The daughter of Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin - Ireland, thanked fans for their support after the attack of an unknown woman
An unpleasant incident happened yesterday. Baldwin's 24-year-old daughter, Ireland, was attacked by an unfamiliar drug addict woman in downtown New York and demanded cash from the girl. The woman was not alone - her husband was waiting for her in the car. Fortunately, the robber was caught, but how quickly will the daughter of a Hollywood actor recover from the incident?

"There are a lot of robberies now": police revelations
Ireland told about the incident on Instagram: “An unknown woman pushed me against the wall and furiously demanded cash from me. She was in a narcotic state. "
Fortunately, witnesses helped the police find the robber. The girl posted pictures on Instagram, which clearly show bruises. Followers commented on the photo: "Oh my God, I'm very sorry what happened to you!" I'm glad you're doing well. Send tons of love. Your soonest healing. " “Oh no, this is awful! It looks painful, but I'm glad you haven't gotten worse. "

Ireland also shared information received from the police: "Now very often there are robberies and robberies, because of the coronavirus, people need money, they are left without work." Ireland told her fans, "These are really tough times, we need to keep an eye on each other."
The victim of the attack thanked all of her subscribers for their kind words and support. Let's hope the hard times are over soon and we don't have to be in fear for our lives.