7 surefire ways to keep your hands young
Women can pay a lot of attention to taking care of their face, trying to "erase" age wrinkles, but what exactly will tell about her age is her hands. They need to be given equal attention.

Hand skin ages faster than anything else, because it is exposed to external influences, but this process can be slowed down. Take our advice and use it to your health!
Don't be paranoid
People with OCD wash their hands all the time - don't follow their example. Every time we immerse our hands in water, we dehydrate them. But what if you constantly have to wash and wash?
Firstly, there are gloves, and secondly, stick to ideal water for washing your hands - it should not be hot or cold, but at room temperature.
Remember to moisturize
Women are trying to buy more expensive hand cream, confident in its effectiveness, but the skin of the hands is not a gourmet, it does not matter if you use a cream for 100 rubles or for 1000.
Ideal ingredients for a cream:
- glycerol;
- hyaluronic acid;
- plant extracts (chamomile, cucumber or green tea).
If these components are in the composition, feel free to buy the cream. It will provide you with quality hydration.
Take baths
Hand skin can be perfectly refreshed and toned with pleasant baths. Each procedure lasts 15 minutes, and you will need 2-3 of these per week.
If you are the owner of dry skin - make a bath with milk, and if the skin loses its elasticity - you can add grape seed or almond oil. After the spa treatment, pat your skin with a towel, apply a moisturizer and let your hands rest for 30 minutes.
Do paraffin therapy
Paraffin bath is one of the most popular procedures in salons. But to carry it out, it is not necessary to contact a professional - you can do everything yourself.
Buy cosmetic paraffin wax from a pharmacy (or order online) and follow the instructions carefully.