Do not repeat after Julianne Moore: in her youth, the actress wore boring and unremarkable outfits that are better not to be repeated
Julianne Moore often changed her place of residence with her family as a child, and she had to put on different roles. Depending on where she was, the actress adapted to the new conditions - this also applies to external images. She only wanted to become an actress in college, and first became famous after the release of the movie "Jurassic Park".
Despite world fame and tremendous success, Julianne Moore has only recently been able to get rid of the complex due to her freckles. She supports the words of Wilde, who said that only superficial people judge by appearance - perhaps that is why the actress chose such boring outfits in her youth?

Hoodie dresses and shapeless T-shirts
Fashion is changing rapidly, and it is important not to succumb to outside influence, but to listen to yourself and choose clothes according to your character.
In her youth, Julianne Moore wore robes, black sundresses, white T-shirts and petite black dresses, and almost never parted with unsightly things. Here, perhaps, the elements of an unremarkable image are named.

Now the actress has completely changed her style, probably the best designers have worked with her. Now Julianne Moore is on the list of the most beautifully dressed actresses on the planet, and if you want to repeat after her, then it is better to take note of the current images, and not those that she created in the 90s.