Smiling works wonders: 5 reasons to smile more often
Subconsciously, we are more inclined towards people who often smile. It is not necessary to do it “like Hollywood”, with your mouth wide open, but high spirits and a slight smile are always attractive!

But it's not that. It turns out that a smile can have a beneficial effect on our body. Charlie Chaplin also said: “A day spent without a smile can be considered wasted,” how right he was!
Relaxation of facial muscles
To keep your skin youthful for as long as possible, you need to smile about 100 times a day.... Thus, the muscles of the face will always be in good shape, you do not even need to resort to cosmetic procedures! Rather, find reasons for joy - they are always there!
Pain reliever
Even if you fake a smile for no reason, although you are not funny (stretch the corners of your lips in different directions), the body will begin to produce endorphins. They are not only responsible for a good mood, but also have the ability to relieve pain. Of course, a smile is unlikely to heal deep wounds, but you can alleviate the condition just by smiling.
Source of confidence
Emotions cannot be played. If a person smiles, laughs, it means that he is good... Which people do you like the most: those who often smile or walk with their heads down? We trust the former more. Remember, no matter what problems are pursuing you - this is all temporary, the main thing is to take care of yourself and your feelings.
Universal language
Many people know about this, but for some reason they do not always use it. If you need to arrange someone, you do not need to come up with cunning schemes, you just need to smile at the person... He will become comfortable in your company, and he will begin to treat you more trustingly.
Emotion release
We all know that a situation can be viewed from different angles. The guy doesn't reciprocate or is there a traffic jam on the road? Look at it from the positive side and be sure to smile! Try to replace tears with laughterand you will soon notice significant changes in your life.