You can't look without tears: experts have named the 5 most ridiculously dressed Russian pop stars
The desire to attract attention to yourself, especially if you are a public person, is quite understandable. But sometimes Russian stars go to the extreme, choosing outfits that show a complete lack of rudimentary taste. They look both funny and at the same time a pity, because trying to somehow, at least somehow attract the attention of the press and fans looks like begging for alms.
There are quite a few of these among Russian pop stars. But there are five who today are awarded the right to be considered leaders in bad taste.
Eva Polna
The singer was once a role model, and many women tried to copy her interesting and sophisticated images. But with the birth of a child, a set of extra pounds, Eve's delicate taste disappeared somewhere, and her outfits began to shock.
The habit of wearing incredible bulky hats immediately formed the basis of a new unspoken name for the singer - she was nicknamed the Mad Hatter.

But even this did not make Eve reconsider her wardrobe and abandon ridiculous hats. Instead, she effectively put a bold cross on her image, appearing in "leopard". And after that, the appearance of Eve in the crown on her head did not raise any questions at all - each one goes crazy in its own way.

Natasha Koroleva
The thin and sonorous Natasha Koroleva with songs about a small country is far in the past. Having connected her fate with the stripper Tarzan, not the best personality traits began to emerge from the singer - vulgarity, vulgarity, lack of intelligence and education. Every year Natasha does not get younger, but she becomes more and more naked.

Following her daughter, her elderly mother was drawn to the same path. Now both shock the audience with all available means.It turns out funny and pitiful, as if the Queen really wants to have time to jump into the last carriage of a train leaving without her, next to a bright future, to fame and success.

Lolita Milyavskaya
In the nineties, Lolita could rightfully be considered one of the most stylish women on the stage. She certainly liked both men and women. It's hard to say what happened to her now. The singer is not at all shy of her forms, and as if she deliberately chooses outfits that emphasize excess weight and sagging body. In ridiculous clothes, the singer appears not only on stage, but also in life.
Lolita is not embarrassed by the criticism, she is not touched by the advice of stylists, who strongly recommend that she leave her worries about another divorce and start taking care of herself.

Olga Buzova
When Olga once again demonstrates a shocking outfit, people are no longer surprised, rather, they sympathize with the singer, who, apart from her charms, apparently has nothing more to present to the world. Many believe that Olya does not dress so absurdly because of her great intelligence. Buzova herself sincerely considers herself a trendsetter, and she is not embarrassed by the rather deplorable result of her fashion experiments.

Nastya Volochkova
It is the ballerina Volochkova that fashion experts give the main prize of this anti-rating. Despite her ballet education, which, willy-nilly, imposes a special flair of sophistication on girls and women, despite their age and life experience, Nastya demonstrates such outfits, from which even a public with strong nerves has a temporary mental darkening.
Her fetish is pants, but not ordinary, but interesting and even strange. Nastya also loves dresses and tops with a deep neckline.

If it seems to you that the rating is not complete, and there must certainly be more names in it, be sure to write about it in the comments, and we will be happy to consider and study the proposed images together with stylists.