Why does a husband hate his wife and can this be fixed?

Love and hate go hand in hand. Yesterday, two loving hearts could not live without each other, but today one of the partners begins to feel hatred. Why it happens? Why can a husband hate his wife? There can be a large number of answers in this case. Therefore, let's try to understand this issue in more detail.
When one person dislikes another, it’s hard not to notice. The psychology of hatred is as follows: hostility towards someone is characterized by hostility and is considered a destructive feeling.
There may be disagreements between husband and wife from time to time. This is quite natural. However, when one of the spouses has a persistent feeling of hatred, then this circumstance must be taken seriously.
There are enough reasons for hatred in the family. When people live together for a long time, irritation sometimes flares up between them. This is a natural process. However, strong family members are quick to deal with their emotions.
This is not always the case. If one of the spouses constantly behaves incorrectly, then the other in relation to him experiences a protest mood. It quickly gives way to irritation.
For example, a wife drives her husband to a rage by her behavior. And then he gradually turns to enmity.

Consider the signs that directly indicate a husband's dislike for his wife:
- he screams all the time and demands to be left alone;
- blames his wife for even the smallest blunders;
- directly expresses his opinion about his hostile attitude towards his spouse;
- can swing and even hit;
- his gaze is filled with anger.
The husband humiliates his wife in front of everyone, while he does not feel guilty.For example, he says to her the following words: "Look at who you look like!" or "Don't you dare to interfere with the male conversation anymore and leave." The husband does not value his wife's work. For example, a woman washed the floor, and a man enters the house with his shoes on and litters everywhere.
The listed moments are only a small part of what a man can go to if he feels dislike for his other half.

Causes and consequences
The husband hates his wife for various reasons. They can be superficial or deep. Let's consider the most common options for the reasons that lead to the emergence of a destructive feeling.
Some women, being married, stop looking after their appearance. They think this way: their husband is not going anywhere, and the marriage is firmly sealed with a stamp in the passport.
Of course, any psychologist will say that you cannot do this. Before marriage, a man saw a beautiful, well-groomed and kind woman. After the wedding, every day a completely different unkempt person appears in front of him in shabby slippers with a bun of hair on the top of her head.
Such changes shock the stronger sex. Gradually, he begins to dislike his wife. The consequence of this situation can be a divorce.

Sometimes some of the fair sex do not notice that their behavior leaves much to be desired. For example, a windy person may show various whims for years, testing her husband's patience.
Most men are also capable of accumulating irritation and anger for years. While the spouse has warm feelings for his second half, he will endure all the insults. However, over time, his love will weaken, and all grievances will gradually come to mind. Such circumstances will lead to scandals, irritation and hatred from the husband.
Bad habits of a woman can become a good reason for a hateful attitude towards her. A rare man will tolerate an alcoholic or a woman who smokes in the house. A woman's dependence will also affect the upbringing of children. This factor will be the last straw. The husband will hate his wife.
Cheating on the wife will also generate hostility from the faithful spouse. Men very rarely forgive betrayal. Therefore, the above fact will lead to divorce.

What is a man to do?
A hostile attitude towards a loved one is very bad. A destructive feeling can destroy not only a marriage, but the rest of your life. Therefore, hate must be fought.
And yet, at this point, one caveat must be made. If you are unable to control your feelings, and it completely filled your soul for any serious reason, then be honest with both yourself and your wife. File for divorce.
If you feel that your hatred for your wife has no basis under it, then start fighting her. Let's see how this can be done.
- Stop cheating yourself all the time and looking for reasons for internal irritation.
- Look at your wife with different eyes. She tries to keep her family together and also gets tired at work. Be condescending to her mistakes.
- Be a man and learn to forgive.
- Don't get hung up on negative things that happen in everyday life.
- Give your wife a bouquet. After that, she will give you the kind of attention that completely suppresses your irritation.

How should a woman behave?
It is very unpleasant to realize that your husband simply hates you. Tears welling up in my eyes from resentment and I want to run away from such a problem. If you feel that the situation has gone too far and nothing can be done, then file for divorce. In this case, you can at least live in peace.
Then time will tell. Maybe your husband realizes his mistake and will come with reconciliation. Or maybe you will meet a decent man and spend the rest of your life happily with him.
If, on a subconscious level, you feel that all is not lost, immediately proceed to rectify the situation.
- Stop being hysterical about every occasion.Understand that your claims and a very loud voice will lead the situation to a standstill.
- Before throwing reproaches towards your husband, think a hundred times. You may be wrong in your conclusions.
- If your husband gets tired at work, then try to get into his position. Every day he experiences tremendous stress - both physical and mental. It's hard for you, and it's even harder for him. Therefore, take pity on your loved one and meet with a smile.
- Learn to forgive, stop exuding negativity.
- Do not shout at children in front of your husband. Otherwise, don't do this either. Become an affectionate mom and caring spouse.

Psychologist's advice
Feelings of hatred for a stranger are easy to overcome. Just stop seeing such a person and communicating with her. How can you get rid of feelings of hostility towards a loved one? It is difficult, because every day you have to communicate with him and solve everyday problems.
There are only two ways out of this situation: either complete isolation from each other, or the struggle for love and order in the family. Whatever decision you make in this case, it must come from the heart. To make it easier for you to act, try applying the advice of a psychologist.
If you have made the decision to part ways forever, then do not hesitate. The more you drag out the process, the more this process will "pull" your inner state into negativity and hopelessness.
If you want to fix everything that happens between you and your wife, then try to restrain your inner experiences and feelings. You need to not show them to the opposite side and behave very calmly.

Despite the fact that you are very offended and irritated, try to get closer to your spouse. Suggest a family vacation. In a relaxed atmosphere, it is easier to find new points of contact and understand each other.
Talk to your spouse, express all your grievances and claims to her. Explain that her behavior is pushing herself away from you. Women are very sensitive natures. Even if not immediately, but it will come to her: you are trying your best to save your family.
If a conflict occurs, try not to inflate it. Speak quietly and calmly. Let your wife scream, and you be silent and listen. She will get tired very soon and will be surprised by your calm demeanor. As a result, a temporary pause will appear. Use it and explain to your spouse that she is wrong. When she realizes her mistake, ask her to apologize.