Forever young: 53-year-old british woman reveals the secret of fast weight loss
Every woman wants to look beautiful and preserve her youth as long as possible. If you want to visually "lose age", the first thing, as many believe, you need to lose weight. However, with age (35+), it is much harder to lose weight than in adolescence.
How does 53-year-old Englishwoman Sabrina Shah manage to maintain a toned figure and unfading beauty? Let's find out soon!

Cut out certain foods and go swimming
Sabrina Shah is 53 years old and works as a surgeon. In connection with the coronavirus, she, like many others, had to forget about work for a while. She admitted that she gained weight during self-isolation, but she knows one secret that helped her lose it.
“I stopped eating breakfast. Eliminated bread and dairy products from my diet. This helped me lose 4 kg after 6 weeks. and regain their previous weight, "- quoted by the Daily Mail.
Also, to keep fit, Sabrina Shah is engaged in swimming and walking, and on weekends she does workouts for the company with coaches from YouTube.
It sounds so simple, but in reality, not everyone is able to discipline themselves. In addition to all of the above, a Londoner uses anti-aging creams, performs beauty treatments and applies nourishing masks. Everything is possible, the main thing is desire!