Nutritionist Reveals Dangerous Food Combinations
Turkish nutritionist Veysel Gyerli told which combination of foods is better to refrain from.
They need to be eaten separately, but not at the same time.

Foods you don't need to combine
According to the expert, healthy foods do not need to be combined. For example, garlic and onions, which can lead to indigestion. Many people are accustomed to drinking tea or coffee with meals - this is wrong, the use reduces the amount of iron received.
In China, it is not customary to drink food with drinks. In addition, after eating, they do not drink for at least 1 hour. If you really want to drink water, you can do this, but after the meal.
Products such as meat, fish, chicken, milk are not recommended for consumption together - a combination of animal protein from different groups is unlikely to benefit. Also, the nutritionist urges you to refrain from eating eggs for breakfast in combination with tea, since it contains tannin, which has a negative effect on the absorption of iron.