Forever youth: 3 factors of brain aging that are easy to eliminate
Scientists agree that it is quite possible to maintain consciousness until a ripe old age. It depends on the brain how long we will feel and, accordingly, look young.

When the activity of neurons decreases, hormonal processes are inhibited, and they, in turn, affect the metabolism and the rate of cell renewal.
Therefore, it is important to focus on the brain - our youth depends on its state. What factors of its aging can we eliminate?
Rule 1: no bad habits
Smoking, alcoholic beverages, an abundance of salt are really very harmful and bring old age closer. All due to the fact that junk food and alcohol negatively affect the blood vessels, and therefore the blood supply to the brain.
Marijuana is especially harmful. Scientists conducted a study, during which it turned out that weed smokers are not very sane and are very different (for the worse) from those who lead a healthy lifestyle.
Want to stay young and think clearly? Get rid of bad habits!
Rule 2: stress
You've probably heard this phrase more than once: "Because of stress, I have lost a lot of weight." Everything is simple here. When we are under stress, we can easily not eat, and our body conducts a more accelerated metabolism.
Scientists believe that the stress hormone cortisol can shrink the brain and accelerate aging... If a person begins to memorize information poorly, does not remember anything, it means that the hormone cortisol is exceeded.
Take pity on yourself - if you are often stressed, engage in meditation and activities that balance the state, such as art painting.
Rule 3: laziness
This is not about stopping pampering yourself and relaxing in your free time. But the abuse of the lazy state (for example, you lie on the couch all day and watch TV shows) threatens not only overweight, but also aging of the brain.
To prevent this, find something you like, or even better, a source of useful knowledge. For example, take the time to watch any lectures on a topic of interest.
New knowledge has a positive effect on the brain, never stop learning and learning new things!