Strange Girls: Hollywood Actresses with Unusual Appearances
Judging by the latest fashion trends, being “like everyone else” is boring. Naturalness and individuality are in fashion. These actresses never tried to be like others, and therefore, unwittingly, they got into the trend!

The actresses from our selection definitely have a zest. Let's take a look at them!
Saoirse Ronan

Everyone remembers mainly this actress for the role of "Lovely Bones", although she also starred in other equally successful films. The 27-year-old actress has proven more than once that she is a real professional and deftly knows how to transform into any role.
At the moment, her most striking roles in such films as "Two Queens", "Lovely Bones", but, given the unearthly appearance of the actress (innocent face and bright blue eyes), there are still many successful roles ahead of her.
Rooney Mara

Rooney Mara is damn pretty! She has fair skin and a detached look, which adds something cosmic to her. However, she could become an unrecognized actress and play supporting roles, but she proved that, in addition to her beautiful appearance, she has the talent of an actress.
Rooney Mara is not afraid to change for roles: cut hair, get piercings (which she did for her role in the film "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"), and filmmakers need it!
Mia Wasikowska

Thanks to her aristocratic appearance, this actress has received worldwide fame and public love. Of course, it cannot be said that the whole point is only in an unusual appearance. Mia Wasikowska is a talented actress who is great at playing girls "out of this world."
Remember at least her roles in the films "Alice in Wonderland" or Star Map. " The actress has formed a certain role, and she strongly supports it.
Dakota Fanning

Despite her dissimilarity from others, Dakota Fanning has received many awards during her film career and even became a nominee for the "Screen Actors Guild of the USA".She, like her sister Elle Fanning, has an atypical appearance that cannot but be attractive.
By the way, Dakota is "strange" not only in appearance, but also in her preferences and vision of the world.