30 years later: women took pictures in their swimsuits 30 years ago and told what you can feel
Three British women ventured into a strange experiment. They decided try on swimwear again, which rested on the beaches exactly three decades ago. They carefully recorded all their experiences and feelings that they experienced, and shared them with the observers of the British edition of The Sun.
The first to take part in a psychological experiment was a 50-year-old Vanessa Powellliving in London. She appeared in front of photographers in a pink acid bathing suit on one strap with a fully exposed abdomen. Vanessa noted that didn't feel old fashioned, because in the current season, as well as three decades ago, neon and acid shades are in fashion.
Putting on her favorite swimsuit of youth again, the woman noted that I felt younger and more cheerful. The woman came to the photo session with some apprehension, but leaving the studio, she noted that for many years she had not felt so confident and attractive.

The second participant in the experiment was 60-year-old Susie Sylvie... The woman did not hesitate to wear a rich red bikini with sequins. The psychologists who conducted the experiment were very surprised by Susie's statement. The woman noted that in this bikini she sported exactly a year ago on the beach with her adult daughter. Yes, people constantly turned around, but Suzie believes that this happened solely because of her attractiveness.
Woman in a swimsuit from thirty years ago felt calm - she no longer needs to go out of her way to look attractive to men, now she can be a beauty exclusively for herself.

The third participant in the experiment, 59 years old Kim Ashton from Cardiff tried on her old black two-piece swimsuit and was surprised to find that she felt in it after three decades more comfortable than when you were young. Over the years, self-love and worthy self-esteem appeared, which no longer depends on the degree of male attention and, in general, its presence or absence.
Psychologists noted that "old things therapy" may well be used to reduce female depression, which women are most susceptible to after 55 years. The return of confidence, joy is quite possible not with the help of pills, but using your favorite swimsuit from your youth or your old favorite dress, with which positive memories are certainly associated.
Therefore, women were advised do not rush to get rid of old things... Favorite ones need to be saved. Firstly, they can then be shown to their daughters, and, secondly, they will be at hand at any time to raise mood and self-esteem when an urgent need arises.