Drew Barrymore spoke about her childhood in a mental hospital
Believe it or not, the successful actress Drew Barrymore ended up in a mental hospital when she was 13 years old. According to the actress, she stayed there for a year and a half and said that she ended up in a psychiatric hospital at the suggestion of her mother.

“I forgive her choice,” Barrymore shares
When Drew Barrymore was 13, she was a difficult teenager. I went to clubs instead of school and stole my mother's car. The 46-year-old actress admits that she grew up as a difficult child, so she understands and forgives her mother's choice.
“She created a monster, but she didn't know what to do about it. True, I lost control then, so I forgive her choice. She probably didn’t know where to turn for help, ”the actress told People.
The actress also spoke about the monstrous things that happened to her and other patients within the walls of Van Nuys Psychiatric: "For idleness, people were thrown into a soft room or laid on a stretcher and tied."

Despite the horrors that she had to endure, the actress is not angry with her mother: “I am kind to my mother. I feel sympathy and understanding for her, ”shared Drew Barrymore. However, she called this event her worst pain she had ever experienced.
Now she and her mother are doing well in the relationship. The mother forgave her daughter all her childhood mistakes, and the daughter admitted that she was wrong and that outside help was needed at that time.