually. Do you dislike the activity itself or do you strain the relationships in the team, the prevailing culture within the company, the structure of the enterprise? Or are you being ruled by an unpleasant and oppressive personality? It happens that you have to work in unacceptable conditions for you. Sometimes a person expected a completely different situation. He came to this profession to do one thing, but here, it turns out, it is necessary to do completely different things.

Do not rush to apply for dismissal. Keep in mind that stress can persist when changing workplaces. Make a list of the things you dislike about your job. It is necessary to figure out whether the dissatisfaction is caused by the activity itself or by oneself in its process. Adjust your emotional state. Find all the positive and negative points. Think about how you can translate the negative sides into a positive plane. This is a very effective exercise.

Go study

Sometimes dissatisfaction arises not because of the work process itself, but because of the inability to engage in more interesting projects and earn a lot of money. In this case, it becomes necessary to acquire additional skills or even change the profession. Further training, obtaining another specialty often leads to new acquaintances, an increase in your value and value in the labor market.

Developing a hobby distracts from depressing thoughts. Learning and hobbies give a powerful boost to your brain. The acquisition of additional skills and the presence of another diploma increases the chance of getting a more interesting and highly paid job.

Do business

A person with an entrepreneurial spirit and good professional knowledge in various fields can become a successful businessman. Skills can be acquired through business training programs. Some buy a franchise. Others take their first steps under the guidance of an experienced coach and gradually develop their own business.

Any business starts with setting clear goals, drawing up a plan and carefully working out all the details. At the initial stage, you need to test your own hypothesis to find out how attractive people are to this service or product. It is best to work in parallel at the main job and at your enterprise, because financial injections are needed to develop your own business. Paying for basic job responsibilities in a full-time job helps at first.

After the income appears, you can fully concentrate on your own project.

Find additional income

Every person is addicted to something. One loves to bake delicious cakes, the other perfectly knits, sews, makes toys. Any hobby is suitable for turning it into an additional source of income. Some skillfully sell old things, others rent out one of their rooms. With enough cash, you can take yourself a three-month vacation to reboot. During this period, you should deal with the accumulated problems and determine your goals. Now feel free to start looking for a new job.

Useful Tips

Never compare yourself to others.... Any comparisons with more successful acquaintances, colleagues, relatives usually do not lead to global changes, but greatly spoil the mood. Thinking about injustice drives you into depression. It is more useful to compare yourself with yourself half a year or two years ago.Analyze what changes have occurred in the labor field, whether your professionalism has grown.

Don't complain to others. Whining and complaining won't change anything. Better to change your attitude towards work. Take the initiative to make work interesting and effective, try new techniques. Focus on the positives only. Let's say that you are bored and uninteresting at work, but it is near your home, so you do not waste time in traffic jams. You have the opportunity to see your family members more often. In addition, you have a stable and good salary, wonderful colleagues and a great leader.

If you do not like working in the office, but there is no way to quit, try to arrange your workspace. Decorate it with ornamental plants. Add a photo of your loved one. Even small changes can make a big difference. Take control of your personal work environment. Keep your desk and drawers clean and tidy.

Avoid interacting with persistently disgruntled coworkers, gossipers, and those who turn against other employees. Limiting contacts with such co-workers brings more positive moments into working life, contributes to the appearance of a good mood.

Do not stay in your workplace during your lunch break. Take a walk, stretch, unfold... The walls you hate are destructive to your psyche. Even a ten minute walk is sure to be beneficial.

Intense sports, hobbies, and walks can compensate for the dislike for their own position. An off-duty life can be filled by communication with pleasant people, with children and relatives. Some devote themselves to creativity, music, visit theaters and museums.

See the video for why there is hatred for work.

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